The clergy names below represent endorsements of The Christian Clergy Letter .

The alphabetical links below will take you to the names of endorsers whose last names start with the letter of the link you choose.

A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z | 

Number of Listings by State

The Rev. Steven Vacca
Danville Circuit: Kerns Memorial United Methodist Church, Rock Springs United Methodist Church & Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church
Ringgold, VA

The Rev. Anthony Vaccaro, MD, M.Div.
Episcopal Church
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Edward Vacek, S.J.
Roman Catholic
Stephen J. Duffy Chair in Catholic Theology
Department of Religious Studies
Loyola University New Orleans
New Orleans, LA

The Right Rev. Claude Charles Vache
VIIth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia (Retired)
Norfolk, VA

The Rev. Stephanie Vader, Pastor
Emmanuel UMC
Laurel, MD

The Rev. Richard Valantasis
Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins
Iliff School of Theology
Denver, CO

The Rev. Melecio A. Valdez
Maquoketa, IA

The Rev. Morgan Valencia King, Pastor
Ewing Covenant Presbyterian Church
Ewing, NJ

The Rev. Dr. Charles Valenti-Hein, Pastor
Memorial Presbyterian Church
Appleton, WI

The Rev. Dr. Eliezer Valentin-Castanon, Senior Pastor
Trinity United Methodist Church
Frederick, MD

The Rev. Dr. Herbert D. Valentine, Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Perryville, MD

The Rev. Jennifer E. Valentine
Associate Pastor
First Congregational Church
Manchester, NH

The Rev. John B. Valentine
Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church
Orinda, CA

The Rev. Laurie A. Valentine
Parish Associate
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Winston-Salem, NC

The Rev. Tita Valeriano, Pastor
Lutheran Campus Ministry
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

The Rev. Abraham Valiath
The Episcopal Church
Palmerton, PA

The Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos, Pastor
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville
Lawrenceville, NJ

Karon Van Antwerp, Pastoral Associate
St. Mary University Parish
Mt. Pleasant, MI

Dr. David L. Van Arsdale
Head of Staff
First Presbyterian Church
Kalamazoo, MI

The Rev. Barbara Wass Van Ausdall
Mascoutah, IL

Fr. Thomas Van Brunt, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Delaware, OH

The Rev. Andrew VanBuren
St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church
Douglassville, PA

Deacon Corinne Van Buren
United Methodist
Mount Juliet, TN

The Rev. Grayson Van Camp
Director of Continuing Education
McCormick Theological Seminary
Chicago, IL

The Rev. William Vance, Deacon, Retired
St Matthews Episcopal Church
Orlando, FL

The Rev. Drew Van Culin
Christ Episcopal Church
Grosse Point, MI

The Rev. Thomas M. Van Culin, Vicar
St. Luke ’s Episcopal Church
Honolulu, HI

The Rev. Sharon L. Van Dam
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Waynesboro, PA

The Rev. Elizabeth Vandegrift
Pastor, Head-of-Staff
Ewing Presbyterian Church
Ewing, NJ

The Rev. Sharon van der Laan
Lancaster Congregational UCC
Lancaster, NH

The Rev. Scott VanderWal, Associate Pastor
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Holland, MI

The Rev. John W. Van Deusen, Senior Pastor
First United Methodist Church
Pleasanton, TX

The Rev. R. Wayne Van Deusen, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
West Allis, WI

The Rev. Doug Van Doren
Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
Grand Rapids, MI

Pastor Greg Van Dunk
ELCA clergy
Muskego, WI

The Rev. Dr. David R. Van Dyke
First Presbyterian Church
Stamford, CT

The Rev. Shawn D. Van Dyke, Pastor
First United Church of Christ
Schuylkill Haven, PA

The Rev. Brad Van Fossen
First United Methodist Church
Racine, WI

The Rev. E. Nicholas Van Gombos, Pastor
Wyoming Presbyterian Church
Millburn, NJ

The Rev. Lauren Van Ham
Interfaith Ordination
Hospital Chaplain
Berkeley, CA

The Rev. Kristin D. Van Heyningen
Assistant Dean
Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Lyle Van Horn
Wilmore, KY

The Rev. Dr. Peter E. Van Horne, Pastor
All Saints' Episcopal Church
Farmington, MO

J. Wentzel van Huyssteen
James I. McCord Professor of Theology and SciencePrinceton Theological Seminary
Princeton, NJ

The Rev. Dr. John C. Van Nuys
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Crawfordsville, IN

The Rev. Dcn. Kathleen J. Van Sickle
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
Berkeley, CA

The Rev. Donna J. Van Trees
Ordained Elder
The United Methodist Church
Tiffin, OH

Gretchen van Utt
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Baltimore, MD

The Rev. Dr. Johanna W.H. van Wijk-Bos
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Dora Pierce Professor of Bible and Professor of Old Testament
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Louisville, KY

Pastor Laurin G. Vance
Salem Lutheran Church
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Mary P. Vance, Pastor
Fellowship Presbyterian Church
Tallahassee, FL

The Rev. Dr. Stephen R. Vance
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Greenville, SC

The Rev. Suzanne Gibson Vance, LLP
Associate Pastor
Annandale United Methodist Church
Annandale, VA

The Rev. Shannan R. Vance-Ocampo
Transitional Presbyter
Albany Presbytery
Synod of the Northeeast
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Troy, NY

The Rev. James L. Vande Berg
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)
St. Augustine, FL

The Rev. Jeff Vanden Heuvel, Pastor
Messiah Church - ELCA
Madison, WI

The Rev. Wendy Vander Hart
Associate Conference Minister
Massachusetts Conference
United Church of Christ
Boston, MA

Sister Joanne Vander Heyden
Danville, IL

The Rev. Paula Vander Hoven
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Grand Rapids, MI

The Rev. N. J. Vander Meer
Lyons, NE

The Rev. Robert Vanderau
Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island
Providence, RI

Pastor Casey vanderBent
SouthCross Community Church
Burnsville, MN

Pastor Thomas G. Van der Bloemen, Retired
Redeemer Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Fort Collins, CO

Susan Vanderburgh, MFT & Pastoral Counselor
American Baptist (member of First Baptist Church of Berkeley, CA)
Berkeley, CA

The Rev. Ernest F. VanderKruik, Pastor
Harriman United Methodist Church
Harriman, NY

The Rev. David Vanderlinde-Abernathy
Barre Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Barre, VT

The Rev. Mary Vanderplas, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church of Umatilla
Umatilla, FL

The Rev Tom VandeStadt
Congregational Church of Austin
United Church of Christ
Austin, TX

The Rev. Heather A. VanDeventer
Episcopal Priest
Spokane, WA

The Rev. Dr. John R. Van Eenwyk
St. Benedict's Episcopal Church
Lacey, WA

The Rev. Dr. Noel D. Vanek
Community Church of the Pelhams, United Church of Christ
Pelham, NY

Dr. J. Peter van Eys, Senior Pastor
Calvary United Methodist Church
Nashville, TN

The Rev. Steve VanHeest
Director, Pastoral Care Services
Spectrum Health
Grand Rapids, MI

The Rev. Dr. James Van Hoeven, Retired
PCUSA Clergy member
Cape Elizabeth, ME

Pastor Mark Van House, Senior Pastor
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Austin, MN

Pastor Gary Van Hunnik
Minnetonka Lutheran Church
Minnetonka, MN

The Rev. Sandie Vanik, Senior Minister
Unity Church of Peace
South Bend, IN

The Rev. Dr. Preston VanLoon
American Baptist Churches USA
Mt. Pleasant, IA

Dr. Randy VanNostrand
Harlingen, TX

The Rev. Mary Vano, Rector
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
Little Rock, AR

The Rev. Bill Van Oss, Rector
St Paul's Episcopal Church
Duluth, MN

John Van Rees
Independent New Thought Minister
Portland, OR

Pastor John Van Sant
First United Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Dallas, TX

The Rev Gustav K. Van Tassel
United Methodist Church
Lawrence, KS

The Rev. James K. Polk Van Zandt, Rector
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Selma, AL

The Rev Jane W. Van Zandt
Episcopal Church
Manchester, NH

The Rev. John G. Varden
Center UMC
Snow Camp, NC

The Rev. Boyce Vardiman, Retired
Central Texas Conference
The United Methodist Church
Waco, TX

The Rev. Rebecca Vardiman
Frostburg United Methodist Church
Frostburg, MD

The Rev. John C. Varga
Hollywood Independent, UCC
Los Angeles, CA

The Rev. Winnie Varghese
Director of Justice and Reconciliation
Trinity Church Wall Street
New York, NY

The Rev. Ross Varney, Pastor
Belleville Church, United Church of Christ
Newburyport, MA

The Rev. Benedict Varnum
St Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church
Elkhorn, NE

The Rev. Joseph Varsanyi
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Philadelphia, PA

The Rev. Brian D. Vasey, Pastor
Beaver Memorial United Methodist Church
Lewisburg, PA

The David Vásquez-Levy, President
Pacific School of Religion
Berkeley, CA

The Rev. Canon Sylvia Vásquez
Canon for Congregational Development
Highland Mills, NY and New York, NY

The Rev. Barbara Vaughan
Commissioned Local Pastor/Ruling Elder
Oak Lawn Community Church - Presbyterian [PC(USA)]
Oak Lawn, IL

The Rev. Jackie A. Vaughan
Sarasota, FL

The Rev. Amy Parsons Vaughn
United Methodist Church
Birmingham, AL

The Rev. Clyde R. Vaughn, Retired
United Methodist Church
Aptos, CA

The Rev. Deborah G. Vaughn, BCC
Alliance of Baptists
Twinbrook Church
Rockville, MD

The Rev. J. Barry Vaughn, Ph.D., Rector
Christ Episcopal Church
Las Vegas, NV

The Rev. Rob Vaughn, PhD
Community of Faith United Methodist Church
Herndon, VA

The Rev. Don W. Vaughn-Foerster
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Grand Traverse
Traverse City, MI

The. Rev. John C. Vaught, Associate Pastor
Bethesda Lutheran Church
Springfield, MA

The Rev. Canon David L. Veal
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church
Lubbock, TX

Douglas Veal, Pastor
Daleville Church of the Brethren
Daleville, VA

Faye June Veal
Retired Diaconal Minister
Arvada, CO

The Rev. James Veatch, D.Min., Retired Elder
United Methodist Church
Hollis, NY

The Rev. Dr. Larry Veatch, Retired
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Jefferson City, MO

The Rev. Melinda Veatch
Hurst, TX

The Rev. Donald Vedeler
Retired Army Chaplain
Estero, FL

Pastor Robert F. Vedell
La Salle - Lake Hanska Lutheran Parish
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
La Salle, MN

The Rev. William H. Veith Jr., Pastor
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Altamont, IL

The Rev. Paul Veldman, Senior Minister
First Congregational UCC
Wisconsin Rapids, WI

The Rev. Wanda Veldman, Senior Minister
First Congregational UCC
Wisconsin Rapids, WI

The Rev. Joan C. Vella, Senior Missioner
Yadkin Valley Cluster of Episcopal Churches
Salisbury, NC

The Rev. Anne Vellom, Deacon
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
Nogales, AZ

The Rev. Deborah Venezia
St George's Episcopal Church
Maplewood, NJ

The Rev. Barry L. Vennard
Unity Chapel of Light
Tallmadge, OH

The Rev. Judi Venturini
Unity Center for Spiritual Living
Bethlehem, PA

The Rev. Richard Venus
First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Madison
New Madison, OH

The Rev. Sara E. Ver Burg
Memorial Presbyterian Church
Appleton, WI

Pastor Karl J. Vercouteren
United Church of Christ
The Dalles, OR

Pastor William VerDuin
Highland, IL

The Rev. Canon Dr. Winfred B. Vergara
The Episcopal Church
New York, NY

The Rev. Dr. David Vergin
Langley United Methodist Church
Langley, WA

The Rev. Ronald E. Verhaeghe
Episcopal Priest
Diocese of West Missouri
Kansas City, MO

The Rev. Kathleen Verigin
Portland, OR

The Rev. Weatherly Burkhead Verhelst
State Street United Methodist Church
Saginaw, MI

The Rev. Cynthia Vermillion-Foster
Unity on the Mountain
Hamilton, ON, Canada
(US citizen)

The Rev. Ron Vernan, Retired
United Church of Religious Science
Castroville, CA

The Rev. Douglas W. Vernon
First United Methodist Church
Kalamazoo, MI

The Rev. Shana Vernon
Chaplain, Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, MO

The Rev. Joan C. Verret, Deacon
Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Lakeland, FL

Peggy Verstege, RSM
Hot Springs, NC

The Rev. John Vertigan
Conference Minister
Florida Conference, United Church of Christ
Orlando, FL

The Rev. Canon Jenny Vervynck, Deacon
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Port Townsend, WA

The Rev. Dr. John W. Vest
Union Presbyterian Seminary
Richmond, VA

The Rev. Michelle R. Vetters
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
San Antonio, TX

The Rev. Judith Vicari, Minister
United Church of Christ
Varna, IL

Hope A. Vickers, Pastor
West Nash United Methodist Church
Wilson, NC

The Rev. Tonya E. Vickery, Pastor
Cullowhee Baptist Church
Cullowhee, NC

Raymond L Vickrey, Pastor
Royal Lane Baptist Church
Dallas, TX

The Rev. Britt C. Vickstrom
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Plattsburgh, NY

The Rev. Dawn A. Victor, MDiv.
Hospice Chaplain
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Springfield, IL

The Rev. Dr. Susan D. Videen
Eliot Unitarian Chapel
St. Louis, MO

The Rev. Gilbert H. Vieira, Retired
United Methodist Church
Colfax, CA

The Rev. Mauricio C. F. Vieira, Ph.D.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)
Cullom, IL

The Rev. Dr. Richard F. Vieth
Professor of Theology Emeritus
Lancaster Theological Seminary
Ordained Elder, United Methodist Church
(Baltimore-Washington Conference)
Lancaster, PA

The Rev. Dr. James B. Vigen, PhD
Director for International Relations and Human Rights
Lutheran Office of Governmental Affairs
Washington, DC

Jack T. Viggers
Retired Episcopal Priest
Prairie City, OR

Pastor Ron Vignec
Tacoma, WA

The Rev. Dr. Sacia Vik, Pastor
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Lake City Christian Church
Seattle, WA

The Rev. Franklin E. Vilas, D.Min.
Retired Episcopal Priest
Lakewood, NJ

Father Christian Villagomeza, MDiv, BCC, Retired
Episcopal Church
Tampa, FL

The Rev. Dr. Felix C. Villanueva
Conference Minister
United Church of Christ in Southern California and Nevada
Altadena, CA

The Rev. Antonio L. Villareal, Senior Pastor
Wentz's United Church of Christ
Worcester, PA

Chaplain Mona Villarrubia
Commissioned Minister
United Church of Christ
Board Certified Chaplain
Metairie, LA

The Rev. C. Joshua Villines
Ph.D. Candidate
Vanderbilt University
Decatur, GA

The Rev. Gus Vinajeras
Lutheran Minister (ELCA)
Union City, NJ

The Rev. Gail Vince
St. Andrew's
Rose City, MI

The Rev. Loretta Whitney Viner
St. Paul United Methodist Church
Laytonsville, MD

The Rev. Dick Viney
Retired United Methodist Minister
Branson, MO

Maurice E. Vineyard
United Methodist Clergy
Hedgesville, WV

Pastor Mark Vinge
Minnetonka Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Minnetonka, MN

The Rev. Bobbi Virta
United Church of Ferndale
Ferndale, WA

The Rev. Laurie M. Vischer
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Portland, OR

The Rev. Alexander F. Vishio
Assistant Minister for Social Justice & Witness
Central Atlantic Conference-United Church of Christ
Baltimore, MD

The Rev. Dr. Carolyn J. Visser
Marion, SD

The Rev. Rose Ann Vita, Pastor
Incarnation ELCA Lutheran Church
Bridgehampton, NY

The Rev. Dena E. Vittori
Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rushville, IN

The Rev. Emily Viverette
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Winston-Salem, NC

The Rev. Dr. Tim Vivian
The Episcopal Church
Diocese of Los Angeles
Bakersfield, CA

The Rev. Craig Vocelka, Vicar
Faith Episcopal Church
Poulsbo, WA

The Rev. Don Voeks
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Gresham, OR

The Rev. Christine Vogel, Chaplain
Alma College
Alma, MI

Dwight W. Vogel, OSL
Iowa Conference
The United Methodist Church
Claremont, CA

The Rev. Harold Vogelaar, Ph.D.
Resident Scholar--Christian-Muslim Relations
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Linda Vogelgesang, Senior Pastor
St. John’s Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Antioch, CA

The Rev. Dr. Garry A. Vogelpohl, Pastor
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Elizabeth City, NC

The Rev. Eric Vogt
Travis Park United Methodist Church
San Antonio, TX

The Rev. Betty Voigt
Spiritual Director
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Sycamore, PA

The Rev. Elizabeth Voigt
United Church of Christ
New Berlin, PA

The Rev. Anna Voinovich
First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove
Downers Grove, IL

The Rev. Deborah L. Volker
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church of York, ELCA
York, PA

The Rev. M. Catherine Volland, Rector
St. Bede’s Episcopal Church
Santa Fe, NM

Dr. Carl vom Eigen, Pastor
The Church on the Bayou, PCUSA
Tarpon Springs, FL

The Rev. Eldon Von Clemans
Associate Pastor for Christian Education
Myers Park Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC

Pastor Rebecca von Fischer
ELCA Calvary Lutheran Church
Minneapolis, MN

Pastor Todd H.T. von Gunten
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church - ELCA
Casper, WY

The Rev. Erika von Haaren
Episcopal Priest
Phoenix, AZ

The Rev. Manfred von Harten
Allentown, PA

The Rev. Robert R. von Oeyen, Jr.
Bethany Presbyterian Church
Staunton, VA

The Rev. Dr. Robert J. von Trebra
Holladay United Church of Christ
Holladay, UT

The Rev. Wendy von Zirpolo
Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead
Marblehead, MA

The Rev. Christa von Zychlin
Hartland, WI

The Rt. Rev. Michael Louis Vono, DD
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande
Albuquerque, NM

The Rev. Ted Voorhees, Vicar
St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church
Saint Augustine, FL

The Rev. Dr. Steven J. Voris, Interim Pastor
Rio Grande Presbyterian Church &
Chaplain Commander
Albuquerque Police Department
Albuquerque, NM

The Rev. Linda Vosburgh, Deacon
The Episcopal Church
Broomfield, CO

The Rev. Heather Voss, Chaplain
Canterbury Northwestern
Evanston, IL

The Rev. Donna Voteau
The United Methodist Church
Louisburg, KS

The Rev. Robert J. Voyle, Director
Clergy Leadership Institute
Hillsboro, OR

The Rev. Stephen O. Voysey, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Weston, MA

The Rev. Howard D. Vrankin
First Lutheran Church
Newton, IA

The Rev. Dar Vriesman
Retired Healthcare Adminstrator
ELCA - Rocky Mountain Synod
Westminster, CO

Br. David Vryhof, SSJE
West Newbury, MA

The Rev. Dr. James S. Vuocolo
The United Church of Christ
Redlands, CA

The Rev. Sara L. Vurek
Fairfax Community Church
United Church of Christ
Fairfax, CA

The Rev. Robert A. Waddail, Jr.
Baptist Campus Minister
Baltimore, MD

The Rev. Dr. Richard L. Waddell, Jr.
Retired Pastor
United Church of Christ
Farmington, ME

The Rev. Judy Wadding
United Methodist Church
Dubuque, IA

The Rev. Kimberley Wadlington
Carlisle Presbytery Commissioner to 222nd General Assembly
Presbyterian Church USA
Shippensburg, PA

The Rev. Chris Waddle
Chaplain and Director of Church Relations
Simpson College
Indianola, IA

The Rev. Dee Hamilton Wade, Pastor
Anchorage Presbyterian Church
Anchorage, KY

The Rev. William D. Razz Waff, DMin, BCC
Priest, Diocese of Milwaukee (Retired)
Major General, US Army (Retired)
Gurnee, IL

The Rev. C. Albert Wagaman, Pastor
St. Luke Church [ELCA]
Archbald, PA

The Rev. Carole Wageman
Trinity Episcopal Church
Shelburne, VT

The Rev. Robert Wagenseil, Retired
Episcopal Priest
Crystal River, FL

The Rev. Janet C. Waggoner, Assistant Rector
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
Wilton, CT

The Rev. Leigh F. Waggoner
St. John's Episcopal Church
Sparta, WI

The Rev. Clair L. Wagner, Jr., Retired Pastor
United Methodist Church
Lancaster, PA

The Rev. David H. Wagner
United Methodist
Garner, IA

The Rev. Deborah M. Wagner
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Cedarbrook Nursing Homes
Allentown, PA

The Rev. Gretchen Wagner
UCC Pastor
Painesville, OH

The Rev. Harry A. Wagner, Pastor
St. Thomas Lutheran (ELCA)
Cheboygan, MI

The Rev. John C. Wagner, Pastor
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Huber Heights, OH

The Rev. Joseph M. Wagner
Lutheran (ELCA)
Port Townsend, WA

Lois J. Wagner, LLP
Wilshire United Methodist Church
Native American Fellowship
Portland, OR

The Rev. Mary Scott Wagner, Rector
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Marblehead, MA

The Rev. Dr. Melinda J. Wagner
First Immanuel Lutheran Church
Portland, OR

The Rev. Rebekah Swanson Wagner
Elim Lutheran Church of Blackhoof - ELCA
Barnum, MN

The Rev. Richard Alden Wagner, Vicar
St. Alban's (Episcopal)
Yucaipa, CA

The Rev. S. Bruce Wagner
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Sea Cliff, NY

The Rev. Dr. Walter H. Wagner, Ph.D.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Adjunct Professor
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Moravian Theological Seminary
Bethlehem, PA

The Rev. Willard Wagner
Lutheran Church of the Atonement
Barrington, IL

The Rev. William H. Wagner
Christ and St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Norfolk, VA

The Rev. Cn. Kenneth E. Wagner-Pizza
Rector & Provost
Trinity Pro-Cathedral
Williamsport, PA

The Rev. Kara Wagner Sherer, Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Zandra Wagoner, Ph.D.
Church of the Brethren
La Verne, CA

The Rev. Leigh A. Wahlroos
United Catholic Church
Forest Lake, MN

Pastor Jason R. Wahlstrom, Senior Pastor
Holy Nativity Lutheran Church (ELCA)
New Hope, MN

The Rev. Roger A. Waid, Sr.
Prebyterian USA
Silver Bay, MN

The Rev. Teresa M. Wakeen
Priest Missioner
The Church at Crossroads - Episcopal
Detroit, MI

The Rev. Keith Walbolt, Pastor
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (ELCA)
Seminole, FL

The Rev. Robert Walcott
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Cleveland, OH

The Rev. Gerald G. Walcutt
Canon for Pastoral Care
St. Paul's (Episcopal) Cathedral
San Diego, CA

The Rev. Charles Walden
Corpus Christi, TX

Stephen Walden
Program Support & Development
Green Mountain United Methodist Church
Lakewood, CO

The Rev. Dr. Gilson A. C. Waldkoenig
Lutheran Theological Seminary
Gettysburg, PA

The Rev. Sonja Waldmann-Bohn
Brush United Methodist Church
Brush, CO

The Rt. Rev. W. Andrew Waldo
Bishop of Upper South Carolina
Episcopal Church
Columbia, SC

The Rev. Dr. Lancelot Waldron, Senior Pastor
Corona Congregation Church
Corona , NY

The Rev. Donald F. Wales, Retired
Albuquerque, NM

The Rev. Arne Walker, Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Gatlinburg, TN

The Rev. Bruce Walker
Episcopal Church
Highlands, NC

The Rev. Daniel W. Walker
Kittery, ME

The Rev. Dr. Dorsey H. Walker, Retired
North Alabama Conference UMC
Dutton, AL

The Rev. Edward A. Walker
Retired U.C.C. Pastor
Dennis, MA

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Walker
Greenbrier Episcopal Ministries
Church of the Incarnation
Ronceverte, WV and
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
White Sulphur Springs, WV

The Rev. Elizabeth G. Walker
Burlingame, CA

The Rev. Graham B. Walker Jr., Ph.D.
McAfee School of Theology
Associate Professor of Theology
Mercer University
Atlanta, GA

Chaplain James Gibbons Walker
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southern Maryland
Leonardtown, MD

The Rev. James Lee Walker
St. Wilfrid of York Parish (Episcopal/Anglican)
Huntington Beach, CA

Dr. James S. Walker
Retired Presbyterian Minister
Kansas City, MO

The Rev. Janice Walker
Epicopal Priest Cathedral of All Souls
Asheville, NC

The Rev. John J. Walker
Retired Lutheran Pastor
Lenexa, KS

The Rev. Kathalin Walker, Vicar
St. David's Episcopal Church
Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Page, AZ

The Rev. Kurt A. Walker
United Church of Christ
Lincoln, RI

The Rev. Kurt D. Walker
Zion Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Coggon, IA

The Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker
United Campus Ministry
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX

The Very Rev. Mother Lynn E. Walker
Orthodox-Catholic Church of America
Brooklyn, NY

The Rev. Dr. Marlene R. Walker
Uncompahgre Unitarian Universalist Church
Grand Junction, CO

The Rev. Patty Walker
First United Methodist Church, Prairie Campus
Colorado Springs, CO

The Rev. Robert B. Walker, Pastor
Zion Evangelical United Church of Christ
Evansville, IN

The Rev. Robert L. Walker, D.Min.
Retired United Methodist Minister
Northwest Lacey, WA

The Rev. Rosanna M. Walker, Retired
United Church of Christ
Moorhead, MN

The Rev. Vicki Walker
United Methodist Church
Tampa, FL

The Rev. Dr. Judith A. Walker-Riggs
ChildSafe/Ninos Seguros
Las Cruces, NM

The Rev. Robert E. Walkup, Ph.D.
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Pittsburgh, PA

The Rev. Dr. Stephen Wall-Smith
Fairview United Methodist Church
Grubville, MO and
Director of Institutional Assessment
Harris-Stowe State University
St. Louis, MO

The Rev. Brian Wallace
Associate Minister
Pittsburgh Presbytery (PCUSA)
Pittsburgh, PA

The Rev. Dr. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Washington Theological Union
Washington, DC

The Rev. John Wallace
Christ United Methodist Church
Columbus, OH

The Rev. Jonathan C. Wallace
First Presbyterian Church of Foley
Foley, AL

The Rev. Martha Wallace, Associate Rector
Saint Clare of Assisi Episcopal Church
Ann Arbor, MI

The Rev. Paul Wallace
Pastor for Adult Education
First Baptist Church Decatur
Decatur, GA

The Rev. Peter M. Wallace
Episcopal Priest, Producer and Host
Day1 ecumenical radio program/podcast
Oakwood, GA

The Rev. R. Edgar Wallace, Retired
Episcopal Church
Louisville, KY

The Rev. Michael Wallens
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Marfa, TX

The Rev. Kerry Waller
United Church of Christ
Chicago, IL

Pastor Richard B. "Rick" Waller
Buffalo United Methodist Church
Buffalo, WV

The Rev. Stephen J Waller, Rector
Episcopal Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle
Dallas, TX

The Rev. Paul C. Walley, Pastor
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
West Camp, NY

The Rev. Linda Wallick
United Methodist Church
Columbus, OH

The Rev. Dr. Hal Wallof
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Mechanicsville, VA

The Rev. Dr. Mary Wallum, Pastor
Lake Preston/North Preston Lutheran Parish
Lake Preston, SD

The Rt. Rev. Arthur E. Walmsley
Retired Bishop of Connecticut
Episcopal Church
Deering, NH

The Rev. Dr. Albert J.D. Walsh, Pastor
Heidelberg United Church of Christ
Hatfield, PA

The Rev. Catherine L. Walsh
United Church of Christ
Hudson, OH

James Walsh, S.J., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theology
Georgetown University
Washington, DC

Pastor Penni Walsh
St John's Lutheran Church
Thornton, CO

The Rev. Dr. Gina Walsh-Minor, Priest in Charge
Trinity Episcopal Church
Cranford, NJ

Patricia Walter, OP
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology
Aquinas Institute of Theology
St. Louis, MO

The Rev. Thomas B. Walter
United Church of Christ
American Association of Pastoral Counselors
Milford, CT

The Rev. Amy E. Walter-Peterson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Westfield, NY

The Rev. Chris Walters, President
United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference
Chicago, IL

The Rev. F. Mark Walters
Living Water Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Stevensville, MD

The Rev. Harvey Walters, M.Div.
Retired minister of the Gospel
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Moultrie, GA

The Rev. Jack Walters
Pastoral Counselor
National Catholic Church of Florida
IAM Counseling and Retreat Center
New Albany, PA

The Rev. James W. Walters, PhD
Professor of Religion
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda, CA

The Rev. Jennifer Walters
United Church in University Place
University Place, WA

The Rev. Karen G. Walters
Episcopal Church
Venice, FL

Fr. Kerry Walters
Holy Spirit Parish of the American National Catholic Church
Lewisburg, PA

The Rev. Maris Walters
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Avon, IN

The Rev. Marlene Walters
Wilmington, DE

The Rev. Paul E. Walters
Lutheran Church of the Master, ELCA
Troy MI

The Rev. Ross Walters
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Avon, IN

The Rev. Charles O. Walthall, Retired
The United Methodist Church
Stamps, AR

Pastor R. Ervin Walther, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Fremont, OH

The Rev. Wayne Walther, Pastor
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, ELCA
Lockhart, TX

Andrew Walton
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Clearwater, FL

The Rev. Dr. Jon M. Walton
First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
New York, NY

The Rev. Laurance Walton, Retired
Episcopal Church
Fort Myers, FL

The Rev. Patricia A. Walton, UCC
Protestant Christian Chaplain
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA

The Rev. Sandra M Walton, Associate Pastor
First Baptist Church
Lawrence, KS

The Rev. Vivian Ruth Waltz
Probationary Deacon
United Methodist Church
Alum Bank, PA

The Rev. William L. Waltz
All Saints Episcopal Church
Loveland, CO

The Rev. James C. Walworth
Hospital Chaplain, Retired
Episcopal Church
South Windham, CT

The Rev. Roy C. Walworth
Ministry Developer
Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming
Evanston, WY

The Rev. Frederick S. Walz, Retired
Pueblo Presbytery PC(USA)
Pueblo, CO

The Rev. Linda C. Walz
Highlands Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Denver, CO

The Rev. Philip L. Wangberg
All Saints Lutheran Church, ELCA
Albuquerque, NM

The Rev. Rachel Marie Wangen-Hoch
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Sedro Woolley, WA

Abbot Brian Wangler, OSB
Roman Catholic
Assumption Abbey
Richardton, ND

The Rev. Dr. Ronald A. Wanless
Croton Avenue United Methodist Church
New Castle, PA

The Rev. Tom Wanner, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Beloit, WI

The Rev. Dennis L. Wansitler
Oak Harbor, OH

The Rev. Burdett Wantland
Ordained Minister
Disciples of Christ Church and
Retired Professor of Philosophy
University of West Georgia
Carrollton, GA

The Rev. Andrew B. Ward
Cumberland Presbyterian
Nashville TN

Pastor Daniel B. Ward, Senior Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Church in America St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Poughkeepsie, NY

The Rev. Gordon W. Ward, Jr.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Boulder, CO

The Rev. Greg S. Ward, Interim Senior Minister
Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Berkeley, CA

The Rev. Hope Morgan Ward, Bishop
Raleigh Episcopal Area
United Methodist Church
Raleigh, NC

The Rev. Joseph Ward
Presbyterian Church USA
Raleigh, NC

The Rev. Meredyth Wessman Ward, Rector
Christ Episcopal Church
Rochdale, MA

The Rev. Mollie Ward
Bloomington, IL

Pastor Virginia W. Ward
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Auburn, CA

The Rev. Steven E. Wardwell, Retired
Grace United Church of Christ
Lancaster, PA

The Rev. John J. Ward-Diorio
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
Mechanicsburg, PA

The Rev. Deacon Jane C. Ware
Trinity Episcopal Church
El Dorado, KS

Deacon Kyle Warfield
Discipleship and Senior High Ministries
Saint Luke Lutheran Church and School
Silver Spring, MD

Deacon Rob Warhol
Mary Mother of the Church
Burnsville, MN

The Rev. Dr. Tom Warmer, Senior Pastor
Coronado Community Church
Coronado, CA

The Rev. Andrew Warner
Plymouth Church UCC
Milwaukee, WI

The Rev. Anita R. Warner
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Advent Lutheran Church
Morgan Hill, CA

The Rev. Janice Warner
Ordained ABC Minister
Somerset, MA

The Rev. Jeanne L. Warner
Christ Lutheran Church
Eau Claire, WI

The Rev. Jill Kirsten Warner
United Church of Christ
Hutchinson, MN

John R. Warner, Jr., S.T.B, Ph.D.
Buckhannon, WV

The Rev. Nicholas S. Warner, Senior Pastor
Trinity United Methodist Church
Hutchinson, KS

The Rev. W. Joel Warner, Jr., Pastor
Coram United Methodist Church
Coram, NY

The Rev. Chris Warner-Carey
Grace Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Ukiah, CA

The Rev. Dan Warnes
Lincoln, NE

The Rev. Nick Warnes
Founder and Executive Director
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Los Angeles, CA

The Rev. James W. Warnke, LCSW
Priest Associate
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Englewood, NJ

GW Bill Warren, Pastor
Judith Basin Parish UMC
Hobson, MT

The Rev. Jennifer P. Warren
First & Central Presbyterian Church
Wilmington, DE

The Rev. Larry M. Warren, Pastor
Toppenish United Methodist Church
Toppenish, WA

The Rev. Lee W. Warren
South Hill UMC
South Hill, VA

The Rev. Ralph R. Warren, Jr., Rector
The Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea
Palm Beach, FL

Bishop Ron Warren
ELCA Southeastern Synod
Peachtree City, GA

The Rev. Thomas I. Warren
United Church of Christ
Pleasant Hill, TN

The Rev. Anne Warrington Wilson
All Saints Episcopal Church
Cincinnati, OH

The Rev. Frank A. Warthan
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Kankakee, IL

The Rev. Debra Warwick-Sabino, Rector
Grace Episcopal Church
Fairfield, CA

The Rev. Wesley R. Wasdyke, MD
Episcopal Church
Bradenton, FL

The Rev. Jamie P. Washam, Pastor
Underwood Memorial Baptist Church
Wauwatosa, WI

The Rev. Lawrence A. Washburn, P.E.
Peace Dale Congregational Church, UCC
South Kingston, RI

Wayde J. Washburn
The United Church of Christ
LaGrange, GA

The Rev. Dr. Emery Washington, Sr.
Retired Priest
Diocese of Missouri
Olivette, MO

The Rev. Ulysses C. Washington
Mission United Methodist Church
Fort Smith, AR

The Rev. Brian R. Wasmoen, Pastor
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Redfield, SD

The Rev. Del Wasser, Retired
Everett, PA

The Rev. Rex A. Wasser
Epworth United Methodist Church
New Castle, PA

The Rev. Dr. George W. Waterbury
First Congregational Church
Winchester, MA

The Rev. John B. Waterhouse, Ph.D.
Senior Co-Minister
Center for Creative Living
A Science of Mind Spiritual Community
Asheville, NC

The Rev. David G. Watermulder
Pastor and Head of Staff
Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos
Los Gatos, CA

The Rev. Dr. Paul G. Watermulder
Senior Pastor
First Presbyterian Church of Burlingame
Burlingame, CA

The Rev. Alex Waters, Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
West Fargo, ND

The Rev. Joy Mary Michaud Waters
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
Palm Harbor, FL

The Rev. M. Elizabeth Waters
United Church of Pelham, UCC
Pelham, MA

Fr. Bill Wathen
Louisville, KY

The Rev. Angus Miles Watkins, Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Ashville, NY

The Rev. Durrell Watkins, D.Min.
Senior Minister
Sunshine Cathedral
Fort Lauderdale, FL

The Rev. James P. Watkins
United Methodist Clergy
Virginia Conference
Richmond, VA

The Rev. Dr. Jim Watkins, Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Pawleys Island, SC

The Rev. LeeAnne Watkins
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
St. Paul, MN

The Rev. Linda King Watkins
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Bainbridge, NY

The Rev. Dr. Samuel Watkins
Chaplain, Hospice Savannah
United Methodist
Savannah, GA

The Rev. Vicki L. Watkins, Chaplain
ELCA Pastor
Milwaukee, WI

The Rev. Beth Newton Watson, M.Div.
United Methodist
Chaplain Manager
Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Services
Clarian West Medical Center
Avon, IN

The Rev. David Watson, Chaplain
United Church of Christ Minister
Salem, OR

Dr. David Lowes Watson
Retired Pastor and Professor
The United Methodist Church
Murfreesboro, TN

The Rev. Gayle T. Watson
United Methodist Church
Murfreesboro, TN

The Rev. Gene Watson
George Young United Methodist
Palm Harbor, FL

The Rev. Jed Watson
Peace Memorial Church
Palos Park, IL

The Rev. Jim Watson
Christ Lutheran Church
Michigan Center, MI

Dr. Jimmy R. Watson, Pastor
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Ferguson, MO

The Rev. John R. Watson, III, Rector
St. Peters Episcopal Church
Amarillo, TX

The Rev. Keith E. Watson, Pastor
Wilson United Methodist Church
Colorado Springs, CO

Dr. Kenneth R. Watson
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Columbia, MO

The Rev. Margaret Brayton Watson
New Castle Congregational Church, UCC
New Castle, NH

The Rev. Shayna Watson
Episcopal Church
Harrisburg, PA

Pastor W. Hamp Watson, Jr.
Glenwood Hills United Methodist Church
Macon, GA

The Rev. Lisa K. Watson-Hill, Pastor
Trinity Lutheran Church
Warrenville, IL

Bradford Taylor Watters
Grace Congregational United Church of Christ
Framingham, MA

The Rev. LaVern Watters
Abbeville, LA

The Rev. Merry Watters
The Church of the Covenant (United Methodist)
Averill Park, NY

The Rev. Maggie Wattle
Spiritual Leader
Center for Spiritual Living
Mt. Vernon, WA

The Rev. Charles M. Watts
Christ Episcopal Church
Dayton, OH

Dr. Richard G. Watts
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Normal, IL

The Rev. James Waugh
Hilliard United Methodist Church
Hilliard, OH

The Rev. Wendy R. Waugh
Hillsborough, NC

The Rev. Maurine (Renee) Waun
Unitarian Universalist
Pittsburgh, PA

The Reverend J. Edson Way, Ph.D.
Episcopal Church
Lubbock, TX

Peggy Way, Professor
Eden Theological Seminary
St. Louis, MO

The Rev. David C. Wayland, MDiv, LPC
Episcopal Church
Diocese of Virginia
Alexandria, VA

The Rev. Dr. Stephen Wayles, Pastor
1st Congregational UCC
Phoenix, AZ

The Rev. Lawrence H. Wayman
Wesley United Methodist Church
Honolulu, HI

The Rev. Patricia M. Wayne
James Street United Methodist Church
Syracuse, NY

The Rev. Cate Waynick
Bishop of Indianapolis, TEC
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Dr. C. William Wealand, Pastor
The United Church of Christ at The Villages
The Villages, FL

The Rev. David C. R. Weasley
Pastor for Youth, Young Adults, & Mission
First Congregational Church, UCC
Bellingham, WA

The Rev. John C. Weatherhogg
Senior Minister
Grace Congregational United Church of Christ
Rutland, VT

The Rev. Tracy Fye Weatherhogg
Associate Minister
Grace Congregational United Church of Christ
Rutland, VT

The Rev. Canon Bruce A. Weatherly
Rector Emeritus
Trinity Episcopal Church
Moorestown, NJ
Charlottesville, VA

The Rev. Ronal O. Weathers
Retired United Methodist minister
Perry, OK

The Rev. Patricia Weatherwax
First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Battle Creek, MI

The Rev. Andrew J. Weaver, Ph.D.
Brooklyn, NY

The Rev. David P. Weaver
Church of the Beatitudes United Church of Christ
Phoenix, AZ

The Rev. Dick Weaver
United Church of Christ
Bozman, MT

The Rev. Dr. Julia Weaver
Madison, WI

Bishop Peter D. Weaver
Boston Area
The United Methodist Church
Lawrence, MA

The Rev. R. Bruce Weaver
Retired United Methodist Minister
Dallas, TX

The Rev. Benjamin S. Webb, Rector
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Cedar Falls, IA

The Rev. Daniel Waechter Webb
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Memphis, TN

The Rev. Fain Webb
Priest Associate
Episcopal Church of St. Luke and St. Mary
Hope and Belvidere, NJ

The Rev. Frieda Van Baalen Webb
Saint David's Episcopal Church
Diocese of Western New York
West Seneca, NY

The Rev. Dr. Larry E. Webb, Retired
United Methodist
Winter Garden, FL

The Rev. Nancy J. Webb
Minister of Christian Education and Spiritual Formation
Foundry United Methodist Church
Washington, DC

The Rev. Pamela June Webb, Pastor
Transition Specialist
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and
United Church of Christ
Du Quoin, IL

The Rev. Shane Webb, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Mount Pleasant, TX

The Rev. Dr.Adam Brooks Webber, Pastor
Open Prairie United Church of Christ
Princeton, IL

The Rev. Ann Webber
St. John's Episcopal Church
Royal Oak, MI

The Rev. Cynthia Webbstock
St Stephen's Episcopal Church
Covington, KY

The Rev. Susan D. Webeler
First Congregational Church of Gaylord
United Church of Christ
Gaylord, MI

The Rev. Dr. Bruce D. Weber
Triumphant Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
St. Clair Shores, MI

Carole Weber, Chaplain
Hospice of the Valley
Phoenix, AZ

David Weber, Pastor
First United Methodist Church
Jacksboro, TX

The Rev. Dr. Derek C. Weber, Senior Pastor
First United Methodist Church
Anderson, IN

Pastor Edwin Weber
Anchorage, AK

The Rev. Gloria R Weber, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
St Louis, MO

Pr. Karen Weber
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Wilmington, DE

The Rev. Lynne Bleich Weber
Ecumenical & Interreligious Officer
Diocese of Newark (Episcopal)
Rector, The Church of the Atonement
Tenafly, NJ

The Rev. Randy Weber
Associate Pastor for Administration and Discipleship
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church
New York, NY

The Rev. Rob Weber
United Methodist Elder
Shreveport, LA

The Rev. Theodore R. Weber, Ph.D.
United Methodist Church, Louisiana Conference
Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics
Candler School of Theology
Emory University
Atlanta, GA

The Rev. Daniel J. Webster
Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT

The Rev. Gordon V. Webster, Co-Pastor
Downtown United Presbyterian Church
Rochester, NY

The Rev. J. Shannon Webster
First Presbyterian Church
Birmingham, AL

The Rev. Jon Shannon Webster
Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Sierra Blanca
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Roswell, NM

The Rev. Paul L. Webster
Ladysmith and Tony UMCs
Ladysmith, WI

The Rev. William O. Webster, Jr.
Head of Staff
Grace Presbyterian Church
Martins Ferry, OH

The Rev. Susie Webster-Toleno
Congregational Church of Westminster West
United Church of Christ
Westminster West, VT

Pastor John N. Wecker
First Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Astoria, OR

The Rev. David Weddington
First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Littleton, NH

The Rev. Ronald G. Wedekind
Director of Spiritual Care
New Hanover Health Network
Wilmington, NC

The Rev. Carol Wedell
Pepper Pike, OH

The Rev. Frederick G. Wedemeyer, Retired
Worcester, MA

The Rev. John Wedgwood-Greenhow
Prince Frederick, MD

The Rev. Morris O. Wee, Co-Pastor
Christ the King Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Bloomington, MN

The Rev. Shelley Bryan Wee, Pastor
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, ELCA
Spokane, WA

The Rev. Sherrolyn G. Weed
Carolina/Clio/McColl Presbyterian Churches
Clio, SC

The Rt. Rev Thurlow Weed
Bishop of the West
The Progressive Episcopal Church
St Luke's Progressive Episcopal Mission
Lancaster, OH

The Rev. Jane Weeden
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Appleton, WI

The Rev. Ky Alan Weekley
Presbyterian Church [U.S.A.]
Overland Park, KS

Pastor David A. Weeks
St. Stephen Lutheran (ELCA)
Marshall, MN

The Rev. Louis B. Weeks
Minister of Word and Sacrament
Presbyterian Church(USA)
Richmond, VA

The Rev. Dr. Roger Weeks
Presbyterian Clergy, Retired
Newberg, OR

Seth Weeldreyer, Pastor
The First Presbyterian Church of Marshall
Marshall, MI

Dr. Lee Weems
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Alexandria, LA

Pastor Gary M. Wees
Pine Island, MN

The Rev. Dr. Mark I. Wegener
Woodlake Lutheran Church
Richfield, MN

Pastor William E. Wegener
Community of Christ Lutheran Church, ELCA
Washington, DC

Kirk Wegter-McNelly
Assistant Professor of Theology
Boston University
Boston, MA

The Rev. Cathye Wehr
Akron United Methodist Church
Akron, CO

The Rev. Fritz Wehrenberg, Campus Pastor
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Iowa State University
Ames, IA

The Rev. Suzette Wehunt
Pacific Church
San Diego, CA

The Rev. David Weible, Retired
United Methodist Clergy
Kansas West Annual Conference
Champaign, IL

The Rev. Diane Weible
Conference Minister
Northern California Nevada Conference UCC
Oakland, CA

The Rev. Janet K. Weiblen, Retired
Prairie Village, KS

The Rev. Jane C. Weidig
North Raleigh United Church, UCC
Raleigh, NC

The Rev. E. Richard Weidler Woodfords
Congregational Church, UCC
Portland, ME

Christopher L. Weidner, Pastor
St. Luke Lutheran Church (SEPS-ELCA)
Gilbertsville, PA

The Rev. Dr. Susan K. Weier
United Church of Christ
Waterloo, IA

The Rev. Cathy Weigand
Waupaca First United Methodist Church
Waupaca, WI

The Rev. Mike Weigand
Waupaca First United Methodist Church
Waupaca, WI

The Rev. Rea S. Weigel
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Palm Coast, FL

The Rev. Dr. Mark A. Weiler
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Chaplain, North Colorado Medical Center
Greeley, CO

The Rev. Philip J. Weiler, Retired
Presbytery of the Northern Plains
Erskine, MN

The Rev. John P. Weinbach
Gibsonville, NC

The Rev. Margaret Weiner
Episcopal Diocese of Iowa
Urbandale, IA

The Rev. Dr. Stephanie Weiner
Associate Conference Minister
Indiana-Kentucky Conference
United Church of Christ
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Karen Weingard
Center of the Heart
Santa Barbara, CA

Pastor Hermann I. Weinlick, Retired
Moravian Church
Minneapolis, MN

The Rev. Dr. Gabriel Weinreich
Emeritus Professor of Physics
University of Michigan
Episcopal Clergy
Ann Arbor, MI

The Rev. Canon Daniel S. Weir, Rector
Saint Matthias Episcopal Church
East Aurora, NY

The Rev. James Kyle Weir, Pastor
Verde Valley Presbyterian Church
Cottonwood, AZ

The Rev. Richard Weir, Pastor
St. Paul United Church of Christ
New Bremen, OH

The Rev. Ben Weisbrod
United Methodist Church
Columbus, OH

The Rev. Dr. William Weisenbach, Senior Pastor
First Presbyterian Church of Katonah
Katonah, NY

The Rev. John Weisenburger
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Owatonna, MN

The Rev. Sarah Weisiger, Pastor
United Presbyterian Church
Belvidere, NJ

The Rev. Wayne Weissenbuehler, Senior Pastor
Bethany Lutheran Church
Cherry Hills, CO
and Instructor, Wartburg Seminary
Dubuque, IA

The Rev. Stephen J. Weisser, M.Div., BCC
Director of Spiritual Care & Education
The Reading Hospital
Wyomissing, PA

The Rev. Stephen Weissman, Retired
Episcopal Church
Asheville, NC

DarEll T. Weist, Pastor
United Methodist Church
Los Angeles, CA

The Rev. Celene Welch
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Fort Worth, TX

Dr. Edwin H. Welch
University of Charleston
Member, Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference of the UMC
Charleston, WV

The Rev. George T. Welch, Rector
Episcopal Parish of the Good Shepherd
Waban, MA

The Ven. Lauren Welch, Past-President
Association for Episcopal Deacons and
Deacon for Mission
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
Baltimore, MD

The Rev. Stephen W. Welch, Senior Pastor
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Oconomowoc, WI

The Rev. Anne Weld-Martin
Mountain Home United Methodist Church
Sherwood, OR

The Rev. Dwight Welch
First Congregational UCC
Sheridan, WY

The Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes
Center for Spiritual Living
Dallas, TX

The Rev. Jonathan Weldon
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Bellingham, WA

The Rev. Thomas A. Welk, CPPS, DMin
Roman Catholic
Precious Blood Sisters Convent
Wichita, KS

The Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller, Rector
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Lansing, MI

Pastor Gretchen E. Weller
ELCA/Bethel Lutheran Church
Madison, WI

The Rev. Gretchen K. Weller
Saint Bartholomew Episcopal Church
Mayfield Village, OH

The Rev. Richard Weller
The First United Church Of Church
Eastlake, OH

The Rev. Vail Weller
Unitarian Universalist Minister
San Mateo, CA

The Rev. D. Roderick Welles, Jr.
Episcopal Church of Sts. Andrew & Matthew
Wilmington, DE

The Rev. Judy Welles
Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley
Boiling Springs, PA

The Rev. Dr. Ray L. Welles
Walnut Creek, CA

The Rev. S. Kay Wellington
Benicia Community Church
Bencia, CA

The Rev. Angela Wells, Pastor
United Church of Christ, Congregational
Burlington, MA

The Rev. Casey Wells, Interim Pastor
South Park Presbyterian Church
Rock Island, IL

The Rev. Charles W. Wells
St. Sophia Seminary
Sedona, AZ

The Rev. Charlotte E. Wells, Rector
Episcopalian Church of the Redeemer
Pendleton, OR

The Rev. Dr. Donald A. Wells
Executive Director
Massachusetts Bible Society
Boston, MA

The Rev. Gail A. Wells, Co-Pastor
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Las Vegas, NV

The Rev. Dr. J. Stuart Wells
United Church of Christ
Cincinnati, OH

The Rev. Kenneth A. B. Wells
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Swarthmore, PA

Kim Wells, Pastor
Lakewood United Church of Christ
St. Petersburg, FL

The Rev. Lamont Anthony Wells
National President
African Descent Lutheran Association- ELCA
New York, NY

The Rev. Leah J. Wells
First United Methodist Church
Olympia, WA

The Rev. Lynwood D. Wells
The Episcopal Church
Martinsville, VA

The Rev. Mary Beth Wells
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Delray Beach, FL

The Rev. Dr. Peter A. Wells
Associate Conference Minister in the Western Area
Massachusetts Conference
United Church of Christ
Ludlow, MA

The Rev. Robert L. Wells, Director
The Community of Hope in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Houston, TX

The Very Rev. Father Warren Thomas Wells
Apostolic Orthodox
Moscow, PA

The Rev. Elizabeth Welsch
Christ Lutheran Church & Frostburg Village Nursing Home
Cumberland, MD

The Rev. Don Welsh
United Church of Religious Science
Antelope Valley Church of Religious Science
Lancaster, CA

Pastor Sarah R. Welton, PhD
Church of the Covenant (American Baptist)
Palmer, AK

The Rev. Russell Welty
Stockbridge, GA

The Rev. Guy A. Wenck, M.Div.
Jefferson United Church of Christ
Jefferson, MD

The Rev. Dr. Christine Wenderoth
Presbyterian Church (USA)
McCormick Theological Seminary & Lutheran School of Theology
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Stephen H. Wendfeldt, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Del Mar, CA

The Rev. Hansen Wendlandt
Nederland Community Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Nederland, CO

Pastor Andy Wendle
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Hood River, OR

The Rev. Mark W. Wendorf
Assistant Professor of Urban Ministry
McCormick Theological Seminary
Chicago, IL

Chaplain Randy R. Wendt
Federal Chaplain
Evangelical Lutheran Church In America
Sandstone, MN

The Rev. Thomas R. Wendt
Unity Church of Crystal Lake
Crystal Lake, IL

Pastor James C. Wenger
Zoar Lutheran Church
Perrysburg, OH

The Rev. Peter W. Wenner
St. John's Episcopal Church
Hingham, MA

The Rev. Rachel E. Wenner
Trinity Episcopal Church
Wauwatosa, WI

The Rev. Dr. Howard E. Wennes
Retired Bishop ELCA
Director, Church Relations
California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks, CA

The Rev. Jane Wenninger
United Church of Christ
League City, TX

The Rev. Joseph Wenrich
United Methodist Church
Geigertown, PA

The Rev. Diane G. Wenthe, Visitation Pastor
St. Matthew Lutheran Church (ELCA)
York, PA

The Rev. David P. Wentroble
Director of Spiritual Life Services
Peabody Retirement Community
North Manchester, IN

The Rev. Peter H. Wenzel
Peace United Church of Christ
Monticello, IA

The Rev. Cynthia J. Wenzinger, Pastor
Kirkwood First United Methodist Church
Kirkwood, NY

The Rev. Ronald E. Wenzinger, Pastor
Whitney Point United Methodist Church
Whitney Point, NY

The Rev. Richard L. Wereley
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Wooster, OH

Pastor E. Paul Werfelmann
Hope Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Fresno, CA

The Rev. Paul M. Werger
Bishop Emeritus
Southeastern Iowa Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Iowa City, IA

The Rev. Jimmy Lee Werley
Zion's Union Church, ELCA & UCC
Maxatawny, PA

The Rev. Bob Werme
United Church of Christ
Spiritual Care Coordinator
Hospice and Palliative Care of Connecticut
Waterbury, CT

The Rev. David R. Werner, Pastor
Calvary United Methodist Church
West Allis, WI

The Very Rev. George L.W. Werner, President
House of Deputies
The Episcopal Church
Sewickley, PA

The Rev. Katherine A. Werner
Bethany Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Kelley, IA

The Rev. Pamela J. Werner
Hospice Spiritual Care Coordinator
Egg Harbor Twp., NJ

Paul Werner, Licensed Minister
First United Church of Tampa
United Church of Christ
Tampa, FL

The Rev. Mike Wernick, Rector
Episcopal / The Church of the Holy Cross
Kentwood, MI

The Rev. Marcia B. Werntz, Pastor
Mt. Pleasant Reformed U.C.C.
Frederick, MD

The Rev. Pamela L. Werntz, Rector
Episcopal / Emmanuel Church
Boston, MA

The Rev. James Wert
United Methodist Church
Exeter, PA

The Rev. Dr. Thomas Wert
ELCA Pastor
Serving: German United Church of Seattle (UCC)
Seattle, WA

The Rev. Cheryl Wertheimer
Andover, KS

The Rev. Alice Blair Wesley
Retired minister
Unitarian Universalist Association
Bellevue, WA

The Rev. Dr. Lee H. Wesley, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Past President/CEO Lutheran Social Services of Metro New York
Maplewood, NJ

Maralene Wesner, Co-Pastor
First Baptist Church
Tom, OK

Miles E. Wesner, Co-Pastor
First Baptist Church
Tom, OK

The Rev. Carol West, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Dolores, CO

The Rev Charlie West
Grace United Methodist Church
Marquette, MI

The Rev. Dr. Doe West
Boston, MA

The Rev. Donald B. West, Retired
Ashland, WI

Dr. Gary West
Grace Baptist Church
Statesville, NC

The Rev. Gordon F. West, DMin, PhD
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Spirit of the Desert Presbyterian Fellowship (Palm Desert)
La Quinta, CA

The Rev. Janice C. West
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Carbondale, IL

The Rev. Kathleen West, Rector
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Provo, UT

The Rev. Elder Dr. Mona West
Director, Office of Formation and Leadership Develoopment
Metropolitan Community Churches
Austin, TX

The Rev. Pearl G. West
United Methodist Retired Minister
Beaufort, NC

The Rev. R. Harrison West, Associate Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
Norwood Parish
Chevy Chase, MD

The Rev. Tim West, D. Min., Missioner,
Northern Miami Valley Episcopal Cluster
(Episcopal Church, USA)
Urbana, OH

The Rev. William H. West, M. Div., BCC
United Church of Christ
Chaplain, Hospital of St. Raphael
New Haven, CT

The Rev. Fred Westbrook, D.Min.
Honorably Retired Minister at Large
New Hope Presbytery
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Durham, NC

The Rev. Walter W. Westbrook
Jamieson Memorial United Methodist Church
Clarksville, VA

The Rev. Carl M. Westby, Jr.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Arden Hills, MN

The Rev. David Westcott
First Congregational Church of Orange City
United Church of Christ
Orange City, FL

The Rev. Diana Westerkam
South Carolina Conference
United Methodist Church
Columbia, SC

The Rev. Jane Westerkamp
Center for Spiritual Living Bonita
Bonita, CA

The Rev. Doris C. Westfall
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
St. Louis, MO

The Rev A. Duane Westfield, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Salem, MA

Chaplain COL Arnold D. Westfield
Salem, MA

James W. Westmoreland
Century Christian Church
Owensboro, KY

The Rev. William D. Westmoreland
Wilson Memorial Presbyterian Church PCUSA
Cincinnati, OH

The Rev. Bruce M. Westphal
Retired ELCA Pastor
New Brighton, MN

Scott T. Westphal, Senior Pastor
Elim Lutheran Church
Scandia, MN

The Rev. Arnold F. Westwood
Minister Emeritus, Unitarian Universalist Society
Amherst, MA
Minister Emeritus, Unitarian Universalist Society
East Manchester, CT
Cummington, MA

The Rev. Maria T. Wette, M.Div., MA
Lutheran Church ELCA
Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Fort Collins, CO

Pastor John Wetzel
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Potomac Fall, VA

The Rev. Richard C. Weyls, Rector
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Seattle, WA

The Rev. Gregory D. Weyrauch
St. Andrew Lutheran Church - ELCA
San Antonio, TX

The Rev. Donald Whalen, Retired
Episcopal Deacon
Stuart, FL

The Rev. Amy E. Wharton, Pastor
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Cuba, IL

The Rev. Dr. Roger Wharton
Episcopal Chaplain at San Jose State University
San Jose, CA

The Rev. G. Richard Wheatcroft, Rector Emeritus
St. Francis Episcopal Church
Houston, TX

The Rev. Gail Wheatley
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Port Angeles, WA

The Rev. Elizabeth Wheatley-Dyson
Episcopal Church
Hanson, MA

Pastor Johnna Wheaton
Boothsville United Methodist Charge
Fairmont, WV

The Rev. Beth Wheeler
Northminster Presbyterian Church
El Cerrito, CA

The Rev. Dr. David L. Wheeler
First Christian Church of Antelope Valley (Disciples of Christ)
Lancaster, CA

The Rev. Gary L. Wheeler
California Lutheran Homes
Altadena, CA

The Rev. Myrna Wheeler
Church of the Brethren
La Verne, CA

The Rev. Sharon Wheeler
Elon Community Church UCC
Elon, NC

The Rev. William A. Wheeler
United Methodist
Colusa, CA

Pastor J. David Whelan
Peace Lutheran Church
Menomonie, WI

The Rev Judith Whelchel
St. James Episcopal Church
Black Mountain, NC

The Rev. Stanley T. Wherry, Pastor
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Wyncote, PA

The Rev. Richard Whetsell, Pastor
Soldotna United Methodist Church
Soldotna, AK

Kenneth E. Whetzel
Retired United Methodist Clergy
New Market, VA

The Rev. Tamsen E. Whistler, Rector
Trinity Episcopal Church
St. Charles, MO

The Rev. Brad Whitaker, Rector
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Chattanooga, TN

The Rev. Dr. Howard W. Whitaker
Morristown, NJ

The Rev. Monica Whitaker, Rector
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Sedona, AZ

The Rt. Rev. O'Kelley Whitaker, Retired
VIII Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Central New York
Portsmouth, VA

Dr. Gary Whitbeck
Retired Pastor, Central Texas Conference
United Methodist Church
Georgetown, TX

The Rev. Andrew J. White, Ph.D., Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Chambersburg, PA

The Rev. Andrew P. White
United Church of Christ

The Rev. Beverly C. White
Presbyterian Pastor
Benicia, CA

The Rev. Byron Lee White, Retired
Assistant Pastor of First UMC
Sylacauga, AL

Bishop C. Dale White
United Methodist Church
Newport, RI

The Rev. Carolyn (Connie) White
Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real
Salinas, CA

The Rev. Charles R. White, D.Min.
Honorably Retired Member of Presbytery of San Joaquin
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Wofford Heights, CA

The Rev. Charlotte White
United Church of Christ
Guilford, CT

The Rev. Deborah White, Ph.D., Rector
Grace Episcopal Church
Martinez, CA

The Rev. Derek W. White, Pastor
Trenton First United Methodist Church
Trenton, TN

The Rev. Edward A. White
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Senior Consultant, Alban Institute
Washington, DC

Apostle Emma White
Founder-Doves Eyes & Eagles Wings
Landover, MD and
Oxford, MS

The Rev. Frank White
Religious Science Church of Honolulu
Honolulu, HI

Pastor Frank S. White, Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Tempe, AZ

J. Benton White, Emeritus Professor
Religious Studies Program
San Jose State University Ordained Elder
United Methodist Church
San Jose, CA

The Rev. James D. White, Retired
United Methodist
Chief, Chaplain Service, VAMC
Lost Creek, WV

The Rev. Dr. James W. White
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Colorado Springs, CO

The Rev. Jim White
Aiea United Methodist Church
Aiea, HI

The Rev. Joann White
First Presbyterian Church of Saranac Lake
Saranac Lake, NY

The Rev. K. Gordon White
Episcopal Church, Retired
Sabattus, ME

The Rev. Kenneth E. White
Kupiskis, Lithuania
(US Citizen)

The Rev. Lindsay Ann White
Associate Pastor for Youth
Unity Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Fort Mill, SC

The Rev. M. Joanna White
Sherwood Episcopal Church
Cockeysville, MD

The Rev. Ogden W. White
PC(USA), Christ United Church
Strongsville, OH

The Rev. Dr. P. Donald White, Jr.
Episcopal Church
Alexandria, LA

The Rev. Philip O. White, Senior Pastor
Fort Myers Congregational United Church of Christ
Fort Myers, FL

The Rev. Robert White, Deacon
Episcopal Church of the United States
Diocese of Long Island, New York
Massapequa, NY

The Rev. Robert W. White, D. Min.
United Reformed Church (UK)
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Owego, NY

The Rev. Ron White, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Burbank, CA

The Rev. Sally White
Unitarian Coastal Fellowship
Morehead City, NC

The Rev. Sarah Chase White
Harkness/Keeseville United Methodist Churches
Keeseville, NY

The Very Rev. Stanley J. White, Rector
Christ the King Episcopal Church
Dean, Southwest Convocation, Episcopal diocese of Georgia
Valdosta, GA

The Rev. Dr. Stephen L. White, Chaplain
The Episcopal Church at Princeton University
Princeton, NJ

The Rev. Terry L. White
Akron, NY

Pastor Tobi White
ELCA Lutheran
Lincoln, NE

The Rev. Toni L. White
Suber-Marshall United Methodist Church
Columbia, SC

The Rev. Warner C. White, D.Min.
Trinity Episcopal Church
Shelburne, VT

The Rev. Wesley White, Interim Pastor
Milton United Methodist Church
Milton, WI

Dr. William Luther White
United Methodist
Chaplain Emeritus
Illinois Wesleyan University
Normal, IL

The Rev. Georgia White-Kisslring
St. John United Church of Christ
Fairview Heights, IL

The Rev. Rebecca White Newgren
Second Congregational (UCC) / First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Rockford, IL

The Rev. Glenda Whitehead
Journey of Faith UMC
Round Rock, TX

The Rev. Dr. Philip H. Whitehead
Episcopal Parish Priest and
Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies
Columbia, SC

The Rev. Dr. Priscilla Felisky Whitehead
The Church by the Sea (UCC)
Bal Harbour, FL

The Rev. Dr. Robert B. Whitehouse
Oxford Presbyterian Church
Lexington, VA

Gary Whiteman
Pastoral Counselor
Take My Hand Ministries
Missouri City, TX

The Rev. William Whiting
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
Allegan, MI

The Rev. Paul A. Whitlock, Pastor
Desert Heritage Church UCC
Mesa, AZ

The Rev. Robin (Robert) Whitlock, Retired
Assistant Professor of Ethics
University of Maryland School of Medicine and
Tulane University School of Medicine
Canonically resident in
The Diocese of Southwest Florida (Episcopal)
St. Petersburg, FL

The Rev. D.H. Whitman
Wister United Methodist Church
Wister, OK

The Rev. Lou Whitmer
United Methodist Church
Aberdeen, SD

The Rev. Philip F. Whitmer, S.T.D., Retired
United Methodist
Santa Clara, CA

The Rt. Rev. Keith B. Whitmore
The Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI

The Rev. Dr. Richard W. Whitmore, Retired
United Methodist Church
San Jose, CA

The Rev. Stephen Whitney-Wise
Episcopal Church
St. Paul, MN

The Rev. Dr. Jerry Gray Whitt
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Charlotte, NC

The Rev. Christine R. Whittaker, Rector
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
Holliston, MA

The Rev. Dr. W. Roy Whitten
Episcopal Church
Nevada City, CA

Joseph W. Whitwell, Th.D., Executive Director
Covenant Counseling & Family Resource Center
Snellville, GA

The Rev. Linda Whitworth-Reed
First Presbyterian Church of McAllen
McAllen, TX

Dr. Jane Wiatt
Disciples of Christ Minister
Pomona, CA

The Rev. Dr. James W. Wiberg
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Silverthorne, CO

The Rev. Terrence L. Wible, rector
St Luke's Episcopal Church
Lebanon, PA

The Rev. John Wichman, Pastor
Westminster Hills Presbyterian Church
Hayward, CA

Lawrence W. Wick
Evangelical Church in America
Woodstock, IL

The Rev. Carol Wickersham
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Department of Sociology
Beloit College
Beloit, WI

The Rev. J.F. Wickey
United Church of Christ
Alva, OK

The Rev. William H. Wickham, III, Rector
St. Martha’s Episcopal Church
Bethany Beach, DE

The Rev. Dr. Susan Charest Wickiser
United Methodist Church
Haven, KS

The Rev. Dr. Alan Wicks
First Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Sioux City, IA

The Rev. Kathy Wicks
ELCA - Interim Minister
Sioux City, IA

Fletch Wideman
U.S. Army Chaplain/Hospital Chaplain Retired
United Methodist Minister, Retired
United Church of Christ Minister, Retired
Glendale, AZ

Scott A. Widmer, Pastor
Marshallton United Methodist Church
West Chester, PA

The Rev. Robert C. Wiederaenders
Wartburg Theological Seminary
Dubuque, IA

Robert C. Wiedrich, Retired Minister
Illinois Great Rivers Conference
United Methodist Church
Decatur, Il

The Rev. Andrea Wiegand
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Columbia, MD

The Rev. Philip F. Wiehe
Hendersonville, NC

The Rev. N. Richard Wiekert, Pastor, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Apple Valley, MN

The Rev. William D. Wieland
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Greencastle, IN

The Rev. Bets Wienecke, Retired
Unitarian Universalist
Carpinteria, CA

The Rev. Dennis Wienk, Chaplain
The Episcopal Church Home
Rochester, NY

The Rev. Beth Wierman-Lambert
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Monaca, PA

The Rev. Jan Wiersma Halverson
Abundant Grace Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Greenwood, IN

The Rev. H. Kurt Wieser
Grace United Church of Christ of Loyal Oak
Norton, OH

The Rev. Jay. A. Wiesner, Associate Pastor
Bethany Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Minneapolis, MN

The Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird
Boston, MA

Pastor Robert L. Wietelmann, Retired
Evangelicial Lutheran Church in America
Woodville, OH

The Rev. Heather T. Wigdahl
Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA
Eau Claire, WI

The Rev. Dr. J. Bradley Wigger
Professor of Religious Education
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Louisville, KY

Pastor Daphne C. Wiggins, Associate Pastor
Union Baptist Church
Durham, NC

The Rev. Dr. Kathleen Wiggins
Siesta Key Chapel
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Sarasota, FL

The Rev. Kay S. Wiggins
United Methodist Church
Cherokee Village, AR

Warren Wiggins, Pastor
St. Peter Community Church
Northbrook, IL

The Rev. Anthony B. Wight
United Church of Christ
Wilbur Cross High School Annex
New Haven, CT

The Rev. Ned Wight
Summit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
La Mesa, CA

The Rev. Deborah Wight-Knight, L.M.F.T.
Executive Director
Counseling Center of First United Methodist Church
Warner Robins, GA

The Rev. John G. Wightman, Retired
United Church of Christ
Sheffield, MA

Henry L Wiginton, Elder, Retired
The Unitd Methodist Church, Misssissippi Conference
Gulfport, MS

The Rev. Doug Wigner
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Lynchburg, VA

The Rev. Walter Wiklund
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Stånga, Sweden
(US citizen)

The Rev. Erik Walker Wikstrom
Yarmouth, ME

The Rev. Rita Wilbur
Spirit of Peace Church
United Church of Christ
San Antonio, TX

The Rev. Dr. Gary A. Wilburn, Senior Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
New Canaan, CT

The Rev. Dr. Randall K. Wilburn
Amherst, MA

Sister Christine Wilcox, O.P.
Dominican Sisters of San Rafael
San Francisco, CA

The Rev. Diana L. Wilcox, Rector
Christ Episcopal Church in Bloomfield & Glen Ridge
Glen Ridge, NJ

Pastor Don Wilcox
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Cortland, NY

The Rev. Melissa Wilcox
Associate Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
Carlisle, PA

Pastor Sandra Wilcox
Messiah Lutheran Church, ELCA
Austin, TX

The Rev. Sara Wilcox
Land of the Sky UCC
Asheville, NC

The Rev. William Wilcox, Retired Pastor
Presbyterian Church, USA
Henderson Harbor, NY

The Rev. Arthur R. Wilde, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Findlay, OH

The Rev. Kendra Wilde
Helena, MT

The Rev. Sydney Kay Wilde
Unitarian Universalist Church
Reston, VA

The Rev. David Wilder
Pastor for Senior Ministries
St. Luke Lutheran Church
Portland, OR

The Rev. Terrie Wilder
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Polo, IL

Pastor Deanna M. Wildermuth
Holy Trinity Lutheran/ELCA
Mercer Island, WA

Pastor William Wildey
United Church of Christ
South Bend, IN

The Rev. Dr. Timothy J. Wildman
United Church of Christ
Concord, NH

The Rev. Mary Lee Wile, Deacon
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Brunswick, ME

The Rev. Amy Lea Wiles
First Presbyterian Church
Waterloo, IA

The Rev. Sarah W. Wiles
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Tacoma, WA

The Rev. Michelle M. Wiley
United Church of Christ
The Union Church of Vinalhaven
Vinalhaven, ME

The Rev. Daniel L. Wilfrid
Immanuel Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Holden, MA

The Rev. Mark N. Wilhelm, Ph.D.
Division for Ministry, ELCA
Chicago, IL

The Rev. C. Kit Wilke, Pastor
Woodruff & Cross Roads Community Churches
United Church of Christ
Long Beach, CA

Bishop Richard B Wilke, Retired
The United Methodist Church
Winfield, KS

The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Wilkens
Professor Emeritus of Theology
Texas Lutheran University
Seguin, TX

The Rev. Jack B. Wilkers
Third Presbyterian Church
Staunton, VA

Dr. B. Glenn Wilkerson, Senior Minister
Cypress Creek Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Spring, TX

The Rev. Dr. Rex B. Wilkes, Pastor
First United Methodist Church
Stigler, OK

The Rev. Oscar I. Wilkie
Broken Arrow, OK

The Rev. June Wilkins
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Columbus, OH

The Rev. Walter J. Wilkins, Ph.D., Pastor
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Berwyn, PA

The Rev. Joyce Wilkinson, Vicar
The Episcopal Church of The Good Shepherd
George West, TX

The Rev. John H. Will, Retired
United Church of Christ
Burleson, TX

The Rev. Mary Kay Will
United Methodist Campus Minister
Long Beach, CA

The Rev. Michael Will
Columbia, MO

The Rev. Thomas C. Willadsen
First Presbyterian Church
Oshkosh, WI

The Rev. Jane A. Willan
Paxton United Church of Christ
Paxton, MA

The Rev. Drew Willard
United Church of Christ at The Villages
Oxford, FL

The Rev. Nathan LH Willard, Pastor
Ankeny UCC
Ankeny, IA

The Rev. E. Suzanne Wille, Rector
The Episcopal Church of All Saints
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Canon James R. Willems
Episcopal Church, USA
Ojai, CA

The Rev. Carole P. Willer
Villa Park, IL

The Rev. Roger A. Willer, Coordinator
ELCA Staff Team on Faith, Science, and Technology
Chicago, IL

The Rev. David Willerup
Nottingham, PA

The Rev. Nancy Willet
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Uvalde, TX

Deacon John Willets, PhD
Episcopal Church of the USA (ECUSA)
DePaul University
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Linda M. Willey
United Methodist Church
Peabody, KS

The Rev. Lynn L. Willhite
The United Methodist Church
Elkhart, TX

Dr. Alfred Williams, Retired
United Church of Christ
Foster City, CA

The Rev. Alfred H. Williams, 3rd
Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Poughkeepsie, NY

The Rev. Allison Williams
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Atlanta, GA

The Rev. B. David Williams
Senior Pastor
Shoreline United Methodist Church
Shoreline, WA

The Rev. Bob Williams
Roswell, NM

The Rev. Bob Williams
University Methodist Church
Austin, TX

The Rev. Brendan E. Williams, CSJC
Grace and St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Colorado Springs, CO

The Rev. Christina Williams
First Congregational Church of Hadley, UCC
Hadley, MA

The Rev. Dr. David Williams, Pastor
Poolesville Presbyterian Church
Annandale, VA

The Rev. David A. Williams, D.Min.
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Charleston, SC

The Rev. David S. Williams, Pastor
First United Methodist Church
De Queen, AR

The Rev. Dr. Dena Williams
ELCA Pastor
Denver, CO

The Rev. Dian Williams
Associate Minster
Houston, TX

Dr. Diane Brenda Williams, Pastor
New Genesis Baptist Church
Washington, DC

The Rev. Ed Williams, Senior Pastor
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
West Chester, OH

The Rev Eston Williams
Aley United Methodist Church
Seven Points, TX

The Rev. Dr. Foster J. Williams, Ph.D.
Retired United Methodist Church
Brownsburg, IN

The Rev. Canon Frederick B. Williams, D.D., D.C.L.
New York, NY

The Rev. Hollis Williams, Interim Ministry
The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Seattle, WA

The Rev. J. Weegie Williams
Retired United Methodist Church Clergy
Hobart, OK

Pastor Jacob Williams
Trinity United Methodist
Lafayette, IN

Jane Williams, M.Div., Ph.D.
Episcopal Chaplain
St. Mary's Episcopal School
Memphis, TN

Dr. Jay G. Williams
Clinton, NY

The Rev. John Williams, Ph.D.
United Church of Christ
Jacksonville, FL

The Rev. John D. “Rusty” Williams
First United Methodist Church
Muskogee, OK

The Rev. Jonathan Williams, Lead Pastor Forefront Church
New York City, NY

The Rev. Kenneth E.Williams, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
The College of New Jersey
Member of Presbytery of Philadelphia, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Feasterville, PA

The Rev. Laurie D. Williams
Triumphant Cross Lutheran Church, ELCA
Dothan, AL

The Rev. Mamie A. Williams
United Methodist
Columbia, MD

The Rev. Margaret Williams
Episcopal Church
Humble, TX

The Rev. Margaret B. Williams
Stratford, CT

The Rev. Martha Williams
Durant, MS

The Rev. Dr. Martha A. Williams
United Christian Church
Livermore, CA

Max Williams, Senior Pastor
Epworth UMC
Marion, OH

The Rev. Melody S. Williams
Assistant Rector
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Dayton, OH

The Rev. Meredith Williams
Danville, VA

The Rev. Dr. Michael E. Williams
Associate Executive Presbyter
Presbytery of St. Augustine (PCUSA)
Jacksonville, FL

Michael E. Williams, Senior Pastor
First United Methodist Church
Hendersonville, TN

Pastor Nathan Williams
Highland Church of Christ
Abilene, TX

Pastor Paul R. Williams, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Akron, OH

The Rev. Peg Williams
Episcopal Priest
Rock Falls, IL

The Rev. Perry L. Williams, Associate Pastor
Wesley Freedom UMC
Eldersburg, MD

The Rev. Persis P. Williams, Rector
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Springfield Center, NY
Grace Church
Cherry Valley, NY

The Rev. Polly Williams
Plano, TX

The Rev. Dr. Randy Arlan Williams, D.Min.
Glen Oak Christian Church
Peoria, IL

The Rev. Robert E. Williams, Parish Associate
First Presbyterian Church
Oakland, CA

The Rev. Robert E. Williams
Retired Presbyterian Pastor
Walnut Creek, CA

Pastor Robert W. Williams, D.D.
Executive Minister Emeritus
American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire
Concord, NH

The Rev. San Williams, Senior Pastor
University Presbytery Church
Austin, TX

The Rev. Sandy Williams
Metropolitan Community Church
Los Angeles, CA

The Rev. Sharon L. Williams
First Presbyterian Church
Wappingers Falls, NY

The Rev. Shelli Williams, Associate Pastor
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Houston, TX

The Rev. Stephen J. C. Williams, Retired Priest
Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande
Pittsfield, MA

The Rev. Susan Anslow Williams
St. Steven's Episcopal Church
Troy, MI

The Rev. Terrye Williams
Hilton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Newport News, VA

Tom Williams, Interim Minister
North Presbyterian Church (PC-USA)
Milwaukee, WI

The Rev. Dr. W. Kenneth Williams
American Baptist
Rochester, NY

The Rev. Wesley Williams
Orleans United Methodist Church
Orleans, MA

The Rev. Nancy Williams-Berry
Faith Presbyterian Church
Morehead, KY

The Rev. Stacy Williams Duncan
Episcopal Priest and Chaplain
St. Matthew's Episcopal Day School in San Mateo, CA
Emeryville, CA

The Rev. Connie Williams Moodie
Zion United Church of Christ
Gilman, IL and
United Church of Chebanse
Chebanse, IL

Thomas Williamsen
Muskegon, MI

The Rev. Dr. Thomas P. Williamsen
Gloria Dei! Lutheran Church
Arnold, MD

The Rev. Barbara Williamson, Rector
St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church
Sudbury, MA

The Rev. Bill Williamson
Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church
Louisville, KY

Dr. Charles C. Williamson, Pastor
Philadelphia Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Charlotte, NC

The Rev. Clark M. Williamson, Ph.D., D.D.
Indiana Professor of Christian Thought, Emeritus
Christian Theological Seminary
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Don Williamson
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Spirit of the Desert Presbyterian Fellowship
Palm Desert, CA

The Rev. Jeremiah Williamson, Rector
Grace and St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Colorado Springs, CO

The Rev. Julia H. Williamson, Pastor
Slippery Rock Presbyterian Church
Ellwood City, PA

The Rev. Dr. Lamar Williamson, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Montreat, NC

Chaplain Michael Williamson
Hospital Chaplain
Alliance of Baptists
Clinton, MS

The Rev. Scott M. Williamson, M.Div
United Church of Christ
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Chattanooga, TN

The Rev. Gail Williford
St Paul's UMC
Houston, TX

The Rev. Karla E. Willim
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, ELCA
Marietta, GA

The Rev. Dr. Kimberly Anne Willis
Wesley United Methodist Church
Bakersfield, CA

The Rev. Margot L. Willis
United Church of Christ
Woodbridge, VA

The Rev. Tim S. Willis
Clemson, SC

The Rev. Sally G. Willis-Watkins, Senior Pastor
The Presbyterian Church of Flemington
Flemington, NJ

The Rev. John P. Willlmann, Retired
Interim Pastor
St. James Lutheran Church, ELCA
Ganado, TX

Charles O. Willming, Retired Minister
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Keizer, OR

The Very Rev. William Willoughby, III, Ed.D., Rector
St Paul's and Dean of Savannah
Episcopal Diocese of Georgia
Savannah, GA

The Rev. Barbara M Wills
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Northwood, IA

The Rev. Brenda S. Wills
United Methodist Church
Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital
Newport, OR

The Rev. Clark Wills
St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Seattle, WA

The Rev. Donald A. Wills, Pastor
Gunnison Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Gunnison, CO

The Rev. Robert M. Wills
Prescott, AZ

The Rev. Dr. Gayraud S. Wilmore
The Presbyterian Church (USA)
Emeritus Professor of Church History
Interdenominational Theological Center
Atlanta, GA

The Rev. Arthur Wilmot
Port Angeles, WA

The Rev. Alfred W. Wilson, Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Huntingdon Presbytery
State College, PA

The Rev. Ann Asper Wilson, Pastor
St Paul United Church of Christ
Belleville, IL

The Rev. Barbara A. T. Wilson
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
DeKalb, IL

The Rev. Dan Wilson, Pastor
Cherokee Heights United Methodist Church
Macon, GA

The Rev. Dr. Dan Wilson, Retired
Gig Harbor, WA

The Rev. Don W. Wilson, Senior Pastor
The Federated Church, PC(USA), UCC
Columbus, NE

The Rev. Donald Wilson
Venice United Church of Christ
Venice, FL

The Rev. Donald J. Wilson
Retired Presbyterian Minister
Santa Fe, NM

The Rev. Donald R. Wilson, Retired
Episcopal Diocese of Oregon
Tigard, OR

Doug Wilson, Lay Speaker
United Methodist Church
Milwaukie, OR

The Rev. Franklin A. Wilson
Saint Mark Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Salem, OR

The Rev Gregory M. Wilson, Chaplain
Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry
Temple University
Media, PA

J. Christian Wilson, Ph.D., Pastor
First United Methodist Church
North Wilkesboro, NC

The Rev. Jack W. Wilson
Edmonds, WA

Dr. James M. Wilson, Pastor
Barrington United Methodist Church
Barrington, IL

The Rev. Jo Clare Wilson
Director of Training
Pastoral Services
Hartford Hospital
Hartford, CT

Bishop Joe A. Wilson
The United Methodist Church
Georgetown, TX

The Rev. John K. Wilson, M.E., M.Div., S.T.M.
Presbyterian Church
Kamrar, IA

The Rev. Julia R. Wilson
Lisbon United Methodist Church
Lisbon Falls, ME

Chaplain Kathi Wilson
St. Louis, MO

The Rev. Larry Wilson
United Methodist
Volant, PA

The Rev. Laura Cean Wilson
United Methodist Church
Columbus, OH

The Rev. Lisa M. Wilson
Woodstock, VA

The Rev. Mark D. Wilson
Designated Pastor and Teacher
First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Waterville, ME

The Rev. Mary Wilson, Pastor
Church of the Savior
Cedar Park, TX

The Rev. Mason Wilson
Retired Episcopal Priest
Asheville, NC

The Rev. Mike Wilson, Pastor
Downtown Presbyterian Church
Nashville, TN

The Rev. Dr. P.T. Wilson
Greensburg United Methodist Church
Greensburg, IN

The Rev. Paul Wilson
United Methodist Church
Wellington, OH

The Rev. Peary Wilson
Pringle United Methodist Church
Custer, SD

The Rev. Richard Wilson, Deacon
St. Richard's Episcopal Church
Winter Park, FL

The Rev. Richard Wilson, D.Min.
Pastoral Counselor and Presbyterian Clergy
Huntington, WV

Richard Francis Wilson
Baptist Minister
Columbus Roberts Professor of Theology and Chair
The Roberts Department of Christianity
College of Liberal Arts
Mercer University
Macon, GA

The Rev. Ronald D. Wilson, D.Min., Minister
The Associated Church
(Presbyterian Church, USA and United Church of Christ)
Owatonna, MN

The Rev. Steven C Wilson, Rector
Grace Church (Episcopal)
Carthage, MO

Todd Wilson, Senior Minister
First Baptist Church
Clemson, SC

The Rev. Victor M. Wilson, D.Min
St. John's Presbyterian Church
Devon, PA

The Rev. Juli Wilson-Black, Pastor
Fairlington Presbyterian Church
Alexandria, VA

The Rev. Elizabeth Wilson Manahan
Associate Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Oceanside, CA

The Rev. Carlos E. Wilton, Ph.D., Pastor
Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ

The Rev. Roderic D. Wiltse, Assisting Priest
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Webster Groves, MO

Susan Wiltsey
Episcopal Diocese of Utah
St. George, UT

The Rev. Sarah Schofield Wimberley
Glenwood Park UMC
Independence, MO

The Rev. Alexander Wimberly
Minister of Word and Sacrament
Princeton, NJ

John W. Wimberly, Jr., Pastor
Western Presbyterian Church
Washington, DC

The Rev. Dr. Dana E. Wimmer
Immanuel United Methodist Church
Des Moines, IA

The Rev. Joseph F. Wimmer, O.S.A., S.T.D.
Washington Theological Union
Washington, DC

The Rev. Russell L.Wimmer, Interim Pastor
Grace Presbyterian Church (USA)
Lancaster, SC

The Rev. Bill Winch
Rolla, MO

Kim Winchell
Diaconal Minister for Earthkeeping Education
North / West Lower MI Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Saginaw, MI

The Rev. Travis B. Winckler, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Mishawaka, IN

The Rev. Nancy B. Windels
Eden Prairie, MN

The Ven. Francis L. Winder, Retired Archdeacon
Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT

Nancy L. Winder, Pastor
Faith Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Seattle, WA

The Rev. Dr. Belinda C. Windham, Pastor
New Hope Presbyterian Church
Katy, TX

The Rev. Dr. Diane Windler
United Church of Christ
St. Louis, MO

Rt. Rev. Mark W. Windon
Oxford Anglican Church
East Ridge, TN

The Rev. Robert G. Windsor, Rector
Christ Episcopal Church
Needham, MA

The Rev. Wanda Windsor
Fort Bragg Evergreen United Methodist Church
Fort Bragg, CA

The Rev. John R. Wineman
Retired Presbyterian Clergy
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Dr. Gary Wines, Pastor
Center for Spiritual Living Redlands
Redlands, CA

The Rev. Tracy McNeil Wines
Vale United Methodist Church
Oakton, VA

The Rev. Arthur K. Wing, III
Retired New York State Chaplain
Suffern, NY

The Rev. Douglas E. Wingeier, PhD
Emeritus Professor of Practical Theology
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Evanston, IL
Waynesville, NC

The Rev. Nordon W. Winger
The Episcopal Church
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
Cave Creek, AZ

The Rev. James M Winjum
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Versailles, KY

Pastor Dayna Winke
Des Plaines, IL

The Rev. Karen Winkel
United Church of Paducah (UCC)
Paducah, KY

Pastor Julie Winklepleck
Immanuel Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Muskegon, MI

Ed Winkler, Pastor
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Charlottesville, VA

The Rev. Dr. John Winn, Retired
United Methodist Church
Slidell, LA

Lois Winnick-Chapman, Chaplain
Doctors Hospital
Columbus, OH
Congregation Beth Tikvah
Worthington, OH

The Rev. Stephen M. Winsett, Interim Rector
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Terrace Park, OH

The Rev. K. Dennis Winslow, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Chelsea
New York, NY

The Rev. Neil C. Winslow, Minister
United Methodist Church
Oklahoma City, OK

The Rev. Erik Winsor, Deacon
Seattle, WA

Dr. Bob Winstead, Senior Pastor
Haygood Memorial UMC
Atlanta, GA

The Rev. Terra Winston
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Appleton, WI

The Rev. Cheryl Winter
St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
Hurricane, WV

The Rev. Lloyd H. Winter
Retired Priest in the Episcopal Church
Churchville, PA

The Rev. David F. Winterfeldt, Pastor
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA
Hillside, rural Dimock, SD

The Rev. Ann Marie Winters
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Warren, OH

The Rev. Charles L. Winters, Retired
Episcopal Priest
Cathedral of All Souls
Asheville, NC

The Rev. Mark T. Winters
First Congregational UCC Naperville
Naperville, IL

The Rev. Dr. Paul D. Winters, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Episcopal Church USA
St Michaels, MD

The Rev. R. Michael Winters, Retired
The Presbyterian Church (USA)
The Presbytery of Chicago
Oak Park, IL

The Rev. Rhett Y. Winters, Jr.
Retired Episcopal Priest
North Augusta, GA

Kent Winters-Hazelton, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Lawrence, KS

The Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Wintle, Senior Minister
The First Parish Church in Weston
Weston, MA

The Rev. Sue Wintz, M.Div., BCC
Board Certified Staff Chaplain
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
Phoenix, AZ

The Rev. William C. Winzeler
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Pittsburgh, PA

The Rev. Canon William L. Wipfler, Ph.D.
Retired Episcopal Priest
Former Associate for Human Rights
Anglican Office at the United Nations
West Seneca, NY

The Rev. Sandra J. Wisco
St. Mark Lutheran Church
Charlottesville, VA

The Rev. Gene Wisdom, Senior Pastor
First United Methodist Church
Garland, TX

Pastor Robert F. Wise, MDiv
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Lakeland, FL

The Rev. James A. Wiseman, OSB
Associate Professor of Theology
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC

Marv Wiseman, Ph.D, M.Div., Pastor
Marion, IN

The Rev. Rebecca S. Wiseman
Arkansas Conference
United Methodist Church
Berryville, AR

The Rev Steve Wiseman
Arkansas Conference
United Methodist Church
Berryville, AR

The Rev. Bradley H. Wishon
Gentle Shepherd Metropolitan Community Church
Phoenix, AZ

Pastor Tammie Wisniewski
New Jerusalem Zion UCC
Lenhartsville, PA

The Rev. Ian M. Wissler
Anglican (Episcopal)
Mahone Bay, NS, Candada
(US citizen)

Fr. James Patrick Wissman
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Bolivar, MO

The Rev. Christine D. Wissner, Director
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh
Washington, PA

The Rev. Rebecca Withington
New Pilgrims Community UCC
Anacortes, WA

Dr. Lisa Withrow
Associate Professor of Congregational Studies
Director of Field Education
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Delaware, OH

The Rev. David Witkovsky
Church of the Brethren
Juniata College Chaplain
Huntingdon, PA

The Rev. Lowell H. Witkovsky, Retired
Church of the Brethren
Martinsburg, PA

The Rev. Daniel A. Witkowski
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Des Moines, IA

The Rev. Lawrence E. Witmer
Lake Avenue Baptist Church
Rochester, NY

Pastor Jo Ellen Witt
American Baptist
Whitefish Bay, WI

The Rev. Dr. Ken Witt
Florenceo, KY

The Rev. Wendy A. Witt, Director
United Campus Ministries/Wesley Foundation
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL

The Rev. Gary Witte
United Church of Christ
Milford, CT

The Rev. Janet Wittenmyer
Redeemer Lutheran Church - ELCA
Oak Forest, IL

The Rev. Canon Nancy H. Wittig, Priest
All Saints Episcopal Church
Episcopal Diocese of Ohio
Parma, OH

The Rev. Thomas H. Woehrle, Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA) minister
Milwaukee, WI

The Rev. Kim Woeste
Chaplain/Director of Spiritual Life and Church Relations
Rocky Mountain College
Billings, MT

The Rev. Dr. J. Philip Wogaman
Interim President
Iliff School of Theology
Denver, CO

The Rev. Marlin Wogstad, Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Houston, TX

The Rev. Kay E. Woike, Retired
Buffalo, NY

Pastor David A. Wolber, D.D., D.Lit., Retired
Key Largo, FL

The Rev. Dr. Dean D. Wolbrink
United Reformed Church of Somerville
Somerville, NJ

Pastor Joseph C. Wold
Retired ELCA Pastor
Caseville, MI

The Rev. Airin Wolf
Pastoral Care
Unity Center for Spiritual Growth
Windham, ME

The Rev. Eric G. Wolf
Assistant to the Bishop
South Carolina Synod, ELCA
Irmo, SC

The Rev. Jon Wolf
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, ELCA
Overland Park, KS

The Rev. Joseph A. Wolf, Jr.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Coudersport, PA

The Rev. M. David Wolf, Retired
United Methodist Church
San Jose, CA

The Rev. Max H. Wolf
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Retired Pastor & USAF Chaplain
Arlington Heights, IL

The Rev. Dr. Richard G Wolf,
Senior Pastor
St. Peter’s United Church of Christ
Elmhurst, IL

The Rev. Virginia Wolf
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Eau Claire, WI

The Rev. Dr. Charles A. Wolfe, Pastor
Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
Madison, WI

The Rev. Dr. Jim Wolfe
Indianapolis, IN

Lisa M. Wolfe, PhD
Assistant Professor of Old Testament
United Theological Seminary
United Church of Christ
Dayton, OH

The Rev. Mary E. Wolfe
Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church
Reading, PA

Pastor Ralph L. Wolfe
Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, ELCA
Columbus, OH

The Rev. Charles B. Wolff
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Sioux City, IA

The Rev. Lois Ann Wolff
Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Albany, NY

The Rev. James H. Wolford
North East, MD

The Rev. Alan Wolkenhauer
St. Mark Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Dunedin, FL

The Rev. Bruce Wollenberg
St. Mark Church ELCA
Charlottesville, VA

The Rev. Robert G. Wollenburg
Assistant to the Bishop for Giving
ELCA Foundation Gift Planner
Metropolitan New York Synod/ELCA
New York, NY

The Rev. Dr. Fred L. Wollerman, Sr., B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.
Pastor, Community Presbyterian (USA) Church
Westmorland, CA

The Rev. Dr. Harry Wolpert
Ocean City, MD

The Rev. Roger Wolsey
Wesley Fellowship
United Methodist
Boulder, CO

The Rev. Jack M. Wolter, Retired
Episcopal Priest
Prescott, AZ

The Rev. Edwin B. Womack, Retired
United Methodist Church
San Luis Obispo, CA

The Rev. J. Paul Womack
United Methodist
Grand Island, NY

The Rev. Jan L Womer, D.Phil
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Chino Hills, CA

The Rev. Georgette Wonders, Minister
Bradford Community Church
Unitarian Universalist
Kenosha, WI

The Rev. Dr. Ellen K. Wondra
Episcopal Church
Evanston, IL

The Rev. Dr. Bradford Woo
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
San Francisco Presbytery
San Francisco, CA

The Rev. David K. Wood, Ph.D.
Presbyterian Chuch (USA)
Pittsburgh, PA

The Rev. David R. Wood
United Church of Lincoln
Lincoln, VT

The Rev. Donna Wood
Park Presidio United Methodist Church
San Francisco, CA

The Rev. Gerald E. Wood, M.Div, EdD
Sixth Avenue United Methodist Church
Lancaster, OH

The Rev. Greg Wood, Pastor
Presbyterian Church of the Siuslaw Florence, OR

The Rev. Jan Smith Wood
Grace Episcopal Church
Sandusky, OH

The Rev. Joan Wood
Church of the Holy Spirit
Bellevue, NE

The Rev. Dr. Kenneth E. Wood
Central United Methodist Church
Endicott, NY

Laurence W. Wood, MDiv, ThM, PhD
Frank Paul Morris Professor of Theology and
Wesley Studies Coordinator of the ATS/LST PhD Program
Asbury Theological Seminary
Wilmore, KY

The Rev. Linda Wood, Pastor
Zion Lutheran Church, ELCA
Riverside, NJ

The Rev. Paddy Wood
Unity Spiritual Center
Park City, UT

The Rev. Dr. Philip Bertolo Wood
Senior Pastor
Church of the Good Shepherd
United Methodist
Arcadia, CA

The Rev. Prudence T. Wood, Pastor
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Urbana, OH

The Rt. Rev. R. Stewart Wood, Jr.
Retired Bishop
Episcopal Diocese of Michigan
Quechee, VT

The Rev. Richard A. Wood
Fairhope, AL

The Rev. Roger R. Wood
United Methodist Church
Heavener, OK

The Rev. Dr. Shelly A. White Wood
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Stephen Wood
Catholic Priest
Lifetime Missionary to Venezuela
Ciudad Guayana, Bolívar, Venezuela
(US citizen)

Dr. William A. Wood, III, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica
Santa Monica, CA

The Rev. William C. Wood, BCC
Harris Methodist Hospital
Fort Worth, TX

The Rev. William James Wood, Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
Wichita, KS

William P. Wood, Senior Minister
Carmel Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC

The Rev. Theresa Wood-Burgess
Bellbrook Presbyterian Church
Bellbrook, OH

The Rev. Rachel Woodall
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Richmond, VA

The Rev. Charlsi Woodard
Maplewood Christian Church
Disciples of Christ
St. Louis, MO

The Rev. Tony O. Woodell
Little Rock, AR

The Rev. Dr. W. Frederick Wooden
Senior Minister
Fountain Street Church
Grand Rapids, MI

The Rev. Joseph R. Woodfin, Associate Rector
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Fernandina Beach, FL

The Rev. J. Philip Woodland
University United Methodist Church
Baton Rouge, LA

The Rev. Claire Woodley-Aitchison, Rector
Church of St. Mary, Episcopal
Mohegan Lake, NY

The Rev. Kirk A. Woodliff, Rector
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Sparks, NV

The Rev. Richard M. Woodman, Retired
Unitarian Universalist
Dover, NH

Richard Scott Woodmansee
Presbyterian Church USA
Davidson, NC

The Rev. James H. Woodring, Retired
Newark, OH

The Rev. H. Raymond Woodruff
Retired United Church of Christ minister
Cincinnati, OH

Dr. Henry F. Woodruff, Pastor
Chardon United Methodist Church
Chardon, OH

The Rev. Karen B. Woodruff
Episcopal Church
Lively, VA

The Rev. Dr. Robert B. Woodruff, Pastor
Second Presbyterian Church
Albuquerque, NM

The Rev. Candace Woods
United Church of Christ
Colorado Springs, CO

The Rev. Dee Ann Woods
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
First United Methodist Church
Waupaca, WI

The Rev. John M. Woods
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Dover, PA

The Rev. Margie McDaniel Woods, Pastor
First United Methodist Church of Festus/Crystal City
Festus, MO

The Rev. Nancy A. Woods
The United Methodist Church
Georgetown, TX

The Rev. Roger Woods, Retired
University Religious Studies Professor
Sarasota, FL

The Rev. Vicki Woods
Worcester, MA

The Rev. Carolyn Woodson
United Church of Christ
Yountville, CA

The Very Rev. Thomas B. Woodward
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Salinas, CA

The Rev. Thomas D. Woodward
Designated Pastor
Nashua Presbyterian Church
Nashua, NH

Nanette Woodworth
Director of Christian Formation for Youth and Children
St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church
Atlanta, GA

The Rev. Thalia A. Woodworth
Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA
Stamford, NE

The Rev. Wendy Joy Woodworth
Fremont United Methodist Church
Portland, OR

The Rev. Nancy Woodworth-Hill, PhD
Rector and Co-Pastor
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Jeffersonville, IN

The Rev. Robert Woody, Rector
Episcopal Church of Reconciliation
San Antonio, TX

The Rev. David L Woodyard, Retired
United Methodist Church
Lewis Center, OH

The Rev. Eric Wooldridge, Pastor
Messiah Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Auburn, WA

The Rev. Steven E. Woolley
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Walla Walla, WA

The Rev. B. Fred Woolsey
Riverside Avenue Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Jacksonville, FL

The Rev. D. Darrell Woomer, Ph.D.
Chaplain of the College
Lebanon Valley College
Annville, PA

The Rev. Matthew C. Wooster, Minister
Wellesley Hills Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Wellesley Hills, MA

The Rev. Brandi C. Wooten, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Chili, NY

The Rev. Dr. Jim Wooten, Senior Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Fort Wayne, IN

The Rev. Stephanie L. Wooten
United Church of Christ
Bartlesville, OK

The Rev. Middleton Wootten
Episcopal priest
Batesville, AR

The Rev. Dr. George S. Worcester
First Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Boulder, CO

Pastor John Worcester, Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Olympia, WA

The Rev. Amos A. Workman
Memeber at Large, Foothills Presbytery
Greenville, SC

The Rev. Bill Worley
First Reformed Church
United Church of Christ
Lancaster, PA

The Rev. Bill Worth
Unity Church of Austin
Austin, TX

The Rev. Candace A. Worth
New Hope Presbyterian Church (USA)
Chattanooga, TN

The Rev. Mark Worth
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Castine
Castine, ME

The Rev. Steve Worth, Pastor
Mount Vernon United Methodist Church
Mount Vernon, AL

The Rev. Dr. George M. Wortham
Highland Presbyterian Church
West Monroe, LA

The Rev. Dr. Carol Worthing
Retired ELCA Pastor
Edina, MN

The Rev. Barbara D. Worthington
Presbyterian (U.S.A.)
Freeland, WA

The Rev. John V. Worthington
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Freeland, WA

The Rev. Judy Worthington
Stokesland UMC
Danville, VA

The Rev. Kathi Worthington, Ruling Elder
Green Mountain Presbyterian Church
Lakewood, CO

The Rev. Cindy Worthington-Berry
First Parish Church United / United Church of Christ and Unitarian Universalist Association
Westford, MA

The Rev. Jonathan Wortmann, Head Minister
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Southborough, MA

The Rev. John A. Worzala Dumke
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Luther Memorial Church
Madison, WI

The Rev. Martin E. Woulfe
Abraham Lincoln UU Congregation
Springfield, IL

The Rev. Herb Wounded Head III
Brookings, SD

The Rev. Dr. Judith Wozniak
Council Bluffs, IA

The Ven. Christopher K. Wrampelmeier
Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas
Amarillo, TX

The Rev. Dale E. Wratchford
Chaplain, Children's Hospital
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Unitarian Universalist Association
Omaha, NE

The Rev. Judith Hoch Wray
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
New York, NY

The Rev. Thomas Wray, Chaplain
Taylor Hospice
Warrington, PA

The Rev. Richard C. Wrede, Rector
Christ Church (Episcopal)
Riverton, NJ

Brian A. Wren, M.A. D.Phil (Oxon), Minister United Reformed Church (UK)
John and Miriam Conant Professor of Worship
Columbia Theological Seminary
Decatur, GA

The Rev. Anne Wrider
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
Cincinnati, OH

The Rev. William Wrieden
Grace Lutheran Church - ELCA
Elroy, WI

The Rev. Andrew R. Wright, STM
The General Theological Seminary
New York, NY

The Rev. Angie Wright
Beloved Community United Church of Christ
Birmingham, AL

The Rev. Dr. C. Keith Wright
Retired Pastor, Presbyterian Church USA
Parish Associate
University Presbyterian Church
Austin, TX

The Rev Chip Wright
Olympic Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Port Angeles, WA

The Rev. Daniel L. Wright
Berkeley Springs, WV

The Rev. David Wright
United Methodist Church
Tacoma, WA

Pastor David Wright
Chapel Creek Church
Tulsa, OK

Pastor Dennis W. Wright
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Minneapolis Area Synod
East Bethel, MN

Pastor Donna M. Wright
Lord of Love Lutheran Church
Omaha, NE

The Rev. Donna M. Wright
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Melrose Park, PA

The Rev. Felicity Wright
Arlington Community Church
Kensington, CA

The Rev. Hollis E. Wright, Rector
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Grand Junction, CO

The Rev. Jo Anne S. Wright
Vinita, OK

The Rev. Dr. Judith E. Wright
The First Parish Church Unitarian Universalist
Northborough, MA

Kris Wright, Associate in Ministry
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
St. Petersburg, FL

The Rev. Lola P. Wright
Bodhi Spiritual Center
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Mary E. Wright
Transitional Pastor
Springfield, MO

The Rev. Nancy G. Wright
South Burlington, VT

The Rev. Deacon Sister Priscilla Jean Wright, CT
Convent of the Transfiguration
Glednale, OH

The Rev. R. Don Wright
Lord of Love Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Omaha, NE

The Rev. Ralph B. Wright, Jr., Pastor
Yaphank Presbyterian Church
Yaphank, NY

The Rev. Professor Samuel A. Wright
Sonoita, AZ
Chicaloon, AK

The Rev. Dr. Sargent Wright
United Methodist Church
Citrus Heights, CA

The Rev. Dr. Sherry Wright
Manhattan, KS

The Rev. Dr. Stephen Hamilton Wright
Senior Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Wausau, WI

The Rev. Stuart W. Wright
Baltimore, MD

The Rev. Thomas R. Wright
United Methodist
Plymouth, MN

Wendell T. Wright, Retired
US Army Chaplain (COL)
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Roseland, VA

The Rev. William A. Wright, Ph.D.
Pastor and Theologian in Residence
Church of Christ, Congregational
Granby, MA

The Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman
The United Methodist Church
Dallas, TX

The Rev. Jonathan Wright-Gray
Pastor Emeritus
The First Church in Sterling, Federated
Sterling, MA

The Rev. Chad Wright Pittman
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Atlanta, GA

The Rev. Dr. David C. Wu, Retired
United Methodist Church
Cary, NC

The Rev. Barbara Wuest
Celebration Church
Portland, OR

The Rev. Lori Wunder
First Presbyterian Church
Cedar Rapids, IA

Richard Wurtzel, CLP
Maple Hill Presbyterian Church
Maple Hill, NC

The Rev. David A. Wyant
First UMC
Pilot Mountain, NC

The Rev. Dr. Brian C. Wyatt, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Elizabethton, TN

The Rev. Canon Michael Wyatt, Ph. D.
Canon Theologian
Director of Education
Cathedral College
Washington National Cathedral
Washington, DC

The Rev. Dr. Richard O. Wyatt
General Presbyter
Homestead Presbytery
Presbyterian Church ( U.S.A.)
Lincoln, NE

The Rev. Linda Wygant
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Joan Wylie, Deacon
Episcopal Church of the Trinity
Coatesville, PA

The Rev. Sandy Wylie
District Superintendent of the McAlester District
United Methodist Church
McAlester, OK

The Rev. Ross S. Wyman
Earlville United Parish
Earlville, IA

The Rev. Karl H. Wyneken, Retired
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
Fresno, CA

The Rev. Nancy H. Wynen, Retired
The Episcopal Church
Lopez Island, WA

Baxter M. Wynn
Minister of Pastoral Care
First Baptist Church
Greenville, SC

The Rev. S. David Wynn Sr.
Agape' MCC
Fort Worth, TX

The Rev. Tammy Wynn
United Church of Christ
Ft. Worth, TX

The Rev. Lani Wynne-Hampton, Senior Minister
Center For Spiritual Living
A United Church of Religious Science
Orlando, FL

The Rev. Dr. James C. Wyrtzen
Director of Training and Development
Creative Living Counseling Center
Allendale, NJ

Pastor Allan Wysocki
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Glen Rock, PA

The Rev. Dr. Joel V. Xavier, Pastor
Partners in Ministry Parish
-First Lutheran Church
-Trimont United Methodist Church
Trimont, MN

The Rev. Vicki Xi
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Ashfield, MA and
Communications Director|Missioner
The Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
Springfield, MA

The Rev. Andrew Yackel
Cannon Falls, MN

Pastor Mike Yager
Community Pastor
Ecclesia Houston, Downtown
Houston, TX

The Rev. Elizabeth Yale
St. John's Episcopal Church
Franklin, PA

The Rev. Wesley N. Yamaka, Retired
The United Methodist Church
Salem, OR

The Rev. Dr. Jan Yandell, Senior Pastor
East Shore Church United Methodist
Euclid, OH

The Rev. Mary Ellen Yanity
Hays United Methodist Church
Pittsburgh, PA

The Rev. Tina Yankee
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Denver, CO

The Rev. James C. Yao, Pastor
Moorefield Presbyterian Church
Moorefield, WV

The Rev. Sue Yarber, Pastor
Congregational Education
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis
St. Louis, MO

The Rev. Buzz Yarborough
St. Richard of Chichester Episcopal Church
Jekyll Island, GA

The Rev. Dr. Ellen Strawbridge Yarborough
Minister for Congregational Care
Green Street United Methodist Church
Winston-Salem, NC

The Rev. Julie Yarborough
Christ Church
Summit, NJ

The Rev. C. Denise Yarbrough
Director of Religious and Spiritual Life
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY

The Rev. Dr. Douglas W. Yarbrough
First Nampa Congregational United Church of Christ
Nampa, ID

The Rev. Stephen Yarbrough
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Indianapolis, IN

The Rev. Sue Ann Yarbrough
Director of Chaplaincy Services
SpiritCare Ministry to Seniors
Burlingame, CA and
Minister in Covenant
First Church
Redwood City, CA

Dr. C. Fred Yarnell, Deacon
North Branch Reformed Church
Bridgewater, NJ

The Rev. David E. Yasenka, Pastor
Triumphant Cross Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Salem, NH

The Rev. Edwin Yates
A New Life MCC
Toledo, OH

The Rev. Dr. Tom Yates
Vancouver, WA

The Rev. Gregory Yeager
Grafton Lutheran Church
Grafton, ND

Bishop Joseph H. Yeakel, Retired
United Methodist Church
Smithsburg, MD

The Rev. John F. Yeaman, MSSW
Retired United Methodist Clergy and
National Association of Social Workers
Austin, TX

The Rev. Dr. Darrell W. Yeaney, HR
Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)
Santa Cruz, CA

The Rev. Daniel S. Yeazel
Middleton, WI

Rodney Yee, Pastor
Berkeley Chinese Community Church
United Church of Christ
Berkeley, CA

The Rev. Fr. Kevin Yell
American Catholic Church
and Chaplain, Kaiser Hospice Program
Oakland, CA

The Rev. Elinor Yeo, Retired
United Church of Christ
Newton, MA

The Rev. Richard Yeo, Retired
Newton, MA

The Rev. Kenneth B. Yerkes
Retired Episcopal Clergy
Collingswood, NJ

Pastor George I. Yetter, Retired
United Methodist
Phoenix, AZ

Christine Roy Yoder
Associate Professor of Old Testament
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Columbia Theological Seminary
Decatur, GA

James D. Yoder, Jr., MDiv, BCC
Staff Chaplain, Pitt County Memorial Hospital
Greenville, NC

The Rev. Todd Grant Yonkman
First Congregational Church
Stamford, CT

The Rev. Dr. Herman Yoos
South Carolina Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Columbia, SC

The Rev. Dr. Charles G. Yopst, D.Min., D.T.R.
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Registered Dance/Movement Therapist
American Dance Therapy Association
Mount Prospect, IL

The Rev. Stephen York
Vice President for Leadership Development
The International Council of Community Churches
Stonington, ME

The Rev. Thomas D. York, Pastor
Knox Presbyterian Church
Cincinnati, OH

The Rev. Carole Yorke
Unitarian Universalist
Spirit of Life UUs
Odessa, FL

The Rev. Camille Yorkey, Senior Pastor
Benson Memorial United Methodist Church
Raleigh, NC

The Rev. Alan G. O. Yost, SJ
Cardoner Jesuit Community
Yakima, WA

The Rev. Sara Yotter, Pastor
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Seymour, WI

The Rev. Kathy Youde, Pastor
Tonasket Community United Church of Christ
Tonasket, WA

The Rev. Ann Williamson Young, Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Cornelius, NC

Deacon Cyndee Young
Urbandale, IA

The Rev. Daniel E. Young, Pastor
Grace United Church of Christ of Loyal Oak
Norton, OH

Pr. David A. Young
Retired Lutheran Pastor (ELCA)
Cedar Rapids, IA

The Rev. David Cook Young, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
Bowling Green, OH

The Rev. David E. Young
Chapel Lane Presbyterian Church PC(USA)
Midland, MI

Elissa Young, Lay Minister
Center for Spiritual Living
San Jose, CA

The Rev. Ernle W.D. Young, Ph.D.
United Methodist Minister
Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Ethics) Emeritus
Stanford University and
Chief Officer for the Protection of Research Participants
Woodside, CA

The Rev. Frank Young, Rector
South Talladega Episcopal Ministry
Sylacauga, AL

The Rev. Gary Young
Episcopal Church
Hood River, OR

Bishop George D. Young, III
Bishop of East Tennessee
Diocese of East Tennessee
Episcopal Church
Knoxville, TN

Chaplain Greg Young, M.Div.
Chaplain, FBI
Chaplain, Germantown Police Department
Germantown, WI

The Rev. Jake Young
North Anderson Commuity Church
Presbyterian (USA)
Anderson, SC

The Rev. Jean Sutliff Young
United Methodist
Rehoboth Beach, DE

The Rev. Dr. John A. Young
United Methodist
Anderson, IN

The Rev. Judy Smith Young
Mill Creek Parish United Methodist Church
Derwood, MD

The Rev. Kathy Young
United Methodist
Great Falls, MT

The Rev. Kevin D. Young, Senior Pastor
First United Methodist Church
Bay City, TX

The Rev. Larry D. Young
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Ellinwood, KS

The Rev. Laura Young
United Methodist
Columbus, OH

The Rev. Dr. Malcolm Young
Christ Episcopal Church
Los Altos, CA

The Rev. Mark Young
Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church
Council Bluffs, IA

The Rev. Mark K. Young
Immanuel United Church of Christ
St. Bernard, OH

The Rev. Melody Young
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Tumwater, WA

The Rev. Mike Young, Interim Minister
Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City
Studio City, CA

Dr. Mike Young
United Methodist Church
Fort Worth, TX

The Rev. Dr. Nancy K. Young
(PCUSA) serving an ELCA congregation
Trinity Lutheran Church
Midland, MI

The Rev. R. Mark Young, Pastor
Trinity United Methodist Church
Lebanon, PA

Pastor Randy Young
Christ Lutheran Church
Fairbanks, AK

The Rev. Dr. Richard Young
Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)
Orchard Park, NY

The Rev. Richard P. Young, Chaplain
Dayton Chapter of Dignity/USA
Dayton, OH

The Rev. Rose S. Young, Chaplain
Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital
Richmond, VA

The Rev. S. Matthew Young, Vicar
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Newport, KY

Dr. Thomas W. Young, Pastor
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Dubuque, IA

The Rev. Dr. William Young, Associate Pastor
Metropolitan Community Church of Austin
Austin, TX

William A. Young, Ph. D., Pastor
Concord Presbyterian Church
Auxvasse, MO and
Professor of Religious Studies
Westminster College
Fulton, MO

The Rev. William K. Young, Rector
St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church
Sun City, AZ

The Rev. Rachel Young Binter
Mount Carmel Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Milwaukee, WI

The Rev. William Lee Youngblood
United Methodist Minister
Chaplain, Health Care Center
Frasier Meadows Retirement Community
Boulder, CO

The Rev. Dr. William M. Youngblood, Honorably Retired
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Wilmette, IL

The Rev. Pat Youngdahl, Co-Pastor
Downtown United Presbyterian Church
Rochester, NY

The Rev. William Youngkin, Pastor
David’s United Church of Christ
Kettering, OH

The Rev. Judith Youngman
The United Church of Christ
Gresham, OR

The Rev. Edmund R. Youngquist
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Northfield, MN

The Rev. Patricia Youngquist
United Methodist Church
Mount Pleasant, IA

Deacon Randy Youngquist-Thurow
Fuquay-Varina, NC

The Rev. Charles M. Youngson, Associate Rector
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
Birmingham, AL

The Rev. Amy Yount
St. Patrick's Episcopal Day School
Washington, DC

The Rev. Royall A. Yount, Jr., D.Min., Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Raleigh, NC

Sister Stephanie Youstra, OSB
Sister of Saint Benedict
Monastery Immaculate Conception
(Roman Catholic)
Ferdinand, IN

The Rev. John Yungerberg, LCSW
Regional Director for Church Relations
Lutheran Social Services
Eau Claire, WI

The Rev. Dr. Sharon Yunker-Deatz
Member-at-Large, Presbytery of Lake Michigan
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Muskegon, MI

Carl R. Yusavitz
Director of Pastoral Services
Supervisor of Clinical Pastoral Education
Penn Foundation
Sellersville, PA

The Rev. George Zabriskie
Retired Episcopal Clergy
Bozeman, MT

The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Rector
Christ Church Greenwich
Greenwich, CT

Paul J. Zachow, MAPS
Hospice Chaplain
Saukville, WI

The Rev. Dr. John Zachry
Chelmsford, MA

The Rev. Gail Zackrison
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Edinboro, PA

Nancy Zahniser, Elder
Community of Christ
Lawrence, KS

The Rev. Jack Zamboni
Grace-St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Mercerville, NJ

Pastor Charles Zang
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Frederick, MD

Pastor Mercedes Zapata
Church of the Brethren
Santa Ana, CA

Pastor Rodrigo Zapata
Church of the Brethren
Santa Ana, CA

The Rev. Joe Zarro, Pastor
Plymouth Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Belmont, MA

The Rev. Thomas J. Zarth
Oak Grove Lutheran Church
Richfield, MN

The Rev. Patricia A. Zealley
Retired United Methodist Clergy
Menomonee Falls, WI

The Rev. Diane Zehr
Carmel Christian Church
Carmel, IN

The Rev. Jerry Zehr
Carmel Christian Church
Carmel, IN

The Rev. Joel L. Zeiders
Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Lanse, PA

The Rev. Steve Zekoff
The United Methodist Church
Lake Mills, WI

The Rev. William P. Zelazny, District Executive
Ballou Channing District
Unitarian Unviersalist Association
North Providence, RI

The Rev. Rebecca Zelensky
Terre Haute, IN

The Rev. Edgar Zelle
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Waverly, IA

Margaret Zeller, Rector
Saint Christopher's Episcopal Church
Kingsport, TN

The Rev. Charlene Belsom Zellmer
Interfaith Minister and Chaplain
Bethesda, MD

Bishop David B. Zellmer
South Dakota Synod - ELCA
Sioux Falls, SD

The Rev. David W. Zellmer
Omaha, NE

The Rev. Frank L. Zeman, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
McKeesport, PA

The Rev. Susan Gilbert Zencka
Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Stevens Point, WI

The Very Rev. Gary M. Zender
Renton, WA

The Rev. Dr. Amanda Zentz-Alo
Portland, OR

Pastor Nancy J. Zerban
United Church of Wayland (affiliated with the United Church of Christ & Christian Church (Disciples of Christ))
Wayland, MI

The Rev. David L. Zerby
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Chaplain, Ohio National Guard
Toledo, OH

The Rev. Lloyd Ziebarth
Retired ELCA Pastor
Ocqueoc, MI

The Rev. Peter J. Zieg
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Orlando, FL

The Rev. Esther R. Ziegler, Pastor
Mt. Tabor United Church of Christ
Rocky Ridge, MD

The Rev. Jacqueline Ziegler
UU Church of Idaho Falls
Idaho Falls, ID

The Rev. Sally M. Ziegler
Retired Deacon
Grace and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Colorado Springs, CO

The Rev. Catherine A. Ziel, Ph.D.
Executive Associate of the Bishop
NE Penn. Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Wescosville, PA

Barbara Zielinski, Mission Developer
Extended Grace, ELCA
Grand Haven, MI

Dan Zielske
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Morristown, MN

The Rev. Jonathan Zielske
Hope Lutheran Church, ELCA
Saint Paul, MN

The Rev. Mark U. Ziemer
ELCA Pastor
Grace Lutheran Church
Tomahawk, WI

Pastor Patrick Ziems
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Grace Lutheran Church
Austin, MN

The Rev. Dr. Paul R. Ziese
MacArthur Park Lutheran Church (ELCA)
San Antonio, TX

The Rev. Amy Ziettlow
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Decatur, IL

The Rev. Dr. Barbara Brown Zikmund, Retired
President and Professor
Hartford Seminary
United Church of Christ
Rockville, MD

The Rev. Phyllis J. Zillhart
St. Francis Lutheran Church
San Francisco, CA

The Rev. Claire P. Zilm
Grace Church
Buena Vista, CO

The Rev. Dr. Roland Zimany
Des Moines, IA

The Rev. John A. Zimmer
Retired United Methodist Minister
Ventura, CA

The Rev. Scott E. Zimmerer, Pastor
St. Matthew'sLutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Woodbridge, VA

The Rev. Mark A. C. Zimmerly
Madrona Grace Presbyterian Church
Seattle, WA

Pastor Carl Zimmerman
First Presbyterian Church
Globe, AZ

The Rev. Charles M. Zimmerman, Senior Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Greensboro, NC

The Rev. Canon Curtis R. Zimmerman
Priest in Charge
St Barnabas Episcopal Church
Bainbridge Island, WA

The Rev. Gretchen D. Zimmerman
St. Raphael's Episcopal Church
Brick, NJ

The Rev. Jeff Zimmerman
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Deerfield, IL

The Rev. Steve Zimmerman
Assisting Priest
Trinity-by-the-Cove Episcopal Church
Naples, FL

The Rev. Dr. Theodore Irl Zimmerman, Th.D.
Associate Professor of New Testament Studies
Lutheran Theological Seminary
Hong Kong, People's Republic of China
(US citizen)

Pastor Tim Zingale
Retired ELCA Pastor
Fort Dodge, IA

The Rev. John Zingaro
Pittsburgh, PA

Fr. Robert E. Zinser
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Elsberry, MO

The Rev. A. Jackson Zipperer, Jr., Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Murfreesboro, TN

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Zivanov, Rector
The Parish of St. Clement
Honolulu, HI

The Rev. Bonita Zobeck
Colonial Park United Church of Christ
Harrisburg, PA

The Rev. Ronald R. Zoesch, Retired
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Cuyahoga Falls, OH

The Rev. C. David Zollars, Retired
United Presbyterian Church
Pittsburg, CA

The Rev. Angelika Zollfrank
New Haven, CT

The Rev. Eric John Zubler
Point Clear, AL

The Rev. Nancy A. Zuckerman
Miami Lakes United Church of Christ
Miami Lakes, FL

The Rev. Karen Zurakowski
Rogers City, MI

The Rev. Karen M. Zutz, Chaplain
Homme Home of Wittenberg
Wittenberg, WI

Please note that institutions are named for identification purposes only

A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z |