Signature Distribution by States & US Territories on The Christian Clergy Letter

The listing below shows the 50 states and some U.S. territories along with the number of resident clergy who have endorsed the teaching of evolution in public schools through the "The Clergy Project." These clergy members have asked that their names be added to a list of those endorsing the letter regarding religion and science as it pertains to evolution. To see the directories of names, click on the alphabetical links at the bottom of this page.

Alabama – 117 Maine – 143 Oregon – 340
Alaska – 40 Maryland – 378 Pennsylvania – 1,016
Arizona – 256 Massachusetts – 556 Puerto Rico – 14
Arkansas – 77 Michigan – 494 Rhode Island – 72
California – 1,167 Minnesota – 601 South Carolina – 200
Colorado – 411 Mississippi – 56 South Dakota – 95
Connecticut – 214 Missouri – 337 Tennessee – 219
Delaware – 70 Montana – 71 Texas – 718
District of Columbia – 104 Nebraska – 124 Utah – 62
Florida – 583 Nevada – 37 Vermont – 110
Georgia – 319 New Hampshire – 126 Virginia – 440
Hawaii – 46 New Jersey – 351 Virgin Islands – 3
Idaho – 58 New Mexico – 113 Washington – 525
Illinois – 706 New York – 797 West Virginia – 85
Indiana – 377 North Carolina – 523 Wisconsin – 547
Iowa – 366 North Dakota – 72 Wyoming – 38
Kansas – 245 Northern Mariana Islands – 1 American Clergy Abroad – 72
Kentucky – 189 Ohio – 794  
Louisiana – 57 Oklahoma – 148  

Click the links that follow to see the alphabetical lists of clergy members who have endorsed this letter.

A | B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z |