Across the Cosmos / Astrobiology News Archive
Grace Wolf-Chase, a Senior Scientist and Senior Education and Communication Specialist at the Planetary Science Institute as well as a member of The Clergy Letter Project, has been writing a monthly column for The Clergy Letter Project Newsletter about astrobiology. Her wonderful columns were originally entitled Astrobiology News but, as her topics broadened, she changed to name to Across the Cosmos. What follows is an archive of all of her fabulous columns.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
April 2013, An Introduction to a New Feature on Astrobiology for CLP Members
May 2013, Planets, Planets, Everywhere!
June 2013, The Diversity of Worlds - and Scientists
July 2013, What Makes a Planet Habitable?
August 2013, Searching for Life in Our Cosmic Backyard: A Proposed Mission to Europa
September 2013, Searching for WISE Civilizations
October 2013, Yoking Scientific Knowledge and Religious Wisdom
November 2013, Evolution Weekend 2014: Celebrating Clergy Contributions to Science at the Adler Planetarium
December 2013, Clergy Event at the Adler Planetarium on February 18, 2014
January 2014, "Superhabitable" Worlds
February 2014, Clergy Contributions to Science
March 2014, Cosmos: An Unexpected Journey
April 2014, Illuminating Patterns in Light
May 2014, Solar Siblings
June 2014, Reflections on New Frontiers in Science & Philosophy
July 2014, Vatican Obervatory "Science Guy" Wins Carl Sagan Medal
August 2014, Rosetta: Deciphering the Origin of our Solar System
September 2014, Prospects for Extraterrestrial Life on "Exomoons"
October 2014, Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?
November 2014, Rosetta Mission Update: The Historic Landing on a Comet
December 2014, 2014 Highlights from Zooniverse: Research with One Million Citizen Scientists
January 2015, The Adler Planetarium Celebrates Clergy Contributions to Science: Past, Present and Future
February 2015, Disorderly Planets
March 2015, Cosmos: Journey to the Dawn of Our Solar System
April 2015, Yellow "Space Balls" and the Origin of Our Solar System
May 2015, Celebrating The Hubble Space Telescope
June 2015, Bringing Science and Religion Dialogue to Sunday School
July 2015, New Horizons’s Encounter with Pluto
August 2015, "Slushball" Earth
September 2015, The Ocean of Enceladus
October 2015, What Do Comets and Aliens Have in Common?
November 2015, NASA’s Strategic Plan for Astrobiology in the Next Decade
December 2015, The Human Search for the Origins of Life
January 2016, Highlights from the Adler Planetarium
February 2016, Planetary Protection in Real and “Reel” Life
March 2016, Seeking Out Strange New Worlds
April 2016, Searching for Life Searching for Us
May 2016, Walking on Other Worlds
June 2016, Our Magnetic Sun
July 2016, Nightfall Revisited
August 2016, Astrobiology Primer v2.0
September 2016, A Potentially Habitable Exoplanet in Our Cosmic Backyard
October 2016, Rosetta Mission Update: The Building Blocks of Life
November 2016, Probing for Life on Other Worlds, Protecting Life on Earth
December 2016, On Star Wars, Hope, and Imagining Earth’s Future
January 2017, Reframing the Question, Are We Alone?
February 2017, Will Computers Decipher the Origin of Life?
March 2017, Cool Dwarf TRAPPIST-1 and the Seven Earths
April 2017, Reflections for Earth Day: Toward a Sustainable Future
May 2017, Revisiting TRAPPIST-1: The Harmony of the Worlds
June 2017, Touching the Nearest Star
July 2017, Embryonic Stars Hidden in Stellar Nurseries
August 2017, Eclipse 2017: My Excellent Family Adventure
September 2017, Taking the Plunge: Cassini's Final Act
October 2017, Protecting the Red Planet from the Green Planet
November 2017, Earth-like Planets Orbiting the Nearest Stars?
December 2017, Two-, Three-, and Four-Star Families
January 2018, Astrobiology, the Anthropocene, and the “Sapiozoic”
February 2018, The Evolution of Life and Language
March 2018, The Clarke Exobelt
April 2018, Discovering Earth-like Worlds with TESS
May 2018, "Decolonizing" Mars
June 2018, Learning from Mars: Habitability Over Time
July 2018, Marvelous Mars
August 2018, A Planet is Born!
September 2018, Mars Revisited
October 2018, Astro-Biology and -Ethics and -Theology, Oh My!
November 2018, Searching for Extant Life in the Outer Solar System
December 2018, Prepping for a “Grab-and-Go” at Asteroid Benn
January 2019, The Role of Citizen Scientists in New Discoveries
February 2019, A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigating Life’s Origins
March 2019, K Dwarfs and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
April 2019, Is “Raising” Planets a Community Effort?
May 2019, Astroethics: Environmentalism & Ethics Meet Extraterrestrial Life
June 2019, Highlights from the American Astronomical Society Meeting
July 2019, NASA's Dragonfly to Explore Titan
August 2019, The Big Questions of Astrobiology
September 2019, Helping Life on Earth from Your Home
October 2019, Using Earth’s History to Search for Habitable Planets
November 2019, Exoplanet Hunting Around the World
December 2019, On Science Fiction, Astrobiology, and Citizen Science
January 2020, Reflections of a Climate Scientist
February 2020, Celebrating a Noted Climate Scientist during Black History Month
March 2020, Ideas from the Zooniverse
April 2020, Caring for the Earth and All its Inhabitants while #AloneTogether
July 2020, Perseverance Seeking Past Life on Mars
August 2020, The Birth and Habitability of Planets
September 2020, The Astrobiology Graphic Novel Series
October 2020, Salt Water on Mars
November 2020, The Continuing Search for Earth-like Planets
December 2020, Ideas for Evolution Weekend 2021 and Beyond
January 2021, Astrobiology for the Physically and Spiritually Incarcerated
February 2021, Mars, MOXIE, and Malvern
March 2021, Astrobiology and Earth Month
April 2021, Yellowballs Revisited: New Insights into the Birth of Stars
May 2021, Mars Takes Center Stage
June 2021, Astrobiology, the Anthropocene, and Planetary Intelligence
July 2021, Venus and Earth: A Tale of Two Planets
August 2021, Dwarf Planet Ceres: The Nearest Ocean World?
September 2021, Beyond Astrobiology
October 2021, Planet Hunting (and More!) in the Zooniverse
November 2021, New Frontiers in Astrobiology: The James Webb Space Telescope and Beyond
December 2021, Looking Back on 2021
January 2022, Why Doesn't Our Solar System Have a "Super Earth?"
February 2022, Celebrating 50 Years of the Planetary Science Institute
March 2022, The Allure of Venus
April 2022, Celebrating Citizen Scientists and 5,000 Strange New Worlds
May 2022, The Cosmic Journey to Life
January 2023, On Mystery, Awe, Wonder, & JWST
February 2023, Two Talks of Interest
March 2023, The Power of Preaching with the Sciences
April 2023, Taking an Exoplanet’s Temperature
May 2023, ETC Phone Earth
June 2023, WOWs, I-WOWs, and the Ongoing Search for Extraterrestrial Life
July 2023, Are Red Dwarf Planets Habitable?
August 2023, Astrobiology at the Parliament of the World’s Religions
September 2023, Biological Activity on Exoplanet K2-18b?
October 2023, Cosmic Bringers of Life and Death
November 2023, Community-Driven Climate Solutions
December 2023, Geysers and the Search for Habitable Exoplanets
February 2024, Exoplanets and the Optimal Habitable Zone
March 2024, Community, Convergence, and Creative Interaction
April 2024, Experiencing Awe: Reflections on a Total Solar Eclipse
May 2024, Citizen Scientists Identify a Unique Exoplanet
June 2024, Reconnecting to the Night Sky
July 2024, Habitability for Your Cosmic Future: AstroAnthropology Meets AstroEthics
August 2024, Up PERYSCOPE
September 2024, How to Live on Mars (and not Die)
October 2024, Europa Clipper to “Set Sail”
November 2024, Empowering Diverse Faith Communities through Engagement in Participatory Science
January 2025, The Vera Rubin Observatory, Dark Energy, and Participatory Science
February 2025, Living in Awe
March 2025, Space Science and the Human Spirit