The clergy names below represent endorsements of:

The Open Letter Concerning Religion and Science From American Rabbis

The alphabetical links below will take you to the names of endorsers whose last names start with the letter of the link you choose.

A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z | 

Number of Listings by State

Rabbi David L. Abramson
Shoresh Hebrew High School
Rockville, MD

Rabbi Ruth Abusch-Magder
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi Rachel Ackerman, MAJE
Senior Rabbi
Temple Shalom
Chevy Chase, MD

Rabbi David Adelson
East End Temple
New York, NY

Rabbi Esther Adler
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, MN

Rabbi Rachel Adler, Ph.D.
Ellenson Professor of Modern Jewish Thought
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Los Angeles Campus
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Sara O'Donnell Adler, BCC
Spiritual Care Department
Michigan Medicine
Ann Arbor, MI

Rabbi Rachel Ain
Sutton Place Synagogue
New York, NY

Rabbi Daniel Alexander, Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Beth Israel
Charlottesville, VA

Rabbi Wayne Allen
Beth Tikvah Synagogue
Willowdale, ON, Canada
(US citizen)

Rabbi Adam M. Allenberg, MAJE
Associate Director of Recruitment & Admissions
Hebrew Union College
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Rebecca Alpert
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Thomas M. Alpert
Temple Etz Chaim
Franklin, MA

Rabbi Nelly Altenburger
Congregation B'nai Israel
Danbury, CT

Rabbi Daniel K. Alter
Temple Beth Emeth
Ann Arbor, MI

Rabbi Neil Amswych
Temple Beth Shalom
Santa Fe, NM

Rabbi Julia Andelman
Congregation Shaare Zedek
New York, NY

Rabbi Spike Anderson
Temple Emanu-El of Greater Atlanta
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi Ronald L. Androphy
East Meadow Jewish Center
East Meadow, NY

Rabbi Camille Shira Angel
San Francisco, CA

Rabbi Howard L Apothaker
Beth Shalom
New Albany, OH

Rabbi Teri Appleby
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun
Lincoln, NE

Rabbi Charles Arian
Kehilat Shalom
Gaithersburg, MD

Rabbi Stephen A. Arnold
South Easton, MA

Rabbi Jeffrey M. Arnowitz
Westchester Jewish Center
Mamaroneck, NY

Rabbi Melanie Aron
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, CA

Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Roslyn and Abner Goldstine Dean’s Chair
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
American Jewish University
Los Angeles CA

Rabbi Raphael W. Asher, Rabbi Emeritus
Walnut Creek, CA

Rabbi Jeffrey R. Astrachan
Temple Beth Israel
York, PA

Rabbi Aryeh Azriel, Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Temple Israel
Omaha, NE

Rabbi David H. Auerbach
Rabbi Emeritus
Bet Shira Congregation
Miami, FL

Rabbi Susan Averbach
San Francisco, CA

Rabbi Larry Bach
Judea Reform Congregation
Durham, NC

Rabbi Ilana G. Baden
Temple Chai
Long Grove, IL

Rabbi Chava Bahle
Suttons Bay, MI

Rabbi Ethan Bair
Temple Beth Sholom
Miami Beach, FL

Rabbi Sharon Ballan
Temple Beth Sholom
Flushing, NY

Rabbi Henry Bamberger, D.H.L., D.D.
Temple Emanu-El
Utica, NY

Rabbi Helen Bar-Yaacov
Temple Adath Bnai Israel
Evansville, IN

Rabbi George (Gershom) Barnard
Northern Hills Synagogue-Cong. B'nai Avraham
Cincinnati, OH

Rabbi Uri Barnea
Temple B'nai Israel
Hattiesburg, MS

Rabbi Benjamin Barnett
Havurah Shalom
Portland, OR

Rabbi Robert B. Barr
Congregation Beth Adam
Loveland, OH

Rabbi Lewis M. Barth
Professor Emeritus of Midrash and Related Literature
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Samuel Barth, Senior Rabbi
Temple Ahavat Achim (Conservative)
Gloucester, MA

Rabbi Sarah Bassin
Associate Rabbi
Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, CA

Rabbi Rachel Bat-Or
Congregation Sha'arey Israel
Macon, GA

Chaplain Larry Dov' Batchlear
Temple B'nai Israel
Amarillo, TX

Rabbi Laura Baum
Congregation Beth Adam
Loveland, OH

Rabbi Brian K. Beal
Temple Beth Torah
Upper Nyack, NY

Rabbi Birdie Becker
Centennial, CO

Rabbi Shelley Kovar Becker
Gishrei Shalom Jewish Congregation
Southington, CT

Rabbi Martin P. Beifield Jr.
Congregation Beth Ahabah
Richmond, VA

Rabbi Marc J. Belgrad
Congregation Beth Am
Buffalo Grove, IL

Rabbi Haim Dov Beliak, Co-director
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Adam Bellows
United Hebrew Congregation
St. Louis, MO

Rabbi Lisa Sari Bellows
Buffalo Grove, IL

Rabbi Marci N. Bellows
Chester, CT

Rabbi Karen Bender
Reseda, CA

Rabbi Joshua Ben-Gideon
Beth David Synagogue
Greensboro, NC

Rabbi Debra Bennet, Associate Rabbi
Temple Chaverim
Plainview, NY

Rabbi Allen B. Bennett
Temple Israel
Alameda, CA

Rabbi Jim Bennett
Congregation Shaare Emeth
St. Louis, MO

Rabbi Joshua L. Bennett
Temple Israel
W. Bloomfield, MI

Rabbi Michael Berenbaum
American Jewish University
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Peter S. Berg
The Temple
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi Jonathan Berger
Hillel Day School
Farmington Hills, MI

Rabbi Matthew Berger
The Woodlands, TX

Rabbi Alexis Berk
Touro Synagogue
New Orleans, LA

Rabbi Eric M. Berk
Huntsville, AL

Rabbi Josh Berkenwald
Congregation Sinai
San Jose, CA

Rabbi Leah R. Berkowitz
Congregation Kol Ami
Elkins Park, PA

Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
B'nai Israel Congregation
Rockville, MD

Rabbi Marc E. Berkson
Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun
Milwaukee, WI

Rabbi Jonathan Berkun
Miami, FL

Rabbi Alan Berlin
Northshore Jewish Congregation
Mandeville, LA

Rabbi Donald R. Berlin
St. Michaels, MD

Rabbi Harold Berman
Congregation Tifereth Israel
Columbus, OH

Rabbi Marjorie Berman
Philadelphia, PA

Cantor Jennifer Bern-Vogel
Congregation Emanu El
Redlands, CA and
Grateful Palliative Care & Hospice
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Amy Bernstein, Senior Rabbi
Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation
Pacific Palisades, CA

Rabbi Edward C. Bernstein
Congregation Shaarey Tikvah (Conservative)
Beachwood, OH

Rabbi Seth Bernstein
Bet Aviv
Columbia, MD

Rabbi Stephanie Bernstein
Temple Rodef Shalom
Falls Church, VA

Rabbi Allison Berry
Temple Shalom of Newton
Newton, MA

Rabbi Cecelia Beyer
Springfield, NJ

Rabbi Jonathan Biatch
Temple Beth El
Madison, WI

Rabbi Binyamin Biber
Machar - The Washington DC Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism
Washington, DC

Rabbi Amy B. Bigman
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
East Lansing, MI

Rabbi Aaron Benjamin Bisno
Rodef Shalom Congregation
Pittsburgh, PA

Rabbi Joe Blair
Member, CCAR and RRA
Charleston, WV

Rabbi Stacey Blank
Kehilat Shir Chadash
Tzur Hadassah, Israel
(US citizen)

Rabbi Barry H.D. Block
Temple B'nai Israel
Little Rock, AR

Rabbi Rena S. Blumenthal
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY

Rabbi David Bockman
Conservative/Croton Jewish Center
Croton-on-Hudson, NY

Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz
Temple Israel
Dayton, OH

Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton
Congregation Beit Tikvah
Baltimore, MD

Rabbi Jill Borodin
Congregation Beth Shalom
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Mark Borovitz
Beit T’Shuvah
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Neal Borovitz
Temple Sholom
River Edge, NJ

Rabbi Dr. Analia Bortz
Congregation Or Hadash (Conservative)
Sandy Springs, GA

Rabbi Andrew Bossov
Adath Emanu-El
Mount Laurel, NJ

Rabbi Bryan R. Bramly
Temple Beth Sholom of the East Valley
Chandler, AZ

Rabbi Alex Braver
Congregation Tifereth Israel
Columbus, OH

Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor
Temple of Universal Judaism
New York, NY

Rabbi Deborah J. Brin
Congregation Nahalat Shalom
Albuquerque, NM

Rabbi Rick Brody
Congregation Kol Halev (Reconstructionist)
Austin, TX

Rabbi Suzanne Brody
Director of Education and Youth Programming
Temple Beth El
Ithaca, NY

Rabbi Deborah Ruth Bronstein
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, CO

Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein
Congregation B’nai Jeshurun
New York, NY

Rabbi David Brusin
Congregation Shir Hasdash (Reconstructionist)
Milwaukee, WI

Rabbi Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik
Santa Clarita, CA

Rabbi Angela Buchdahl
Central Synagogue
New York, NY

Rabbi Gustav Buchdahl, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Emanuel of Baltimore
Reisterstown, MD

Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg
Beth Am Synagogue
Baltimore, MD

Rabbi Melissa Buyer-Witman, RJE
Temple Israel of the City of New York
New York, NY

Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana, Senior Rabbi
Congregation Beth Israel
Portland, OR

Rabbi Richard Camras
Shomrei Torah Synagogue
West Hills, CA

Rabbi David A. Cantor
Temple Beth Shalom
Long Beach, CA

Rabbi Carie Carter
Park Slope Jewish Center
Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Adam Chalom, Ph.D.
Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation
Highland Park, IL

Rabbi Joshua Chasan
Ohavi Zedek Synagogue
Burlington, VT

Rabbi Noah Chertkoff
Congregation Shalom
Milwaukee, WI

Rabbi Carl Choper
Harrisburg, PA

Rabbi Michael S. Churgel, RJE
Temple Beth Elohim
Old Bethpage, NY

Rabbi Leah Citrin
Temple Beth Or
Raleigh, NC

Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper
Temple Beth El
Huntington, NY

Rabbi Amy Cohen
Temple Beth Shalom
Austin, TX

Rabbi Ayelet S. Cohen
New York, NY

Rabbi Eli Cohen
Chadeish Yameinu Jewish Renewal
Santa Cruz, CA

Rabbi Eric S. Cohen, Ph.D.
Flemington Jewish Community Center
Flemington, NJ

Rabbi Heidi M. Cohen
Temple Beth Sholom
Santa Ana, CA

Rabbi Howard A. Cohen
Congregation Shirat Hayam
Duxbury, MA

Rabbi Kenneth L. Cohen, Director
Amercian University Hillel
Kay Spiritual Life Center
Washington, DC

Rabbi Malcolm Cohen
Las Vegas, NV

Rabbi Michael M. Cohen
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
Manchester Center, VT

Rabbi Norman M. Cohen
Congregation Bet Shalom
Minnetonka, MN

Rabbi Paul F. Cohen, D.Min.
Temple Jeremiah
Northfield, IL

Rabbi Phil Cohen, Ph.D.
American Hebrew Academy
Greensboro, NC

Rabbi Ronnie Cohen
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Sandra Cohen
Denver, CO

Rabbi Tom Cohen
Kehilat Gesher
Paris, France
(US citizen)

Rabbi Helen Cohn
Congregation M'kor Hayim
Tucson, AZ

Rabbi Hillel Cohn, Rabbi
Sun City Jewish Congregation
Palm Desert, CA and
Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Emanu El
San Bernardino, CA

Rabbi Scott E. Colbert
Temple Emanu-El
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi Mike Comins
Plano, TX

Rabbi Karen Companez
South Bend, IN

Rabbi Shoshanah Conover
Chicago, IL

Rabbi Alan Cook
Sinai Temple
Champaign, IL

Rabbi Julian I. Cook
Congregation Emanuel
Denver, CO

Rabbi Michael J. Cook
Cincinnati, OH

Rabbi Mychal Copeland
Congregaton Sha'ar Zahav
San Francisco, CA

Rabbi Sigma Faye Coran
Rockdale Temple
Cincinnati, OH

Rabbi Heidi Coretz
SMU Hillel
Dallas, TX and
Shir Tikvah
Frisco, TX

Rabbi Susan Cowchock, MD
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC

Rabbi Meryl M. Crean
Martins Run Senior Residential Community
Media, PA

Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn
New Reform Temple
Kansas City, MO

Rabbi William Cutter, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Hebrw Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker
Congregation Beth Israel
Colleyville, TX

Rabbi Eric Cytryn
Beth El Temple
Harrisburg, PA

Rabbi Robin Damsky
Congregation Or Chadash of the Northeast Valley
Scottsdale, AZ

Rabbi Dan Danson
Templel B'nai Israel
Laconia, NH

Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz
Temple B’nai Abraham
Livingston, NJ

Harry K. Danziger, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Israel
Memphis, TN

Rabbi Michael Datz
Temple B'rith Sholom
Springfield, IL

Rabbi Beth D. Davidson
Manchester, NH

Rabbi Joshua M. Davidson
Temple Emanu-El
New York, NY

Rabbi Michael Davis
Hebrew Seminary
Skokie, IL

Rabbi Richard A. Davis, D.D.
New York, NY

Rabbi Mona Decker
Jacksonville, FL

Rabbi Lisa Delson
Peninsula Temple Sholom
Burlingame, CA

Rabbi Geoffrey Dennis
Flower Mound, TX

Rabbi Barry Diamond
Temple Adat Elohim
Thousand Oaks, CA

Rabbi Lucy H.F. Dinner
Temple Beth Or
Raleigh, NC

Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
Bethesda, MD

Rabbi Leah Doberne-Schor
Florence, SC

Rabbi Barry Dolinger
Congregation Beth Sholom
Providence, RI

Rabbi Art Donsky
Temple Ohav Shalom
Pittsburgh, PA

Rabbi Elliot Dorff, Ph.D.
Rector and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
American Jewish University
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi William Dreskin
Reform Jewish
Woodlands Community Temple
White Plains, NY

Rabbi Ellen Weinberg Dreyfus
President, Central Conference of American Rabbis
B'nai Yehuda Beth Sholom
Homewood, IL

Rabbi George B. Driesen, Adjunct Rabbi
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
Adjunct Professor, Washington Theological Union
President, The Institute for Science and Judaism
Bethesda, MD

Rabbi Shimon Eddi
ACT Jewish Community
Canberra, ACT, Australia
(US citizen)

Rabbi Joseph A. Edelheit
Emeritus Professor of Religious and Jewish Studies
St. Cloud State University, MN
Rio de Janiero, Brazil
(US citizen)

Rabbi Ariel Edery
Congregation Beth Shalom
Raleigh, NC

Rabbi Amy Eilberg
St. Paul, MN

Rabbi Stephen J. Einstein
Founding Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
Fountain Valley, CA

Rabbi Denise L. Eger
Congregation Kol Ami
West Hollywood's Reform Synagogue
West Hollywood, CA

Rabbi Bruce Elder
Congregation Hakafa
Glencoe, IL

Rabbi Diane Elliot
Wholly Present
El Sobrante, CA

Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell, Ph.D.
Philadelphia, PA

Greg M. Epstein
Humanist Chaplain
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA

Rabbi Jerome M. Epstein
New York, NY

Rabbi Lewis John Eron, Ph.D.
Jewish Community Chaplain
Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey
Cherry Hill, NJ

Rabbi Rachel Esserman
Endwell, NY

Rabbi Richard Ettelson, PhD
Murrieta, CA

Rabbi Andrew Vogel Ettin, Ph.D.
Temple Israel
Salisbury, NC

Rabbi Nathaniel Ezray
Redwood City, CA

Rabbi Murray Ezring
Temple Israel
Charlotte, NC

Rabbi Ted Falcon, PhD
Paths to Awakening
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Amy Feder
St. Louis, MO

Rabbi Joshua Feigelson
Skokie, IL

Rabbi Michael Feinberg
New York, NY

Rabbi Adam Feldman
The Jewish Center
Princeton, NJ

Rabbi Marla J. Feldman
Executive Director
Women of Reform Judaism
New York, NY

Rabbi Tara Feldman
Temple Beth-El of Great Neck
Great Neck, NY

Rabbi Paula Feldstein
Union for Reform Judaism
New York, NY

Rabbi Cathy L. Felix
Temple Beth Am
Bayonne, NJ

Rabbi Aviva Fellman
Worcester, MA

Rabbi Daniel Fellman
Temple Concord
Syracuse, NY

Rabbi Michael L. Feshbach
The Hebrew Congregation of St. Thomas
St. Thomas, VI

Rabbi Michael Fessler
Temple Beth-El
Poughkeepsie, NY

Rabbi Zev-Hayyim Feyer, Retired
Hospital/Hospice Chaplain
Pomona/Claremont, CA

Rabbi Brian Field
Senior Rabbi
Judaism Your Way
Denver, CO

Rabbi Daniel Fink
Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel
Boise, ID

Rabbi Steven M. Fink, D.Min., D.D.
Temple Oheb Shalom
Baltimore, MD

Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, Ph.D.
Boulder, CO

Rabbi Michelle Fisher
Cambridge, MA

Rabbi Allison Flash
Temple Beth Am
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Arthur Flicker
Congregation Bnai Israel
Albuquerque, NM

Rabbi Lori Forman-Jacobi
Teaneck, NJ

Rabbi Jeff Foust
Newton, MA

Rabbi David M. Frank, Senior Rabbi
Temple Solel
Cardiff by the Sea, CA

Rabbi Anthony Fratello
Temple Shaarei Shalom
Boynton Beach, FL

Rabbi David Freedman, Rabbi Emeritus
B'nai Israel Synagogue
Rochester, MN

Rabbi Larry Freedman
Temple Beth Jacob
Newburgh, NY

Rabbi Allen I. Freehling
Executive Director
Human Relations Commission
City of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Gordon M. Freeman, Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Bnai Shalom
Walnut Creek, CA

Rabbi Sarah Freidson
Temple Beth Shalom
Mahopac, NY

Rabbi Jonathan Freirich
Reconstructionist and Reform Rabbi
Temple Beth Zion
Buffalo, NY

Rabbi Michael Friedland
Sinai Synagogue
South Bend, IN

Rabbi Lee Friedlander
Plandome, NY

Rabbi John Friedman
Judea Reform Congregation
Durham, NC

Rabbi Matt Friedman
Temple Beth Israel
Redding, CA

Rabbi Michael S. Friedman
Temple Israel
Westport, CT

Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Anne and Max Tanenbaum Senior Rabbi
Beth Tzedec Congregation
Toronto, ON, Canada
(US Citizen)

Rabbi Stephen Lewis Fuchs, D.Min, DD
Sanibel Temple of the Islands
Sanibel, FL

Rabbi Gordon Fuller
Executive Director
The Foundation for Jewish Studies
Rockville, MD

Rabbi Jodie Futornick, BCC
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
Barrington, IL

Rabbi Jack Gabriel
Congregation Shir Shalom
Sonoma, CA

Rabbi Ruth Gais
Chavurat Lamdeinu
Summit, NJ

Rabbi Thomas Gardner
Riverdale Temple
Bronx, NY

Rabbi Daniel Geffen
Temple Adas Israel
Sag Harbor, NY

Rabbi Jonah Geffen
Congregation Shaare Zedek
New York City, NY

Rabbi David Gelfand
Temple Israel of the City of New York
New York, NY

Rabbi Ruth Gelfarb
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, CO

Rabbi Gordon Geller
Shirat Hayam
Ventnor, NJ

Rabbi Jonathan H. Gerard
Chapel Hill, NC

Rabbi Jeremy Gerber
Congregation Ohev Shalom (Conservative Movement)
Wallingford, PA

Rabbi Gary S. Gerson
Oak Park Temple B'nai Abraham Zion
Oak Park, IL

Rabbi James A. Gibson
Senior Rabbi
Temple Sinai
Pittsburgh, PA

Rabbi Pinchas Giller
Professor of Jewish Thought
Ziegler Rabbinical School
American Jewish University
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Mariana Gindlin
Congregation Shir Chadash
Lakewood, CA

Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
Ezra-Habonim, Niles Township Jewish Congregation
Skokie, IL

Rabbi George D. Gittleman
Congregation Shomrei Torah
Santa Rosa, CA

Rabbi Moshe Givental
West Bloomfield, MI

Rabbi Sim Glaser
Temple Israel
Minneapolis, MN

Rabbi Mel Glazer
Temple Shalom
Colorado Springs, CO

Miriyam Glazer, Rabbi, Ph.D.
Professor of Literature
Co-Chair, Jewish & World Civilization Dept.
Chair, Communication Arts & Advocacy
American Jewish University - Familian Campus
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Brenner Glickman
Temple Emanu-El
Sarasota, FL

Rabbi Mark Glickman
Congregation Kol Ami
Woodinville WA and
Congregation Kol Shalom
Bainbridge Island, WA

Rabbi Gary Glickstein
Temple Beth Sholom
Miami Beach, FL

Rabbi Arnold S. Gluck
Temple Beth-El
Hillsborough, NJ

Rabbi Bob Gluck, Professor
University at Albany (SUNY)
Albany, NY

Rabbi Shira Gluck
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue
New York, NY

Rabbi Laura J. Gold, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Jewish Theological Seminary
New York, NY

Rabbi Michael Gold
Temple Beth Torah
Tamarac, FL

Rabbi Neal Gold
A Tree With Roots
Natick, MA

Rabbi Rosalind Gold
Reston, VA

Rabbi Shefa Gold
Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice
Jemez Springs, NM

Rabbi Edwin C. Goldberg
Congregation Beth Sholom of The Woodlands
The Woodlands, TX

Rabbi Elisa Goldberg
Temple Micah Congregation
Lawrenceville, NJ

Rabbi Jonas Goldberg, Emeritus
Temple Sinai
Marblehead, MA

Rabbi Irwin Goldenberg, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Beth Israel
York, PA
Forest Hills, NY

Rabbi Michael Goldman
Rabbi for Jewish Life at Duke
and University Jewish Chaplain
Duke University
Durham, NC

Rabbi Mark Goldman, Rabbi Emeritus
Rockdale Temple
Cincinnati, OH and
Temple Bet Yam
St. Augustine, Fl

Rabbi Rebekah Goldman Mag
Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation - Emek Shalom
Simsbury, CT

Rabbi Lynne Goldsmith
Broomfield, CO

Rabbi Jordan E. Goldson
Congregation B'nai Israel
Baton Rouge, LA

Rabbi Debra Goldstein
Larchmont, NY

Rabbi Dr. H. Rafael Goldstein, BCC
Executive Director
The Professional Organization of Jewish Spiritual Health Specialists
Englewood, NJ

Rabbi Meir Goldstein
Bnai Zion Synagogue
Chattanooga, TN

Rabbi Michael Goldstein
Temple Beth Torah
Ocean, NJ

Rabbi Niles Goldstein
Congregation Beth Shalom
Napa, CA

Rabbi Seth Goldstein
Temple Beth Hatfiloh
Olympia, WA

Rabbi Jeff Goldwasser
Temple Sinai
Cranston, RI

Rabbi Paul Golomb
Vassar Temple
Poughkeepsie, NY

Rabbi Evan Goodman
Temple Israel of New Rochelle
New Rochelle, NY

Rabbi Stephen W. Goodman
Garden City Jewish Center
Garden City, NY

Rabbi Donald Goor
Temple Judea
Tarzana, CA

Rabbi Andy Gordon
Bolton Street Synagoguel
Baltimore, MD

Rabbi Julie K. Gordon
Director of Education
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
Bethesda, MD

Rabbi Samuel N. Gordon
Congregation Sukkat Shalom
Wilmette, IL

Rabbi Pamela Jay Gottfried
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann
SAJ-Judaism that Stands for All
New York, NY

Rabbi Roberto Graetz, Emeritus
Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, CA

Rabbi Claire Magidovitch Green
Huntingdon Valley, PA

Rabbi Alex Greenbaum
Pittsburgh, PA

Rabbi Julie Greenberg
Congregation Heart of the City
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Fred Greene
Congregation Har HaShem
Boulder, CO

Rabbi James Greene
Temple Beth Sholom (Reconstructionist)
Salem, OR

Rabbi David Greenspoon
Congregation Sha'are Shalom
Leesburg, VA

Rabbi David Greenstein
Congregation Shomrei Emunah
Montclair, NJ

Rabbi Daniel Gropper
Community Synagogue of Rye
Rye, NY

Rabbi Nadya Gross
Pardes Levavot: a Jewish Renewal Congregation
Boulder, CO

Rabbi Victor Gross
Pardes Levavot: a Jewish Renewal Congregation
Boulder, CO

Rabbi Susan Grossman
Beth Shalom Congregation
Columbia, MD

Rabbi Leslie Y Gutterman
Providence, RI

Rabbi Robert Haas
Congregation Mickve Israel
Savannah, GA

Rabbi Geoffrey Haber, MA, DMin
Congregation Mishkan Tefila
Chestnut Hill, MA

Rabbi Debra Hachen
Temple Beth El of Northern Valley
Closter, NJ

Rabbi Jon Haddon, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Shearith Israel
Ridgefield, CT

Rabbi Andrew Hahn, Ph.D.
Kirtan Rabbi
Northampton, MA

Rabbi Rosette Barron Haim
The Temple-Tifereth Israel
Beachwood, OH

Rabbi Stanley Halpern, Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Beth Shalom
Carmel, IN

Rabbi Eytan Hammerman
Harrison NY

Rabbi Joshua Hammerman
Temple Beth El
Stamford, CT

Rabbi Maurice Harris
Temple Beth Israel
Eugene, OR

Rabbi Michael Harvey
Temple Israel
West Lafayette, IN

Rabbi Joshua Hearshen
Congregation Rodeph Sholom
Tampa, FL

Rabbi Joanne Yocheved Heiligman, Retired
Columbia, MD

Rabbi Sidney M. Helbraun
Temple Beth-El
Northbrook, IL

Rabbi Corey Helfand
Peninsula Sinai Congregation
Foster City, CA

Rabbi Joshua Heller
Congregation B'nai Torah
Sandy Springs, GA

Rabbi Steven Henkin
Congregation Agudath Achim
Savannah, GA

Rabbi Eli Herb
Temple Beth Sholom
Salem, OR

Rabbi Jacob Herber
Congregation Beth Israel
Milwaukee, WI

Rabbi Ben Herman
Jericho, NY

Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann
SAJ-Judaism that Stands for All
New York, NY

Rabbi Michael Herzbrun
Temple Emanu-El
Rochester, NY

Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann
Mishkan Chicago
Chicago, IL

Rabbi Deborah A. Hirsch
The Village Temple
New York, NY

Rabbi Aryeh Hirschfield
Congregation P'nai Or
Portland, OR

Rabbi Brad Hirschfield
Clal - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership
New York, NY

Rabbi Erin Hirsh
Assistant Convention Coordinator
Director of Education
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Jenkintown, PA

Rabbi Howard Hoffman
North Shore Jewish Center
Port Jefferson Station, NY

Rabbi David M. Horowitz
Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Israel
Akron, OH

Rabbi Daniel Horwitz
Congregation Beth Yeshurun
Houston, TX

Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz
Agudas Achim Congregation
Coralville, IA

Rabbi Mark Hurvitz
New York, NY

Rabbi T'mimah Ickovits
Ohr HaMakor; A Home for Holistic Kabbalah
Santa Monica, CA

Rabbi Daniel Isaacson
Director of Spiritual Care Services
Jewish Family and Children's Services
San Francisco, CA

Rabbi Shaya Isenberg
Faculty Member
Aleph (Jewish Renewal) Rabbinic Ordination Program
Gainesville, FL

Rabbi Debbie Israel, Acting Rabbi
Congregation Emeth
Morgan Hill, CA

Rabbi Marc Israel
Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El
Wynnewood, PA

Rabbi Rachael Jackson
Congregation of Reform Judaism
Orlando, FL

Steven Leonard Jacobs, DHL
Aaron Aronov Endowed Chair of Judaic Studies
The University of Alabama
Rabbi, Temple Emanu-El
Tuscaloosa, AL

Rabbi Burt Jacobson
Founding Rabbi
Kehilla Community Synagogue
Piedmond, CA

Rabbi Paul Jacobson
Temple Avodat Shalom
River Edge, NJ

Rabbi Suzie Jacobson
Temple Israel of Boston
Boston, MA

Rabbi Jennifer Jaech
Temple Israel of Northern Westchester
Croton-on-Hudson, NY

Rabbi David Jaffe
Sharon, MA

Rabbi Janine Jankovitz
RRA/Reconstructing Judaism
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Daniel A Jezer, Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Beth Sholom – Chevra Shas
DeWitt, NY

Rabbi Linda Joseph
Bet Aviv
Columbia, MD

Rabbi Paul Joseph
Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies
Molloy College
Rockville Centre, NY

Rabbi Raachel Jurovics
OHALAH: Association of Rabbis and Cantors for Jewish Renewal
Yavneh: A Jewish Renewal Community
Raleigh, NC

Rabbi Bruce Kadden
Temple Beth El (Reform)
Tacoma, WA

Rabbi Ari Kaiman
Congregation Shearith Israel
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi David Kaiman
Congregation Bnai Israel
Gainesville, FL

Rabbi Tammy Kaiser
Albuquerque, NM

Rabbi Mark Kaiserman
Reform Temple of Forest Hills
Forest Hills, NYC, NY

Rabbi Arturo Kalfus
Temple Ahavat Shalom
Northridge, CA

Rabbi Beth Kalisch
Beth David Reform Congregation
Gladwyne, PA

Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky
Congregation Ansche Chesed
New York, NY

Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny
Temple Israel
West Bloomfield, MI

Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins, Senior Rabbi
Emanuel Synagogue
Woollahra, New South Wales, Australia
(US citizen)

Rabbi Lewis Kamrass
Isaac M. Wise Temple
Cincinnati, OH

Rabbi Steven Kane
Congregation Sons of Israel (Conservative)
Briarcliff Manor, NY

Rabbi Susan Kanoff
Wynnewood, PA

Rabbi Raphael J. Kanter
Tifereth Israel Synagogue
New Bedford, MA

Rabbi Drew Kaplan
Cincinnati, OH

Rabbi Gary Karlin
Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation
Orlando, FL

Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann
Senior Associate Dean for Religious Life
Stanford University Memorial Church
Stanford, CA

Rabbi Juliana S. Karol
New York, NY

Rabbi Lawrence P. Karol
Las Cruces, NM

Rabbi Henry Jay Karp
Temple Emanuel
Davenport, IA

Rabbi Molly Karp
New City, NY

Rabbi Mario Karpuj
Congregation Or Hadash
Sandy Springs, GA

Rabbi Harley Karz-Wagman
Congregation Bayt Shalom
Greenville, NC

Rabbi Peter E. Kasdan
Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Emanu-El of West Essex
Livingston, NJ

Rabbi Debra Kassoff
Hebrew Union Congregation
Greenville, MS

Rabbi Alan J. Katz
Temple Sinai
Rochester, NY

Rabbi David Katz
Temple Ohav Shalom
Allison Park, PA

Rabbi Joshua Katzan
Congregation Habonim
New York, NY

Rabbi Hillel Katzir
Boulder, CO

Rabbi David Kaufman
Temple B'nai Jeshurun
Des Moines, IA

Rabbi Jim Kaufman
Temple Beth Hillel and
Interfaith Solidarity Network
San Fernando Valley, CA

Rabbi Alvan Kaunfer
Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Emanu-El
Providence, RI

Rabbi David Kay
Orlando, FL

Rabbi Rick Kellner
Beth Tikvah
Worthington, OH

Rabbi Stuart Kelman
Founding Rabbi
Congregation Netivot Shalom
Berkeley, CA

Rabbi Justin S. Kerber
Congregation Beth Shalom
Indianapolis, IN

Rabbi Peg Kershenbaum
Congregation B'nai Harim
Pocono Pines, PA

Rabbi Paul J. Kipnes
Congregation Or Ami
Calabasas, CA

Rabbi Daniel Kirzane
Oak Park Temple
Oak Park, IL

Rabbi Bob Kirzner
Austin Jewish Academy
Austin, TX

Rabbi Noah Kitty
Congregation Etz Chaim
Wilton Manors, FL

Rabbi David Klatzker, Ph.D.
Temple Beth Shalom
Long Beach, CA

Rabbi Alexandra Klein
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
South Orange, NJ

Rabbi Andrew Klein
Temple Habonim
Barrington, RI

Rabbi Jason Klein
Temple Israel
Minneapolis, MN

Rabbi Joseph P. Klein
Temple Emanu-El
Oak Park, MI

Rabbi Zoë Klein
Temple Isaiah
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, D.D.
Senior Rabbi
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
New York, NY

Rabbi Kevin Kleinman
Main Line Reform Temple
Wynnewood, PA

Rabbi Jonathan Kligler
Woodstock Jewish Congregation
Woodstock, NY

Rabbi Marc Aaron Kline, J.D.
Monmouth Reform Temple
Tinton Falls, NJ

Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs
Temple Beth Sholom
Danville, VA

Rabbi Asher Knight
Temple Beth El
Charlotte, NC

Rabbi Josh Knobel
Stephen Wise Temple
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Peter S. Knobel
Beth Emet the Free Synagogue
Evanston, IL

Rabbi Alison Kobey
Congregation Or Chadash
Damascus, MD

Rabbi Douglas Kohn
Temple Beth Jacob of Newburgh
Newburgh, NY

Rabbi Cherie Koller-Fox
Rabbi, Chapel Haverah
Chaplain, Newton-Wellesley Hospital
Facilitator, NewCAJE
Newton, MA

Rabbi Debra Kolodny
Portland’s UnShul
Portland, OR

Rabbi David Komerofsky
Temple Chai
San Antonio, TX

Rabbi Hillel Konigsburg
Congregation B'nai Torah
Sandy Springs, GA

Rabbi Randall J. Konigsburg
Manchester, CT

Rabbi Ira Korinow
Temple Emanu-El
Haverhill, MA

Rabbi David Kosak
Congregation Neveh Shalom
Portland, OR

Rabbi Douglas E. Krantz
Congregation B'nai Yisrael
Armonk, NY

Rabbi Jonathan Kraus
Beth El Temple Center
Belmont, MA

Rabbi Brett Krichiver
Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation
Indianapolis, IN

Rabbi Barry Krieger
Greenland, NH

Rabbi Raymond Krinsky
Waterville ME

Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Emanu-El
Westfield, NJ

Rabbi Joshua Kullock
West End Synagogue
Nashville, TN

Rabbi Clifford M. Kulwin
Temple B’nai Abraham
Livingston, NJ

Rabbi Judith Kummer
Boston, MA

Rabbi Donald Kunstadt
Springhill Avenue Temple
Mobile, AL

Rabbi Jonathan Kupetz
Temple Beth Israel
Pomona, CA

Rabbi Steven Kushner
Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Ner Tamid
Bloomfield, NJ

Rabbi Gail Labovitz, Ph.D.
American Jewish University
Bel Air, CA

Rabbi Jen Lader
Temple Israel
West Bloomfield, MI

Rabbi Howard O. Laibson
Congregation Shir Chadash
Lakewood, CA

Rabbi Dr. Shira Lander
Dallas, TX

Rabbi Karen Landy
Havurat Shalom
Andover, MA

Rabbi Gilah Langner
Washington, DC

Rabbi Alan LaPayover
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Michael Adam Latz
Shir Tikvah Congregation
Minneapolis, MN

Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie
New York City, NY

Rabbi Levi D. Lauer
ATZUM - Justice Works
Jerusalem, Israel
(US citizen)

Rabbi Arthur Lavinsky
Beth El Congregation
Phoenix, AZ

Rabbi Michael Laxmeter
Newburgh, NY

Rabbi Anson Laytner
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Susan Leider
Tiburon, CA

Rabbi Darby J. Leigh
B’nai Keshet
Montclair, NJ

Rabbi Kenneth Leitner
Temple Beth Sholom
Chandler, AZ

Rabbi Darah R. Lerner
Bangor, ME

Rabbi Sarra Lev
Wyncote, PA

Rabbi Joel M. Levenson
Congregation B'nai Jacob
Woodbridge, CT

Rabbi Amy Levin
Temple Torat Yisrael
Cranston, RI

Rabbi Dan Levin
Temple Beth El of Boca Raton
Boca Raton, FL

Rabbi Jay LeVine
Reform Movement / Temple Isaiah
Lafayette, CA

Rabbi Chai Levy
Congregation Netivot Shalom
Berkeley, CA

Rabbi David C. Levy
Temple Shalom
Succasunna, NJ

Rabbi Eugene H. Levy
Congregation B'nai Israel
Little Rock, AR

Rabbi Kelly Levy
Congregation Beth Israel
Austin, TX

Rabbi Stan Levy
Congregation B'nai Horin-Children of Freedom
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Sue E. Levy
Houston, TX

Rabbi Shalom Lewis
Congregation Etz Chaim
Marietta, GA

Rabbi Michael Lezak
San Francisco, CA

Rabbi Ron Li-Paz
Valley Outreach Synagogue
Calabasas, CA

Rabbi Daniel Liben
Temple Israel of Natick
Natick, MA

Rabbi Mel Libman
Congregation Shir Ami
Encinitas, CA

Professor (Rabbi) Laura Lieber
Duke University
Durham, NC

Rabbi Valerie Lieber
Kane Street Synagogue
Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Elias Lieberman
Falmouth Jewish Congregation
East Falmouth, MA

Rabbi Mordechai Liebling
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Wyncote, PA

Rabbi Howard Lifshitz
Congregation Beth Judea
Long Grove, IL

Rabbi David A. Lipper
Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman
Davidson, NC

Rabbi Norman S. Lipson, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Dor Dorim
Weston, FL

Rabbi Janet B. Liss
North Country Reform Temple
Glen Cove, NY

Rabbi Greg Litcofsky
Temple Shir Tikva
Wayland, MA

Rabbi Lewis C. Littman, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Bat Yam
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Rabbi Richard Litvak
Temple Beth El
Aptos, CA

Rabbi Alan Litwak
Temple Sinai
North Miami Beach, FL

Rabbi Joshua Lobel
Temple B'nai Israel
Clearwater, FL

Rabbi David Locketz
Bet Shalom Congregation
Minnetonka, MN

Rabbi Neal Joseph Loevinger
Poughkeepsie, NY

Rabbi Alan Londy
New Reform Temple
Kansas City, MO

Rabbi Scott Looper
Temple Beth Or
Montgomery, AL

Rabbi Harold Loss
Temple Israel
West Bloomfield, MI

Rabbi Mchael Lotker
Community Rabbi
The Jewish Federation of Ventura County
Ventura, CA

Rabbi Thomas A. Louchheim
Tucson, AZ

Rabbi Jill L. Maderer
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Laurence P. Malinger
Temple Shalom
Aberdeen, NJ

Rabbi Allen Maller, Retired
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Devorah Marcus
Temple Emanu-El
San Diego, CA

Rabbi Sharon Marcus
Park Synagogue
Cleveland, OH

Rabbi Janet Marder
Congregation Beth Am
Los Altos Hills, CA

Rabbi Marc Margolius
Institute for Jewish Spirituality
New York, NY

Rabbi Bonnie Margulis
Madison, WI

Rabbi Barry Marks
Temple Israel
Springfield, IL

Rabbi Jessica Kessler Marshall
North Carolina Hillel
Chapel Hill, NC

Rabbi Gregory Marx
Congregation Beth Or
Maple Glen, PA

Rabbi J. Rolando Matalon
New York, NY

Rabbi Jacqueline Mates-Muchin
Temple Sinai
Oakland, CA

Rabbi Ralph Mecklenburger
Beth-El Congregation
Fort Worth, TX

Rabbi Michele Brand Medwin, D.Min.
Monticello, NY

Rabbi Batsheva Meiri
Asheville, NC

Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman
Senior Scholar
Temple Israel
Boston, MA

Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf
Port Jewish Center
Port Washington, NY

Rabbi Melinda Mersack
Cleveland, OH

Rabbi Barbara Metzinger
Temple Emanuel
Beaumont, TX

Rabbi Edie Meyerson
New York Methodist Hospital Chaplain
Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Sarah Meytin
Director of Early Childhood Education
B'nai Shalom of Olney Early Childhood School
Olney, MD

Rabbi Brian I. Michelson
Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom
Reading, PA

Rabbi Michael Michlin
Beth Israel Temple
Hazleton, PA

Rabbi Dr. Rachel S. Mikva
Chicago Theological Seminary
Chicago, IL

Rabbi Laurence Milder, Ph.D.
Congregation Beth Emek
Pleasanton, CA

Rabbi Bryna F. Milkow
Temple Ohav Shalom
Allison Park, PA

Rabbi Alissa Miller
Lafayette, CA

Rabbi Avis D. Miller
Open Dor Foundation
Chevy Chase, MD

Rabbi Jason Miller
Tamarack Camps
Bloomfield Hills, MI

Rabbi Jonathan Miller, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Emanu-El
Birmingham, AL

Rabbi Mark J. Miller
Temple Beth El
Bloomfield Hills, MI

Rabbi Michelle Missaghieh
Temple Israel of Hollywood
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman
Executive Director
Sinai and Synapses
New York City, NY

Rabbi David Mivasair
Ahavat Olam Synagogue
Vancouver, BC, Canada
(US Citizen)

Rabbi Jack Moline
Agudas Achim Congregation
Alexandria, VA

Rabbi Steven Morgen
Congregation Beth Yeshurun
Houston, TX

Rabbi Leana Moritt
Temple Beth-El
Jersey City, NJ

Rabbi Dan Moskovitz, Senior Rabbi
Temple Sholom
Vancouver, BC, Canada
(US citizen)

Rabbi Michael L. Moskowitz
Temple Shir Shalom
West Bloomfield, MI

Rabbi Susie Heneson Moskowitz
Temple Beth Torah
Melville, NY

Rabbi Linda Motzkin
Temple Sinai
Saratoga Springs, NY

Rabbi Robin Nafshi
Temple Beth Jacob
Concord, NH

Rabbi Michael Namath
Program Director
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Washington, DC

Rabbi Rhonda Nebel
Temple Beth Chai
Hauppauge, NY

Rabbi Ellen Nemhauser
Temple Emanu-El
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi David Nesson
Morristown Jewish Center
Morristown, NJ

Rabbi Jason Nevarez
Temple Shaaray Tefila
Bedford Corners, NY

Rabbi Daniel S. Nevins
Pearl Resnick Dean
The Jewish Theological Seminary
New York, NY

Rabbi Debra Newman Kamin
Am Yisrael
Northfield, IL

Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk
Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
Beachwood, OH

Rabbi George Nudell
Congregation Beth Israel
Scotch Plains, NJ

Rabbi Shoshana Nyer
Director of Lifelong Learning
Suburban Temple - Kol Ami
Beachwood, OH

Rabbi Michael Oblath
Congregation Beth Sholom
Anchorage, AK

Rabbi Janet Offel
Temple Kol Tikvah
Woodland Hills, CA

Rabbi Stacy Offner
Temple Beth Tikvah
Madison, CT

Rabbi David Oler
The New Reform Congregation Kadima
Deerfield, IL

Dr. Raphael Ostrovsky
Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Beth Israel
Munster, IN and
Interim Rabbi
Congregation Kol Ami
Tampa, FL

Rabbi Laura Owens
B'nai Horin - Children of Freedom
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Janet Ozur Bass
Chair, Jewish Text Department
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
Rockville, MD

Rabbi Andrew M. Paley, Senior Rabbi
Temple Shalom
Dallas, TX

Abby Pariser
Past President Board of Trustees
Kehillath Shalom Synagogue
Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Rabbi David Paskin
Boca Raton, FL

Rabbi Jack P. Paskoff
Congregation Shaarai Shomayim
Lancaster, PA

Rabbi Micah Peltz
Temple Beth Sholom
Cherry Hill, NJ

Rabbi Barbara Penzner
Temple Hillel B'nai Torah
Boston, MA

Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone
Congregation Beth Sholom - Chevra Shas
Jamesville, NY

Rabbi Cheryl Peretz
Associate Dean
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Carl M. Perkins
Temple Aliyah
Needham, MA

Amy R. Perlin
Temple B'nai Shalom
Fairfax Station, VA

Rabbi Daniel Pernick
Beth Am Temple
Pearl River, NY

Rabbi Shoshana M. Perry
Congregation Shalom
Chelmsford, MA

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director
Just Congregations
Union for Reform Judaism
Needham, MA

Rabbi Bruce J. Pfeffer
Indianapolis, IN

Rabbi Stephen H. Pinsky
Temple Beth Torah
Wellington, FL

Rabbi Gary Pokras
Temple Beth Ami
Rockville, MD

Rabbi Sam Pollak
The Community Synagogue
Port Washington, NY

Rabbi Jeff Portman
Agudas Achim Congregation
Iowa City, IA

Rabbi Mindy A. Portnoy
Washington, DC

Rabbi Phil Posner, Retired
Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico
(US citizen)

Rabbi Amber Powers
Dean of Admissions and Recruitment
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Wyncote, PA

Rabbi Daniel Pressman
Congregation Beth David
Saratoga, CA

Rabbi Sally J. Priesand, Rabbi Emerita
Monmouth Reform Temple
Tinton Falls, NJ

Rabbi James Prosnit
Congregation B’nai Israel
Bridgeport, CT

Rabbi Jonathan Prosnit
Congregation Beth Am
Los Altos, CA

Rabbi Arnold Rachlis
Irvine, CA

Rabbi Sanford Ragins
Leo Baeck Temple
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Michael Ragozin
Congregation Shirat Hayam
Swampscott, MA

Rabbi Perry Raphael Rank
Midway Jewish Center
Syosset, NY

Rabbi Rayzel Raphael
Melrose Park, PA

Rabbi Debra Rappaport
Associate Rabbi & Director of Lifelong Learning
Shir Tikvah
Minneapolis, MN

Rabbi Adam Raskin
Congregation Har Shalom
Potomac, MD

Rabbi Steven H. Rau, RJE
Director of Lifelong Learning
The Temple
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi Dr. Haim O. Rechnitzer
Associate Professor of Jewish Thought
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, OH

Rabbi Esther Reed
Highland Park, NJ

Rabbi Yaakov Reef
Billerica, MA

Rabbi Steven Rein
Agudas Achim Congregation
Alexandria, VA

Rabbi David A. Reinhart
Temple Israel of the City of New York
New York, NY

Rabbi Victor H. Reinstein
Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue
Jamaica Plain, MA

Rabbi Daniel Reiser
Westchester, NY

Rabbi Karen G. Reiss Medwed, PhD
Plainview, NY

Rabbi Michael M. Remson
Kenosha, WI

Rabbi Michael Resnick
Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach
Palm Beach, FL

Rabbi Philip "Flip" Rice
Congregation Micah/Reform Jewish
Brentwood, TN

Rabbi Dorothy A. Richman
Berkeley, CA

Rabbi Moti Rieber
Wichita, KS

Rabbi Seth Daniel Riemer
Middletown, CT

Rabbi Louis Rieser
Etz Hayim Synagogue
Derry, NH

Rabbi Stanley Ringler
Jerusalem, Israel
(US citizen)

Rabbi Yair D. Robinson
Congregation Beth Emeth
Wilmington, DE

Rabbi Mario Rojzman
Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus
North Miami, FL

Rabbi Liz Rolle
Gishrei Shalom Jewish Congregation
Southington, CT

Rabbi Jack Romberg
Temple Israel
Tallahassee, FL

Rabbi Ben Romer
Congregation Or Ami
Richmond, VA

Rabbi Jeffrey N. Ronald
Temple Beth El
Glens Falls, NY

Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose
The Rabbi Bernard Lipnick Senior Rabbinic Chair
Congregation B'nai Amoona
St. Louis, MO

Rabbi Joshua Rose
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Portland, OR

Rabbi Kenneth D. Roseman
Congregation Beth Israel
Corpus Christi, TX

Rabbi Brant Rosen
Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation
Evanston, IL

Rabbi David B. Rosen
Houston, TX

Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum
Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation
Mercer Island, WA

Rabbi Stanley M. Rosenbaum
Sons of Jacob Synagogue
Waterloo, IA

Rabbi Aaron Rosenberg
Waterford, CT

Rabbi Ari Rosenberg
New Milford, CT

Rabbi Dina Rosenberg
B'nai Shalom of Olney
Olney, MD

Rabbi Jason Rosenberg
Congregation Beth Am
Tampa, FL

Rabbi Joseph R. Rosenbloom
Temple Emanuel
St. Louis, MO

Rabbi Seymour Rosenbloom
Congregation Adath Jeshurun
Elkins Park, PA

Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld
Congregation Albert
Albuquerque, NM

Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld, Rabbi Emeritus
Beth Sholom
Anchorage, AK and
Senior Rabbi
Temple Beth Zion
Buffalo, NY

Rabbi Anna Rosenfield
Tzedek v'Shalom
Newtown, PA

Rabbi Ed Rosenthal
Hillels of the Florida Suncoast
Tampa, FL

Rabbi Adam Rosenwasser
Associate Rabbi
Temple Sinai
Washington, DC

Rabbi John L. Rosove, Senior Rabbi
Temple Israel of Hollywood
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Dennis S. Ross
Worcester, MA

Rabbi Francine Roston
Whitefish, MT

Rabbi Mordechai Rotem
Temple Rodef Sholom
Waco, TX

Rabbi Ronald S. Roth
Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation B'nai Israel
Fair Lawn, NJ

Rabbi Jonathan Rubenstein
Temple Sinai
Saratoga Springs, NY

Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Rubenstein
Temple Beth Israel
Eugene, OR

Rabbi Lisa Rubin
Director of Adult Education & Conversion Studies
Rabbi For Associates
Central Synagogue
New York, NY

Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein
New York, NY

Rabbi William D. Rudolph, Retired
Bethesda, MD

Rabbi Laura Rumpf
Peninsula Temple Beth El
San Mateo, CA

Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria, Associate Rabbi
B'nai Jeshurun Congregation
Pepper Pike, OH

Rabbi Gila Colman Ruskin
Temple Adas Shalom
Havre de Grace, MD

Rabbi Sheila Russian
Stevenson, MD

Rabbi Arthur S Rutberg
B'nai Sholom Congregation
Bristol, TN

Rabbi Elissa Sachs-Kohen
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, MD

Rabbi Michael Safra
B'nai Israel Congregation
Rockville, MD

Rabbi Bob Saks
University Park, MD

Rabbi David B. Saltzman
Ridgewood, NJ

Rabbi Murray Saltzman
Fort Myers, FL

Rabbi David Saperstein
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Washington, DC

Rabbi Amy J. Sapowith
Temple Sinai
Rochester, NY

Rabbi Marna Sapsowitz
Olympia, WA

Rabbi Dennis C. Sasso
Congregation Beth-El Zedeck
Indianapolis, IN

Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Congregation Beth-El Zedeck
Indianapolis, IN

Rabbi Jacqueline Romm Satlow, Director
Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
UMass Dartmouth
Dartmouth, MA

Rabbi Michael Satz
Congregation B'nai Or
Morristown, NJ

Rabbi Jeffrey Saxe
Falls Church, VA

Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Berkeley, CA

Rabbi Peter B. Schaktman
Temple Emanu-El
Utica, NY

Rabbi Susan Schanerman
Congregation NefeshSoul
Phoenix, AZ

Rabbi Jeffrey Schein
Director of Jewish Education
Siegal College of Jewish Studies
Cleveland, OH

Rabbi Robert Scheinberg
United Synagogue of Hoboken
Hoboken, NJ

Rabbi Amy Scheinerman
Beth Shalom Congregation
Westminster, MD

Rabbi Ira J. Schiffer
Associate Chaplain/Hillel Advisor
Charles P. Scott Center for Spiritual Religious Life
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT

Rabbi George Schlesinger
Congregation Beth Ami
Santa Rosa, CA

Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger
Director of International Relations
Gush Etzion, Israel
(US citizen)

Rabbi Janine Schloss
Temple Beth Am
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Jeremy Schneider
Temple Kol Ami
Scottsdale, AZ

Rabbi Rachel Schoenfeld
Congregation Shirat Hayam
Marshfield, MA

Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun
Oakhurst, NJ

Rabbi Avi Schulman
Temple Beth Torah
Fremont, CA

Rabbi Callie Schulman
Associate Rabbi
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
Seattle and Bellevue, WA

Rabbi Joel Schwab
Temple Sinai
Middletown, NY

Rabbi Marvin Schwab
San Jose, CA

Rabbi Fred Schwalb
Reconstructionist Rabbi
Croton-on-Hudson, NY

Rabbi Arthur L. Schwartz
Kehillath Shalom Synagogue
Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Rabbi Beth Schwartz
Temple Israel
Columbus, GA

Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz
Temple Bnai Israel
Willimantic, CT

Rabbi Julie S. Schwartz, Dean
Hebrew Union College
Cincinnati, OH

Rabbi PJ Schwartz
Congregation Shir Hadash
Los Gatos, CA

Rabbi Joel R. Schwartzman, Retired
Lone Tree, CO

Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Senior Fellow
Rockville, MD

Rabbi Peter Schweitzer, Rabbi Emeritus
City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism
New York, NY

Rabbi Larry Sebert
Town and Village Synagogue
New York, NY

Rabbi Dr. Arthur Segal
Hilton Head, SC

Rabbi Joshua L. Segal
Congregation Betenu
Amherst, NH

Rabbi Steve Segar
Kol HaLev Reconstructionist Community
Cleveland, OH

Rabbi Judith Seid
Secular Humanistic Movement
Tri-Valley Cultural Jews
Pleasanton, CA

Rabbi Hugh Seid-Valencia
San Jose, CA

Rabbi Ahud Sela
Ramat Zion
Northridge, CA

Rabbi Dan Selsberg
Temple Sholom
Bridgewater, NJ

Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer
Smith College & Amherst College
Northampton, MA

Rabbi Daniel A. Septimus
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Drorah Setel
Temple Emanu-El
Rochester, NY

Rabbi Lori Shapiro
The Open Temple:
Re-Enchanting Judaism
Venice, CA

Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro
Sinai Temple
Springfield, MA

Rabbi Merrill Shapiro
Temple Beth Shalom
Palm Coast, FL

Rabbi Richard J. Shapiro, Interim Senior Rabbi
Temple Beth-El of Great Neck
The Marjorie and Mark Gershwind Campus of Living Judaism
Great Neck, NY

Rabbi Benjamin Sharff
The Reform Temple of Rockland
Upper Nyack, NY

Rabbi Michael Shefrin
Associate Rabbi
Temple Emanu-El
Sarasota, FL

Rabbi Jay Sherwood
Temple Shalom
Colorado Springs, CO

Rabbi John M. Sherwood
Temple Emet of Woodland Hills
Woodland Hills, CA

Rabbi Sue Laikin Shifron
Helene G. Simon Hillel Center
Bloomington, IN

Rabbi Dr. Jack Shlachter
Santa Fe, NM

Rabbi L Rabbi David Shneyer
Am Kolel Jewish Renewal Center
Beallsville, MD

Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner
Temple Beth Tikvah
Roswell, GA

Rabbi Paul D. Sidlofsky
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore, MD

Rabbi Dan Sikowitz
Congregation Kol Ami of Frederick
Frederick, MD

Rabbi Eric A. Silver
Temple Beth David
Cheshire, CT

Rabbi Lawrence Silverman
Congregation Beth Jacob
Plymouth, MA

Rabbi Rhoda JH Silverman
Temple Emanuel of Baltimore
Reisterstown, MD

Rabbi Jim Simon
Temple Beth Am
Miami, FL

Rabbi Suzanne Singer
Temple Beth El
Riverside, CA

Rabbi Steven Sirbu
Temple Emeth
Teaneck, NJ

Rabbi Marc Sirinsky
Temple Emek Shalom
Ashland, OR

Rabbi Eric J. Siroka
Temple Beth-El
South Bend, IN

Rabbi Joel Sisenwine
Temple Beth Elohim
Wellesley, MA

Rabbi/Cantor Dan Sklar
Westport, CT

Rabbi Jonathan Slater
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

Rabbi Amy Joy Small, Senior Rabbi
Ohavi Zedek Synagogue
Burlington, VT

Rabbi Matt Soffer
Judea Reform Congregation
Durham, NC

Rabbi Myra Soifer, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Sinai
Reno, NV

Rabbi Eric M. Solomon
Beth Meyer Synagogue (Conservative)
Raleigh, NC

Rabbi Idit Solomon
Berkeley, CA

Rabbi Scott Sperling
Winchester, VA

Rabbi Aaron Spiegel
Butler Hillel
Indianapolis, IN

Rabbi Bernard Spielman
Boynton Beach, FL

Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker
Mount Zion Temple
St. Paul, MN

Rabbi Jonathan Spira-Savett
Temple Beth Abraham
Nashua, NH

Rabbi Toba Spitzer
Newton, MA

Rabbi Samuel M. Stahl, Emeritus
Temple Beth-El
San Antonio, TX

Rabbi Seth Stander
Houston, TX

Rabbi Cyril Stanway
Temple Beth Miriam
Elberon, NJ

Rabbi Sonya Starr
Columbia, MD

Rabbi Margot Stein
Bala Cynwyd, PA

Rabbi Peter Stein
Temple B'rith Kodesh
Rochester, NY

Arthur Z. Steinberg
Temple Sinai of Portsmouth
Portsmouth, VA

Rabbi David Steinberg
Temple Israel
Duluth, MN

Rabbi Paul Steinberg
Congregation Kol Shofar
Tiburon, CA

Rabbi Gershon Steinberg-Caudill
Rabbi Emeritus
Havurah Ohr Shekhina (Flexidox)
El Cerrito, CA

Rabbi Andrea Steinberger
Hillel at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI

Rabbi Lane Steinger
Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community
St. Louis, MO

Rabbi Dr. Oren Z. Steinitz
Congregation Kol Ami
Elmira, NY

Rabbi Gil Steinlauf
Adas Israel Congregation
Washington, DC

Rabbi George Stern, Executive Director
Neighborhood Interfaith Movement
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Liza Stern
Congregation Eitz Chayim
Cambridge, MA

Rabbi Ron Stern
Stephen S. Wise Temple
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Benjamin D. Sternman
Adat Chaverim
Plano, TX

Rabbi Debbie Stiel
Temple Beth Sholom
Topeka, KS

Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman, Emeritus
Congregation Shaare Emeth
St. Louis, MO

Rabbi Ariel Stone
Congregation Shir Tikvah
Portland, OR

Rabbi Yvonne Strassmann
Temple Beth Sholom
Stratford, CT

Rabbi Andrew Straus
Temple Adat Elohim
Thousand Oaks, CA

Rabbi David Straus, Senior Rabbi
Main Line Reform Temple
Wynnewood, PA

Rabbi Micah Streiffer
Founder and Director
Toronto, ON, Canada
(US citizen)

Rabbi Joshua Strom
Congregation B'nai Yisrael
Armonk, NY

Rabbi Alvin M. Sugarman
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi Yaffa-Shira Sultan
Silver Spring, MD

Rabbi Alana Suskin
Director of Lifelong Learning
Shaare Torah Congregation
Gaithersburg, MD

Rabbi Brooks R. Susman
Congregation Kol Am (Reform)
Freehold, NJ

Rabbi Steven Suson
Congregation Har Tzeon
Agudath Achim
Silver Spring, MD

Barry A. Swan, Madrikh
Beth Haskalah, Rochester Society for Humanistic Judaism
Rochester, NY

Rabbi Daniel J. Swartz
Temple Hesed of Scranton
Scranton, PA

Rabbi Frank A. Tamburello
Society of Jewish Science
New York, NY and
Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism
White Plains, NY

Rabbi Irwin A. Tanenbaum
Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Beth Am
Williamsville, NY

Rabbi Dov Taylor
Congregation Solel
Highland Park, IL

Rabbi Bradley C. Tecktiel
Midbar Kodesh Temple
Henderson, NV

Rabbi Jay TelRav
Temple Sinai
Stamford, CT

Rabbi Susan Tendler
B’nai Zion Congregation
Chattanooga, TN

Rabbi Elliott Tepperman
Bnai Keshet
Montclair, NJ

Rabbi David A. Teutsch Ph.D.
Director, Center for Jewish Ethics
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Wyncote, PA

Rabbi Barbara Thiede
Temple Or Olam
Concord, NC

Rabbi Howard Tilman
Congregation Beth Israel
Scotch Plains, NJ

Rabbi Gary Tishkoff
Zichron Ya'akov, Israel
(US citizen)

Rabbi Robert L. Tobin
Congregation Beth Shalom
Overland Park, KS

Rabbi Joseph S. Topek
Hillel Foundation, Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY

Rabbi Betsy Torop
Congregation Beth Shalom
Brandon, FL

Rabbi Lawrence Troster
Kesher Israel Congregation
West Chester, PA

Rabbi Arnold M. Turchick
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
São Paulo - SP, Brazil
(US citizen)

Rabbi Paul Tuchman
Temple B'nai Israel
White Oak, PA

Rabbi Rochelle Tulik
Temple B'rith Kodesh
Rochester, NY

Rabbi Jan Uhrbach
The East 55th Street Conservative Synagogue and
The Conservative Synagogue of the Hamptons
New York, NY

Rabbi Michael Ungar
Congregation Tifereth Israel
Columbus, OH

Rabbi David Z. Vaisberg
Temple Emanu-El
Edison, NJ

Rabbi Ari Vernon
Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community
St. Louis, MO

Rabbi Burt Visotzky
Jewish Theological Seminary
New York, NY

Rabbi Stewart Vogel
Temple Aliyah
Woodland Hills, CA

Rabbi Jessica Wainer
Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation
Reston, VA

Rabbi Leah Wald
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Heidi Waldmann
Indiana University Health North Hospital
Carmel, IN

Rabbi Benno M. Wallach, DD
Founding Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Beth Tikvah
Houston, TX

Rabbi Shira Wallach
Dallas, TX

Rabbi Roy Walter
Congregation Emanu El
Houston, TX

Rabbi Andrew Warmflash
Hewlett, NY

Rabbi Pamela Wax
Westchester Jewish Community Services
White Plains, NY

Rabbi Seth Wax
Jewish Chaplain
Williams College
Williamstown, MA

Rabbi S. Robert Waxman
Bnai Israel Synagogue
Wilmington, NC

Rabbi Donald A. Weber
Temple Rodeph Torah
Marlboro, NJ

Rabbi Elyse Wechterman
Executive Director
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Wyncote, PA

Rabbi Gerald I. Weider
Rabbi Emeritus
Congregation Beth Elohim
Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY

Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
Potomac, MD

Rabbi Arthur Weiner
Jewish Community Center of Paramus
Paramus, NJ

Rabbi Daniel A. Weiner
Seattle, WA

Rabbi David Weiner
Jacksonville Jewish Center & The Martin J. Gottlieb Day School
Jacksonville, FL

Rabbi Scott B. Weiner, Senior Rabbi
Temple Israel of New Rochelle
New Rochelle, NY

Rabbi Eitan Weiner-Kaplow
Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Synagogue
Northbrook, IL

Rabbi Dvora Weisberg, Ph.D.
Director of the Rabbinical Program
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Mimi Weisel
Sarasota, FL

Rabbi Steve Weisman
Temple Solel
Bowie, MD

Rabbi Max Weiss
Oak Park Temple B'nai Abraham Zion
Oak Park, IL

Rabbi Micah Weiss
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Raysh Weiss, Ph.D.
Halifax, NS, Canada
(US Citizen)

Rabbi Stephen Weiss, Senior Rabbi
B'nai Jeshurun Congregation
Cleveland, OH

Rabbi Sarah Weissman
Los Altos Hills, CA

Rabbi Lauren Werber
Cleveland, OH

Rabbi Steven Wernick
Adath Israel
Merion Station, PA

Rabbi Steven R. Westman
West Palm Beach, FL

Rabbi David S. Widzer
Closter, NJ

Rabbi Mark Wieder
Temple Anshe Amunim
Pittsfield, MA

Rabbi Laura Novak Winer
Fresno, CA

Rabbi Paula Jayne Winnig
Temple Sinai of Long Island
Lawrence, NY

Rabbi Avi Winokur
Society Hill Synagogue
Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Joysa Winter
Jewish Humanist Community of Philadelphia
Broomall, PA

Rabbi David Wirtschafter
Temple Adath Israel
Lexington, KY

Rabbi Alissa Wise
Jewish Voice for Peace
Berkeley, CA

Rabbi Sylvin Wolf, Retired
Jacksonville, FL

Rabbi Greg Wolfe
Congregation Bet Havrerim (Reform)
Davis, CA

Rabbi Robert L. Wolkoff
Congregation Bnai Tikvah
North Brunswick, NJ

Rabbi David Wolpe
Sinai Temple
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz
Uri L'Tzedek
New York, NY

Rabbi Eric Yanoff
Adath Israel
Merion Station, PA

Rabbi Jessica Yarkin
Associate Rabbi
Adat Ari El, Valley Village
Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Paul Yedwab
Temple Israel
W. Bloomfield, MI

Rabbi Marina Yergin
Temple Beth-El
San Antonio, TX

Rabbi David N. Young
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
Fountain Valley, CA

Rabbi Elana Zaiman
Seattle, WA

Rabbi Melinda Zalma
Congregation Beth Mordecai
Perth Amboy, NJ

Rabbi Deborah Zecher
Great Barrington, MA

Rabbi Michael Zedek
Emanuel Congregatin
Chicago, IL

Rabbi Ben Zeidman
Temple Mount Sinai
El Paso, TX

Rabbi Irwin A. Zeplowitz
The Community Synagogue
Port Washington, NY

Rabbi Lina Zerbarini
Kehillath Shalom Synagogue
Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Rabbi Edward Zerin, Ph.D
San Francisco, CA

Rabbi Jill Berkson Zimmerman
Laguna Woods, CA

Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman
Congregation Shaarei Shamayim
Madison, WI

Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman
Temple Israel
Minneapolis, MN

Rabbi Mark Zimmerman
Congregation Beth Shalom
Atlanta, GA

Rabbi Michael Zimmerman
Congregation Kehillat Israel
Lansing, MI

Rabbi Misha Zinkow
Columbus, OH

Rabbi Louis Zivic
Heska Amuna Synagogue
Knoxville, TN

Rabbi Henry A. Zoob, Rabbi Emeritus
Temple Beth David
Westwood, MA

Rabbi David J. Zucker, Retired
Aurora, CO

Rabbi Julie Zupan
Sharon, MA

Please note that institutions are named for identification purposes only
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