The clergy names below represent endorsements of:
The Climate Crisis: A Clergy Call to Action
The alphabetical links below will take you to the names of endorsers whose last names start with the letter of the link you choose.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Number of Listings by Location
The Rev. Leon Aalberts |
The Rev. Robert Granger, Retired United Methodist Church Eugene, OR The Rev. Zach Grant| St. John Presbyterian Church and Bethlehem Inclusive Church (PCUSA) Tampa, FL Pastor Terry Graunke, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Interim Pastor Pilgrim Lutheran Church Lexington, NC The Rev. Cindra Gray St. Michael/San Miguel Episcopal Church Newberg, OR Rabbi Claire M. Green Jewish Philadelphia, PA The Rev. Henry Green Henry Green Consulting Annapolis, MD Rabbi Fred Greene Congregation Har HaShem Boulder, CO The Rev. Steven Greenebaum, Retired Interfaith Lynnwood, WA The Rev. John M. Gregory-Davis, Co-Pastor Meriden Congregational Church, UCC Meriden, NH The Rev. Susan E. Gregory-Davis, Co-Pastor Meriden Congregational Church, UCC Meriden, NH Rabbi Nicki Greninger Temple Isaiah Lafayette, CA The Rev. Dr. Denham Grierson Emeritus Professor University of Divinity Melbourne, VIC, Australia The Rev. Dr. Douglas L. Griffin, Retired United Church of Christ Smyrna, DE Fr. Jeremiah C. Griffin St. Chad’s Episcopal Church Albuquerque, NM The Rev. Cathy M Grigsby Interfaith Bridgton, ME The Rev. Elizabeth Griswold United Church of Christ Sacramento, CA The Rev. Clare Gromoll Associate Minister St. Paul's United Church of Christ Minneapolis, MN Rabbi Daniel Gropper Community Synagogue of Rye Rye, NY Rabbi Nadya Gross Boulder, CO Rabbi Victor Gross Boulder, CO The Rev. Dr. Allen Grothe, Retired United Church of Christ St. Louis, MO The Rev. George Grubb Supply Priest St. George’s Episcopal Church Allentown, PA The Rev. Ailsa R. Guardiola González, Pastor First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Tucson, AZ The Rev. Dr. Galen Guengerich All Souls Unitarian Church New York, NY The Rev. William J. Guise, Retired United Church of Christ Flagstaff, AZ The Rev. Christopher Grundy, PhD Associate Prof. of Preaching and Worship Associate Dean for the Chapel Eden Theological Seminary United Church of Christ St Louis, MO The Rev. Jennifer Gutierrez United Methodist Church Los Angeles, CA The Rev. Amelia Hagen, SOSc, Retired Society of Ordained Scientists Episcopal Church Scarborough, ME Roshi Joan Halifax Abbot Upaya Zen Center Santa Fe, NM Bishop Bridget W Hall Liberal Catholic Universalist Church Tyne and Wear, England, UK The Rev. Robert P. Hall, OSL Ecumenical Officer Peninsula-Delaware Conference The United Methodist Church Wilmington, DE The Rev. Stephen A. Hall, Retired United Church of Christ Lockport, NY The Rev. Shari Halliday-Quan Senior Minister First Unitarian Church of Rochester Rochester, NY The Rev. Ann L. Hallstein United Church of Christ Easthampton, MA The Rev. Dottie Halverson First/Cotter/Salem yoked Presbyterian USA Churches Winfield and Columbus Junction, IA The Rev. Dr. Sarah Halverson-Cano Senior Pastor Irvine United Congregational Church Irvine, CA The Rev. Sue J. Hamly United Church of Christ Minneapolis, MN Rabbi Joshua Hammerman Temple Beth El Stamford, CT The Rev. Leddy Hammock Unity Church of Clearwater Clearwater, FL The Rev. Fred L. Hammond Manatee Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Bradenton, FL The Rev. Harold L. Hand, Jr. Retired Lutheran Pastor, ELCA Strasburg, PA The Rev. Arden C. Hander, Retired United Church of Christ Meadowbrook, PA Rabbi Denise Handlarski Secular Synagogue and Oraynu Congregation for Humanistic Judaism Toronto, ON, Canada The Rev. Jacqueline M. Hannan Atascocita Presbyterian Church Humble, TX The Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen, Interim Pastor Somesville Union Meeting House United Church of Christ Mt. Desert, ME The Rev. Nancy J. Hanson Messiah and First Lutheran Churches Washburn and Port Wing, WI The Rev. George L. Hanusa, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Des Moines, IA The Rev. Izzy Harbin First Congregational Church United Church of Christ Elkhart, IN The Rev. Mary Anne Harris Unity Church of Christianity Tulsa, OK The Rev. Zachariah Harris III Intentional Interim Pastor Petersburg Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church In America Petersburg, AK The Rev. Valerie Ann Hart, TSSF, Retired Episcopal Church Tustin, CA The Rev. Dr. Jay R. Hartley Regional Minister and President Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Arizona Scottsdale, AZ Fr. Loyde Hartley, Retired Episcopal Church Professor and Dean Lancaster Theological Seminary Lancaster, PA The Rev. Michael Hartney Episcopal Diocese of Rochester Watkins Glen, NY The Rev. Robyn Hartwig St. Andrew Lutheran Church Beaverton, OR and EcoFaith Recovery Portland, OR Rabbi Michael Harvey Temple Israel West Lafayette, IN The Rev. AbbyLynn Haskell United Church of Christ Acton Congregational Church Acton, ME The Rev. DiAnne W. Hatch Presbyterian Church, U.S.A Mahomet, IL Rabbi Abraham Havivi American Jewish University Los Angeles, CA The Rev. Rachael Hayes Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst / Unitarian Universalist Association Amherst, MA The Rev. Sara Hayman UU Church of Ellsworth Ellsworth, ME The Rt. Rev. Susan B. Haynes Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia Newport News, VA The Rev. Beth Hayward, Lead Minister Canadian Memorial United Church and Centre for Peace Vancouver, BC, Canada The Rev. Joseph G. Healey, MM Maryknoll Society of Priests and Brothers Nairobi, Kenya The Rev. Claudia Heath Retired Deacon Episcopal Church Tucson, AZ The Rev. Phil Hefner, Professor Emeritus Lutheran School of Theology Chicago, IL The Rev. Jon Heiliger, Pastor University Lutheran Church Clemson, SC Rabbi Joanne Yocheved Heiligman, Retired Columbia, MD Pastor Katie Heishman Dayton, OH Pastor Tim Heishman Dayton, OH The Rev. Anja Helmon Northlake Lutheran Church Kenmore, WA The Rev. Dr. Kurt K. Hendel Bernard, Fischer, Westberg Distinguished Ministry Professor Emeritus of Reformation History Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Ashburn Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Chicago, IL The Rev. Randall (Randy) Henderson, Retired United Methodist Church Lacey, WA Pastor David K. Hendricks South Bend, IN The Rev. Joan Henjum, Moderator Broadview Community United Church of Christ Seattle, WA The Rev. William T. Hennessy North Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church (USA) Williamsville, NY The Rev. Abigail Henrich Grace Community Boston Boston, MA Carrie Henson Humanist Celebrant The Humanist Society Soldotna, AK The Rev. Karen Hering Associate Minister Unity Church-Unitarian St. Paul, MN The Rev. Susan Wallace Hermann Presbyterian Church (USA) Hoodsport, WA The Rev. Joene Herr, Retired ELCA Santa Fe, NM Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann Reconstructionist SAJ-Judaism that Stands for All New York, NY The Rev. David Hett Spiritual Director The Burkhart Center Minister of Religious Life & Learning First Community Church United Church of Christ Columbus, OH The Rev. Linda Higgins St. John's United Church of Christ Richmond, VA The Rev. Jacqueline Hickox-Morgan United Church of Christ Yankton, SD The Rev. Dr. June Hicks Highfill, Retired Presbyterian Church USA Wilmington, NC Chris Highland Humanist Celebrant Asheville, NC The Rev. David T. Hill United Church of Christ The First Church in Oberlin, United Church of Christ Oberlin, OH The Rev. Dr. Douglas A. Hill Lead Pastor Abiding Hope Church Littleton, CO The Rev. Dr. Robert L. Hill Unitarian Universalist Fairfield, QLD, Australia The Rev. Dr. David Meredith Hindman The United Methodist Church Williamsburg, VA The Rev. Dr. Katy Hinman, Director Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion American Association for the Advancement of Science Elder in Full Connection United Methodist Church (North Georgia Conference) Washington, DC The Rev. William R. Hinrichs, Rector St. John's Episcopal Church Cohoes, NY The Rev. Craig Hirshberg Easton, PA The Rev. Mark E. Hoelter, Retired Unitarian Universalist Washington, DC The Rev. Marcia L. Hoffman Southern California Nevada Conference United Church of Christ and Pacific Southwestern Region Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Altadena, CA The Rev. Canon Roy Hoffman Canon to the Bishop Diocese of Southern Virginia Newport News, VA The Rev. Carole Hoke St Paul United Church of Christ Pekin, IL The Rev. Dr. Paul Evans Holbrook, Deacon Episcopal Diocese of Lexington Lexington, KY The Rev. Sara M. Holland Pastor & Teacher Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ Plymouth, NH The Rev. Carson Hollis Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Austin, TX The Rev. Jim Hollister, Pastor First Congregational UCC Sheboygan, WI The Rev. Surya-Patricia Lane Hood Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness Phoenix, AZ The Rev. Lynn Hopkins Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Montgomery Montgomery, AL The Rev. Alfred Joseph Hopwood, Ph.D. All Saints Episcopal Church Northfield, MN The Rev. Ivan Horn United Church of Christ Hecker, IL The Rev. Beverly Hosea, Interim Vicar The Episcopal Church of the Nativity Lewiston, ID Pastor Merle G. Hostetler East Goshen Mennonite Church Goshen, IN The Very Rev. John Wm. Houghton, Ph.D. Visiting Chaplain Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation Dean of the Alumni Chapel, Emeritus The Hill School Pottstown, PA The Rev. Katharine Houk One Spirit Learning Alliance New York, NY The Rev. Molly Housh Gordon Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia Columbia, MO The Rev. Duane C. Hoven Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Rochester, MN The Rev. Lani Howard, Minister Emerita Sierra Center for Spiritual Livin Grass Valley, CA The Rev. Dr. Everett Howe Affiliated community minister First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego San Diego, CA The Rev. Geoff Howson Bocabec, NB, Canada The Rev. David J. Huber Plymouth United Church of Christ Eau Claire, WI The Rev. Kurt J. Huber Episcopal Church St. Peter's Episcopal Church Monroe, CT The Rev. John F. Hudson, Senior Pastor Pilgrim United Church of Christ Sherborn, MA The Rev. Dr. Thomas Hudspeth Deaf Ministry of Walnut Hill Church A Ministry of Lovers Lane United Methodist Church Dallas, TX The Rev. Megan Huesgen Immanuel United Church of Christ Shillington, PA Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz Agudas Achim Congregation Coralville, IA The Rev. Rex A. E. Hunt, MSc(Hons) Uniting Church in Australia Canberra, ACT, Australia The Rev. Dr. Charles Lee Hutchens Eden United Methodist Church Madison, NC and Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church Madison, NC The Rev. Allie Hutchinson Centers for Spiritual Living Oakland, CA The Rev. Michael Hydes The Village Metropolitan Community Church Brighton, England The Rev. Dave Inglis, Pastor St. John's United Church of Christ Union, IL Dr. Paul Inglis Uniting Church in Australia Dayboro, QLD, Australia The Rev. Kevin Ireland First Presbyterian Church in Springfield Flourtown, PA Rabbi Daniel Isaacson Director of Spiritual Care Services Jewish Family and Children's Services San Francisco, CA Rabbi Debbie Israel Congregation Emeth Morgan Hill CA Rabbi Rachael Jackson Jewish, Reform Orlando, FL The Rev. Zachary Jackson Community United Church of Christ Reading, PA Rabbi Burt Jacobson Founding Rabbi Kehilla Community Synagogue Piedmond, CA Rabbi Suzie Jacobson Temple Israel of Boston Boston, MA The Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen Unitarian Universalist First Parish Church of Kingston Kingston, MA The Rev. Mary James, Retired United Church of Christ Pastor Emerita First Congregational Church of Wakefield (NH) Durham, NH Rabbi Janine Jankovitz RRA/Reconstructing Judaism Philadelphia, PA The Rev. Anna Jarvis Monton Unitarian Church Salford, England The Very Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Jenks Dean of Grafton (Anglican) Grafton, NSW, Australia The Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings Creative Life Spiritual Center (CSL) Spring, TX The Rev. Dr. David R. Jennys Watertown, SD Rabbi Miriam Jerris, Ph.D. Society for Humanistic Judaism Farmington Hills, MI The Rev. Dr. Jason John Uniting Earth Advocate Uniting Church in Australia Gleniffer, NSW, Australia The Rev. Andrea Johnson Minnesota Valley UU Fellowship Bloomington, MN The Rev Karen Johnson Minister Emerita Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth Duluth, MN The Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork Bridgehampton, NY The Rev. Matthew Johnson Presbyterian Church (USA) First Presbyterian Church, McMinnville McMinnville, OR The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson The Unitarian Universalist Church Rockford, IL The Rev. Norman S. Johnson, Sr. D.Min. First New Christian Fellowship Baptist Church Los Angeles, CA The Rev. Steven D. Johnson, Ph.D., Pastor Grace United Church of Christ Massillon, OH The Rev. Clifford A. Johnston The Episcopal Church Chapel of the Good Shepherd Hawk Run, PA The Rev. Karen G. Johnston The Unitarian Society East Brunswick, NJ The Rev. David L. Jones, Ph.D. Ecumenist Christian Chaplain Dalton, GA The Rev. Galeda Jones, Retired United Methodist Church Lawton, OK The Rev. Dr. Judith Jones, Vicar St. Luke by the Sea Episcopal Church Waldport, OR and St. Stephen Episcopal Church Newport, OR The Rev. Karl Jones Disaster Response Coordinator PA Southeast Conference United Church of Christ Douglassville, PA The Rev. Montie Jones, Retired United Methodist Church Lawton, OK The Rev. Nigel Jones, Vicar St. Andrew's Church (Church of England) Caversham, England The Rev. Richard A. Jones, Retired United Church of Christ Jefferson, OH The Rev. Dr. Roger Jones Unitarian Universalist Society Sacramento, CA The Rev. Tom S. Jones The Peoples Church East Lansing, MI Pastor Walter A. Jones United Methodist Church Ebenezer United Methodist Church McConnelsville, OH Rabbi Beth Kalisch Beth David Reform Congregation Gladwyne, PA The Rev. Edwin E. Kang, Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Owego, NY Rabbi Juliana S. Karol Congregation Rodeph Sholom New York, NY Rabbi Molly Karp New City, NY Rabbi Harley Karz-Wagman Congregation Bayt Shalom Greenville, NC Rabbi Peter E. Kasdan Rabbi Emeritus Temple Emanu-El of West Essex Livingston, NJ Rabbi Marc Katz Temple Ner Tamid Bloomfield, NJ The Rev. Marla Kauerz, Retired United Methodist Church Centennial, CO Rabbi Jim Kaufman Temple Beth Hillel and Interfaith Solidarity Network San Fernando Valley, CA The Rev. Greg Kaufmann, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Chippewa Falls, WI Pastor Bob Kaul Evaneglical Lutheran Church in America Northfield, MN Rabbi Alvan Kaunfer Rabbi Emeritus Temple Emanu-El Providence, RI Pastor Richard Keeler Grace United Church of Christ West Point, PA Fr. Leopold R. Keffler, O.F.M. Conv. Locus Benedictus Greenwood, MS The Rev. Dr. Jon Keiser, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Tampa, FL Minister Felicity Brock Kelcourse, MMin, PhD, LMH Recorded Quaker Minister Associate Professor of Psychology of Religion and Pastoral Psychotherapy Christian Theological Seminary Indianapolis, IN The Rev. Alana Kelley First United Church of Christ, St. Clair St. Clair, MI The Rev. Dr. Robert A. Kelly Professor Emeritus Martin Luther University College Waterloo, ON, Canada The Rev. Canon W. Bart Kendrick St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church Tucson, AZ The Rev. Dr. Scott M. Kenefake Interim Senior Minister First Presbyterian Church of Concord Concord, NC Fr. Peter Kennedy St Marys In Exile South Brisbane, QLD, Austalia The Rev. Steve Keplinger, Rector Grace St. Paul's Episcopal Church Tucson, AZ The Rev. Dr. Edward J. Kern, Pastor Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA) San Antonio, TX The Rev. Dr. John Maxwell Kerr St Luke's Episcopal Church Blackstone, VA Rabbi Peg Kershenbaum Pocono Pines, PA The Rev. Marraine C. Kettell, Minister Old South First Congregational Church of Farmington United Church of Christ Farmington, ME The Rev. Charles E. Kiblinger Episcopal Church Sarasota, FL The Rev. Dan King, Minister Emeritus The First UU Church of Houston Houston, TX The Rev. Jack K. King Beach United Methodist Church Westhampton Beach, NY The Rev. Dr. Paul J. Kirbas, President Graduate Theological Foundation Oklahoma City, OK The Rev. Kelly Kirby, Rector St. Matthew's Episcopal Church Louisville, KY Rabbi Daniel Kirzane Oak Park Temple Oak Park, IL Rebecca Kitchings Humanist Celebrant/Official Inland Empire Atheists Agnostics and Humanists Freethinkers Around Redlands Riverside, CA Rabbi Kevin Kleinman Main Line Reform Temple Wynnewood, PA The Rev. David E. Klepper, Jr ELCA Mount Joy, PA Rabbi Jonathan Kligler Woodstock Jewish Congregation Woodstock, NY The Rev. Liza B. Knapp United Church of Christ The First Church of Deerfield Deerfield, MA The Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely, SOSc Bishop The Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island Providence, RI Pastor Don Knudson, MDiv, BCC, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Rosemount, MN The Rev. Nathan Koenig, Former Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Fremont, OH Chaplain Jerry W. Kolb Chaplain Emeritus (Episcopal) Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City Kansas City, MO The Rev. Ben Konecny First Congregational Church United Church of Christ Greeley, CO The Rev. Edward A. Koonz Interim Pastor Congregational Church of Harvard United Church of Christ Harvard, MA The Rev. Kathleen Korb, Retired Unitarian Universalist Pinellas Park, FL Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld Beth Chaverim Humanistic Jewish Community Deerfield, IL The Rev. James Kosko, Pastor Squaw Valley Chapel United Church of Christ Olympic Valley, CA The Rev. Joseph F. Kozlowski Supply Priest Episcopal Partnership of the Dioceses of Northwest Pennsylvania and Western New York Lockport, NY The Rev. Tamalyn L. Kralman Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Bellingham, WA Rabbi Jeremy Kridel Machar, The Washington Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism Washington, DC Rabbi Noa Kushner, Founding Rabbi The Kitchen San Francisco, CA Rabbi Steven Kushner Rabbi Emeritus Temple Ner Tamid Bloomfield, NJ The Rev. Timothy Kutzmark UU Church of Fresno Fresno, CA The Rev. Lori Kyle First Unitarian Church Louisville, KY The Rev. Yael Lachman, Minister First Congregational United Church of Christ Salem, OR The Rev. Bussho Lahn Minnesota Zen Center Minneapolis, MN The Rev. Dr. D. Paul La Montagne, Retired Former Minister of the Word and Sacrament Presbyterian Church (USA) Former Stated Clerk of the Former Presbytery of New Brunswick Pennington, NJ Rabbi Karen Landy RRA Havurat Shalom Andover, MA The Rev. Carlton Larsen, M.Div., Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Strasbourg and Bulyea, SK, Canada The Rev. Dr. Mari Larson Reformation Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Wichita, KS The Rev. Rebecca Larson, Retired United Church of Christ Plymouth, NH The Rev. Benjamin Larzelere III Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Santa Fe, NM The Rev. Larry Laskie, Retired United Church of Christ Sibley, IA The Rev. Greg Davidson Laszakovits Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren Elizabethtown, PA Chaplain Jennifer Fargo Lathrop United Church of Christ Los Altos, CA Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie Lab/Shul New York City, NY The Rev. Bryan Lauzau, Retired United Methodist Church Albuquerque, NM The Rev. Cathlynn Law United Church in University Place (UMC & UCC) University Place, WA The Rev. Kimberlee Law, Partnership Vicar The Episcopal Church in Garfield County Glenwood Springs, CO New Castle, CO Battlement Mesa, CO Fr. Harry Lawrence Christ Church Episcopal Chattanooga, TN The Rev. Timothy S. Lee Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Brite Divinity School Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX The Rev. Allan Leggett, Retired Uniting Church in Australia Talbingo, NSW, Australia The Rev. Charlotte Lehmann, Minister Bull Run Unitarian Universalists Manasses, VA The Rev. Tara Leininger Metaline Falls Congregational Untied Church of Christ Metaline Falls, WA The Rev. Scott Lenoir, Retired Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi Gautier, MS The Rev. Kimbrough Leslie, Retired United Methodist Church Clovis, CA The Rev. Michael Leuchtenberger, Senior Minister Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord Concord, NH Janis Levin-Gorelick Humanist Celebrant Recovering from Religion Waterford, MI Rabbi Chai Levy Congregation Netivot Shalom Berkeley, CA Rabbi Stan Levy Congregation B'nai Horin-Children of Freedom Los Angeles, CA Rabbi Michael Lezak Glide San Francisco, CA Rabbi Ron Li-Paz Valley Outreach Synagogue Calabasas, CA The Rev. James Lieb Deacon, Retired All Saints Episcopal Church Hilllsboro, OR Rabbi Elias Lieberman Falmouth Jewish Congregation East Falmouth, MA Rabbi Mordechai Liebling Jewish Reconstructionist Philadelphia, PA The Rev. Ruth Vann Lillian Unitarian Universalist Congregation Tuscaloosa, AL The Rev. Dr. Sherie A. Lindamood First Congregational Church of Winter Park Winter Park, FL The Rev. Clifford L. "Skip" Lindeman Upland Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Upland, CA Dr. Donna Lindsey, D.Min. Creation Spirituality/UC Eugene, OR The Rev. Stephen P. Lintzenich Catholic Diocese of Evansville Evansville, IN Rabbi David Lipper Davidson, NC The Rev. Meredith Lisagor, MDiv, BCC Interfaith Mount Sinai St. Luke's-Mount Sinai West Hospitals New York, NY Rabbi Janet B. Liss North Country Reform Temple Glen Cove, NY The Rev. Kido Jimmyle Listenbee Soto Zen Priest Oxford, MS The Rev. Kris Litman-Koon All Saints Lutheran Church (ELCA) Mount Pleasant, SC The Rev. Jeanne Lloyd Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Society Madison, CT The Rev. Dr. L. J. Lloyd Presbyterian/Celebration of Life (PCUSA) Mesa, AZ Rabbi Joshua Lobel Temple B'nai Israel Clearwater, FL Rabbi David Locketz Bet Shalom Congregation Minnetonka, MN Rabbi Neal Joseph Loevinger Poughkeepsie, NY Pastor Jack Lohr Presbyterian Church (USA) Hawthorne, NJ The Rev. Dr. Martin Lohrmann Associate Professor of Lutheran Confessions and Heritage Wartburg Theological Seminary Dubuque, IA Rabbi Alan Londy New Reform Temple Kansas City, MO The Rev. Douglas S. Long Umstead Park United Church of Christ Raleigh, NC The Rev. Melodie Long Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Oshkosh, WI Rabbi Scott Looper Temple Beth Or Montgomery, AL Rabbi Michael Lotker Community Rabbi The Jewish Federation of Ventura County Ventura, CA The Rev. Maggie Lovins Community Minister Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola, FL Deacon Bob Lowry Holy Comforter Episcopal Church Spring, TX The Rev. Marian Lucas-Jefferies Coordinator Diocesan Environment Network Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Halifax, NS, Canada The Rev. Jacqueline Luck Community Church Unitarian Universalist New Orleans, LA The Rev. Rick Lund, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Chippewa Falls, WI Pastor Leo Lynch US Navy Chaplain Ret. First Congregational Church of Santa Ana UCC Santa Ana, CA The Rev. Suzelle Lynch Unitarian Universalist Church West Brookfield, WI The Rev. Rob MacPherson Unitarian Church of South Australia Norwood, SA, Australia The Ven. Carole Maddux, Archdeacon Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta Atlanta, GA The Rev. Cindy Maddox United Church of Christ First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ South Portland, ME Rabbi Professor Jonathan Magonet London, England The Rev. Ian White Maher Ashby First Parish Church Ashby, MA Rabbi Allen S. Maller, Retired Los Angeles, CA The Rev. Dr. Carol J. Manahan Community Church of Mill Valley, UCC Mill Valley, CA The Rev. Mark H. Mann, PhD Professor of Theology Point Loma Nazarene University Church of the Nazarene San Diego, CA The Rev. Richard Mapplebeckpalmer Companions of the Abbey of Merton St. Ambrose Martinez, CA The Rev. Greg March, Rector Kingscliff Anglican Church Kingscliff, NSW, Australia Rabbi Sanford Marcus Rabbi Emeritus Tree of Life Congregation Columbia, SC Rabbi Marc Margolius New York, NY The Rev. Mariah Marlin-Warfield United Church of Christ Rock Island, IL The Rev. Gayle Marsh All Saints Episcopal Church Northfield, MN The Rev. Scott Marrese-Wheeler, Pastor Oakland Cambridge Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Cambridge, WI The Rev. Eva Herschbach Martin, Retired United Methodist Church Sacramento, CA The Rev. Maureen L. Martin, SCP Priest in Charge St James Episcopal Church West Bend, WI The Rev. Nancy Martin, Deacon Ascension Episcopal Church Hinton, WV The Rev. Dr. Russell E. Martin, Retired United Methodist Church Elon, NC Jill Martinez, MA, MEd Humanist Celebrant Taos, NM The Rev. Tom Martinez Desert Palm United Church of Christ Tempe, AZ Rabbi Gregory Marx Congregation Beth Or Maple Glen, PA The Rev. Dr. George A. Mason Wilshire Baptist Church Dallas, TX The Rev. Kim Mason First Unitarian Church of St. Louis St. Louis, MO The Rev. H. Scott Matheney Chaplain and Dean of Religious Life Elmhurst College Chicago, IL The Rev. Meg Mathieson SouthWest Unitarian Universalist Church North Royalton, OH Rabbi Malcolm Matitiani Cape Town Progressive Jewish Congregation Cape Town, Republic of South Africa The Rev. Taryn Mattice Protestant Church (USA) Protestant Cooperative Ministry Cornell University Ithaca, NY The Rev. Dr. Charles A. Maxfield Lansdale, PA Rabbi Monique Mayer Bristol & West Progressive Jewish Congregation Bristol, England The Rev. Dr. Margaret Mayman St Michael's Uniting Church Melbourne, VIC, Australia The Rev. Effie E. McAvoy, Elder The United Methodist Church Pastor Shepherd of the Valley Hope, RI The Rev. Leigh G. McCaffrey United Church of Christ Peru, NY Pastor Alfred McCall Presbyterian Church (USA) Virginia Beach, VA The Rev. Dr. Sarah Fredriksen McCann Hope United Church of Christ St. Louis, MO The Rev. Melanie L. McCarley, Rector St. Paul's Episcopal Church Dedham, MA Pastor Gary A. McCaslin, Retired American Baptist Churches (USA) Corning, NY Clay McCastlain Conference President Arkansas United Methodist Men Rose Bud United Methodist Church Rose Bud, AR The Rev. Dr. Robert M. McClellan Presbyterian (PCUSA) Pastor Tiburon, CA Fr. Daryl McCullough St John’s Anglican Church Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia Eric D. McCutchan CFI-Certified Secular Celebrant Ft Worth, TX The Rev. Rodger McDaniel Highlands United Presbyterian Church Cheyenne, WY Elsie McKee, Ordained Elder Presbyterian Church (USA) Professor of Reformation Studies and the History of Worship Princeton Theological Seminary Princeton, NJ Rabbi Kris McDaniel-Miccio Woodstock, NY Allan McKeown, Lay-chaplain, Retired Unitarian Fellowship of Sarnia and Port Huron Sarnia, ON, Canada Pastor Rosanna McFadden Creekside Church of the Brethren Elkhart, IN The Rev. Dr. Bobbie McGarey, Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Raton, NM The Rev. Will McGarvey Minister of Word and Sacrament Presbyterian Church (USA) Benicia, CA The Rev. Dr. Robert J. McGrath, Retired United Church of Christ Sacramento, CA The Rev. Carol McKinley Unitarian Universalist Faith in Action Ministry, Olympia UU Congregation Olympia, WA The Rev. Patrick McLaughlin, Minister Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation Flagstaff, AZ The Rev. Diana K. McLean, Minister Peterborough Unitarian Universalist Church Peterborough, NH The Rev. Kevin J. McLemore Epiphany United Church of Christ Chicago, IL The Rev. Jan McLeod St John’s Anglican Church Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia The Rev. Meredith McNabb Virginia Conference United Methodist Church Richmond, VA The Rev. Wendy McNiven, Retired Unitarian Minister Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship Comox, BC, Canada Rabbi Ralph Mecklenburger Temple Beth Emeth Sherman, TX The Rev. Dr. John M. Medwid Evangelical Lutheran Church in America First Lutheran Church Albany, NY The Rev. Mark Meeks Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church PCUSA Denver, CO The Rev. David M. Mellott, PhD President Christian Theological Seminary Indianapolis, IN The Rev. Dr. Carmelo Mercado Presbyterian Church (USA) Oviedo, FL The Rev. Dr. Joyce Ann Mercer, Ph.D., LCSW Horace Bushnell Professor of Christian Nurture Professor of Practical Theology and Pastoral Care Yale University Divinity School New Haven, CT The Rev. Duayne R. Meyer Northfield Community Church The United Church of Christ Northfield, IL Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer The Kitchen San Francisco, CA The Rev. Kent A. Meyer, Ph.D. Zion United Church of Christ Le Sueur, MN The Rev. Dr. Russell Meyer Executive Director Florida Council of Churches Tampa, FL The Rev. Vernon J. Meyer, PhD Chalice Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Gilbert, AZ The Rev. Joyce Michael United Methodist Church and the historic Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren Prague, Czech Republic Chaplain Dr. Michele Micklewright, DMin, BCC Spirit of St. Stephen's Community Member Minneapolis, MN The Rev. Betty Jo Middleton Alexandria, VA The Rev. Nancy Mikoski Pennington Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Pennington, NJ Rabbi Dr. Rachel S. Mikva Chicago Theological Seminary Chicago, IL Rabbi Laurence Milder, Ph.D. Congregation Beth Emek Pleasanton, CA Rabbi Avis D. Miller Open Dor Foundation, Inc. Chevy Chase, MD The Rev. Charles S. Miller, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America New York, NY The Rev. Chris Miller, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Camarillo, CA The Rev. Dr. Don Miller United Church of Christ Topeka, KS The Rev. Elizabeth L. Miller Associate Minister Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota Sarasota, FL The Rev. Joel Miller Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA Rabbi Kelilah Miller Reconstructionist Philadelphia, PA The Most Rev. Rosamonde Miller Gnostic Sanctuary (Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum) Redwood City, CA The Rev. Dr. Stephen J. Miller, Retired Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Albuquerque, NM The Rev. Dr. Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture The Divinity School and Graduate Department of Religion Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN The Rev. Mark Miller-McLemore Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Associate Professor of the Practice of Ministry Vanderbilt Divinity School Nashville, TN The Rev. Dr. Laura Miller-Purrenhage First Congregational United Church of Christ Grand Ledge, MI The Rev. Dr. Joseph Mills St George’s Episcopal Church Texas City, TX Virginia L. Mills Certified Lay Servant Louisiana UMC Conference, North District Shreveport, LA Rabbi Jordan Millstein Senior Rabbi Temple Sinai of Bergen County Tenafly, NJ The Rev. Cathy Mims First Lutheran Church Norfolk, VA The Rev. Dr. Curt Miner, Pastor Plattsburg United Church of Christ Plattsburg, OH The Rev. David Minnick United Church of Christ Fort Myers, FL The Rev. Larry C. Minter, Retired Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky Louisville, KY The Rev. Dr. James Sumner Mitchell, Jr. Retired Hospital Chaplain United Methodist Church, East Ohio Conference Delaware, OH Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman Executive Director Sinai and Synapses New York City, NY Rabbi David Mivasair, Emeritus Ahavat Olam Synagogue Vancouver, BC, Canada The Rev. John Mix, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Madison, WI The Rev. JoAnne Moeller, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Montpelier, ND The Rev. Dr. Paul Mojzes, Retired United Methodist Church Professor of Religion West Chester, PA The Rev. Dr. Ute Molitor United Church of Christ Camden, ME The Rev. Betsey Monnot Sacramento, CA The Rev. Robert L. Montgomery, PhD., Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Black Mountain, NC The Rev. Cindy Mood, LCSW-S Interim Pastor New Hope Presbyterian Church Katy, TX The Rev. Heather A. Moody United Church of Christ First Congregational United Church of Christ Poughkeepsie, NY The Rev. Kathryn Moody-Arndt, Retired United Methodist Church Cleveland, OH The Rev. Chris Moore Fellowship Congregational United Church of Christ Tulsa, OK The Rev. E. Maynard Moore, PhD President WesleyNexus, Inc. Bethesda, MD Fr. Peter Moore, Retired Anglican Priest Chair Angligreen (Anglican Church Southern Queensland Environmental group) Deputy Chair, Queensland Churches Environment Network (QCEN) Brisbane, QLD, Australia The Rev. Dr. Ralph M. Moore, Jr. Rector, Retired St. Peter's Episcopal Church Rockland, ME Dr. Daniel Thomas Moran Humanist Celebrant The Humanist Society Webster, NH Rabbi Steven Morgen Congregation Beth Yeshurun Conservative Judaism Houston, TX The Rev. Dr. Rob Morrison Jackson, NJ The Rev. Robert Morriss, Retired Unitarian Universalist Lynchburg, VA The Rev. Katherine Smith Mortensen Universalist Minister Fort Mohave, AZ The Rev. Dr. Donna T. Morton, Retired United Methodist Church Louisville, KY The Rev. Rebecca E. Morton, Retired Ordained Deacon United Methodist Church OK Rabbi Dan Moskovitz, Senior Rabbi Temple Sholom Vancouver, BC, Canada The Rev. Eliot Moss Episcopal Church USA Amherst, MA The Rev. Jerry L. Mosser Unitarian Universalist Asheville, NC Pastor Elizabeth Mount First Unitarian Universalist Church of Indiana, PA Indiana, PA The Rev. Dr. Mary Alice Mulligan St. Andrew United Churh of Christ Sarasota, FL Rabbi Bronwen Mullin Congregation Bnai Jacob of Jersey City Jersey City, NJ The Rev. Julie B. Murdoch Pittsboro, NC The Rev. Dr. George L. Murphy, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Tallmadge, OH The Rev. Robert F. Murphy Unitarian Universalist Church Tarpon Springs, FL The Rev. Isaac M.T. Mwase University Baptist Church Baltimore, MD The Rev. Bret S. Myers Plymouth Congregational UCC Plymouth, NH Pastor Linda K. Nealon United Methodist Church of the Tarrytowns Tarrytown, NY The Rev. Eric Nefstead, MDiv, BCC ACPE Certified Educator San Francisco, CA The Rev. David Nelsestuen, Pastor Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Edgerton, WI The Rev. Anders E. Nelson St. Paul Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Wheaton, IL The Rev. Arnold Nelson, Jr. Senior Minister The First Christian Church (DOC) Duncan, OK The Rev. Clay Nelson, President Australian New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association (ANZUUA) Aukland, New Zealand Howard Nelson, Recording Clerk Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting Poplar Ridge, NY The Rev. Dr. John A. Nelson Congregational Church of Salisbury, UCC Salisbury, CT The Rev. Craig L. Nessan Academic Dean and Professor of Contextual Theology Wartburg Theological Seminary Dubuque, IA Rabbi Jason Nevarez Temple Shaaray Tefila Bedford Corners, NY Rabbi Daniel S. Nevins Pearl Resnick Dean The Jewish Theological Seminary New York, NY The Rev. Dr. Brian Q. Newcomb United Church of Christ David's United Church of Christ Kettering, OH The Rev. Theodore H. Newcomb III, Retired United Church of Christ West Wardsboro, VT The Rev. Dr. Robert Stephen Newnum, Retired United Methodist Church Rolândia, Paraná, Brazil The Rev. Shawn Newton, Senior Minister First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada The Rev. Christine M. Ng United Church of Christ Abiquiu, NM The Rev. Sarah W. Nichols, Retired Episcopal Priest Pasadena, CA The Rev. Dr. Jane Ellen Nickell United Methodist Church Allegheny College Meadville, PA The Rev. Dr. David Nikkel, Pastor Eutaw United Church of Christ Fayetteville, NC The Rev. Steve Norcross St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church Portland, OR The Rev. Dr. Paula B. Nordhem United Church of Christ Burnsville, MN The Rev. Todd Noren-Hentz, Pastor Wedowee First United Methodist Church Wedowee, AL The Very Rev. Frederick B. Northup Retired Dean St. Mark's Cathedral Seattle, WA The Rev. Craig M. Nowak, Minister Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Society Madison, CT The Rev. Nancy H. Nyberg, Retired United Church of Christ Chicago, IL The Rev. C.A. Samaya Oakley South Fraser Unitarian Congregation Unitarian Universalist Surrey, BC, Canada The Rev. Michael D. Oakley, Retired Evanelical Lutheran Church in America Cincinnati, OH Pastor Scott Oberle First Congregational Church United Church of Christ Downers Grove, IL The Rev. Marc Oehler, Pastor Westside Presbyterian Church Ridgewood, NJ The Rev. Allen Ohlstein St. Paul's Episcopal Church Leavenworth, KS |
The Rev. Dr. Stephen Ohnsman, PhD Calvary United Church of Christ Reading, PA The Rev. Marlon Okazak Head Minister Tenrikyo Southern Pacific Church Los Angeles, CA Archdeacon Jane O’Leary Episcopal Diocese of Maryland Baltimore, MD The Rev. Dr. David Oliver-Holder First Presbyterian Church,of Urbana PC(USA) Urbana, IL The Rev. Jolie Olivetti Unitarian Church of Sharon Sharon, MA The Rev. Christopher Olkiewicz Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Windsor Heights Lutheran Church Windsor Heights, IA Rabbi David Oler The New Reform Congregation Kadima Deerfield, IL The Rev. Erick R. Olsen, Pastor Church of Christ, Congregational (United Church of Christ) Norfolk, CT The Rev. Tara Olsen Allen, Pastor Pilgrim United Church of Christ Brentwood - Kingston Brentwood, NH The Rev. Ken Olson Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Lewistown, MT The Rev. Randy P. Orso, Founder and Moderator The Interfaith LGBTI Clergy Association Greentown, PA The Rev. Dr. Larry V. Ort Episcopal Church St. Paul's Episcopal Church Brookings, SD The Rev. Roger Osgood Heights Christian Church Shaker Heights, OH The Rev. Timothy L. Overton-Harris District Superintendent Columbia District Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference The United Methodist Church Portland, OR The Rev. Elisa Owen, Associate Pastor Christ Lutheran Church Louisville, KY Rabbi Laura Owens Congregation B'nai Horin, Children of Freedom Los Angeles, CA Pastor Randy Owens Johnson United Methodist Church New Harmony, IN The Rev. Jane Page Unitarian Universalists of Coastal Georgia Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Statesboro Brunswick and Statesboro, GA The Rev. Doug Pagitt Executive Director Vote Common Good Edina, MN The Rev. Lesley Blair Paine Presbyterian Church (USA) Sumner, WA The Rev. Roger C. Pancost United Church of Christ Midland, MI The Rev. Nurya Love Parish Holy Spirit Episcopal Church Belmont and Plainsong Farm & Ministry Rockford, MI The Rev. Dr. Lorraine Parkinson Manningham Congregation The Uniting Church in Australia Doncaster, VIC, Australia The Rev. Louisa T. Parsons, Rector St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church Ooltewah, TN The Rev. G. William Pattison, Retired United Methodist Church Schenectady, NY Pastor Martin V. Paye Sr. Tower of Faith Ministries Monrovia, Liberia The Rev. Mara Pennell Center for Spiritual Living Idaho Falls Idaho Falls, ID The Rev. Thomas Perchlik Interim Minister UU Fellowship of San Dieguito Solana Beach, CA Rabbi Carl M. Perkins Temple Aliyah Needham, MA The Rev. Jim Perra, Rector Grace Episcopal Church Traverse City, MI The Rev Peter K. Perry, Retired United Methodist Church West Boylston, MA The Rev. Lisa Perry-Wood First Parish in Brookline Brookline, MA Father Marty Peter, Retired Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis Columbus, IN The Rev. Greg Peters, Rector Saint Alban's Episcopal Church Edmonds, WA The Rev. Ted Peters, Interim Pastor Cross and Crown Lutheran Church and School Rohnert Park, CA The Rev. Brian Petersen St Brigid’s Episcopal Church Oceanside CA The Rev. Jessica Petersen-Mutai First United Church Bloomington, IN The Rev. Dr. Kenneth W. Phifer Senior Minister Emeritus First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI The Rev. Robert Phillippi, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Sacramento, CA The Rev. Diana Phillips United Church of Christ Cambridge, MA Pastor Emily S. Phillips Associate Pastor of Faith Formation and Family Life David's United Church of Christ Kettering, OH The Rev. Dr. Jennifer M. Phillips, Rector St. John's Episcopal Church Westwood, MA The Rev. Michael Piazza, Senior Pastor Broadway United Church of Christ New York, NY The Rev. William Pifer-Foote United Church of Christ First Congregational Church of Stockton, UCC Stockton, CA Rabbi Michael Pincus Congregation Beth Israel West Hartford, CT The Rev. Sarah Pirtle Cummington Village Church Cummington, MA The Rev. Dr. Dietmar Plajer St. Paul's United Church of Christ Selinsgrove, PA The Rev. Leland W. Platt Glen Echo Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church (USA) Columbus, OH The Rev. Priscilla Platt Interfaith Chaplain Falmouth, ME The Rev. Samuel G. Platts, Retired ELCA Sylmar, CA The Rev. Matthew Ploeger, Founder Earth Friendly Vehicles Reformed Church of America Madison, WI Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz Temple Beth Sholom Miami Beach, FL The Rev. Finn Pond St. David's Episcopal Church Spokane, WA The Rev. Richard W. Poole, Pastor Faith Presbyterian Church Valley Village, CA Deacon Robin M Poppoff St. Jude the Apostle Episcopal Church Cupertino, CA David Poultney - Presbyter Dunedin Methodist Parish Te Haahi Weteraina o Aotearoa Methodist Church of New Zealand Dunedin, New Zealand The Rev. Dr. Andrew Pratt, Editor Bulletin of the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland Honorary Research Fellow Luther King House, the Partnership for Theological Education, Manchester, United Kingdom and Chair of the Pratt Green Trust Fellow of ArtServe Edgware, England The Rev. Gwin Pratt, Pastor Presbyterian Church of the Apostles Burnsville, MN The Rev. Jenny Pratt FairPlay, SC The Rev. Cecil Charles Prescod, OCC Minister of Faith Formation Ainsworth United Church of Christ Portland, OR The Rev. Carolyn Price Unitarian Universalist Association Brawley, CA The Rev. Philip Price Transitional Minister Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ Lake Villa, IL The Rev. Anne L. Principe Chaplaincy Interfaith Institute of Maine Unitarian Universalist Society of Community Ministers El Paso, TX | Greater Lynn, MA The Rev. Jeff Procter-Murphy Dayspring United Methodist Church Tempe, AZ Rabbi Jonathan Prosnit Congregation Beth Am Los Altos, CA The Rev. Sheri Prud’homme Associate Minister for Faith Development First Unitarian Church of Oakland Oakland, CA The Rev. Boyd C. Purcell, Ph.D. Board Certified Chaplain Retired Christian Minister Dunbar, WV The Rev. Dr. David A. Purdy, Retired United Methodist Minister Harwich Port, MA The Rev. Ellen Quaadgras Westminster Unitarian Church East Greenwich, RI The Rev. John Queripel Newcastle. NSW, Australia The Rev. Dr. Derek J. Quinn Priest-in-Charge St. Paul's Episcopal Church Elk Rapids, MI and Associate Rector for Outreach Grace Episcpoal Church Traverse City, MI The Rev. Dr. Martin J. Rafanan, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Pittsburgh, PA The Rev. Dr. Claudia A. Ramisch Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Owensboro Owensboro, KY The Rev. Don Randall, M.Div., Ph.D. Unitarian Universalist Athens, GA Pastor Paul Randall, Associate Pastor Ecclesia Houston, TX The Rev. Sheri Randolph First Congregational United Church of Christ Barstow, CA Mary Raskin Humanistic Judaism Madrikha, Humanist Celebrant Portland, OR The Rev. Betty Lucy Rathbone Unitarian Church Octagon Chapel Norwich, Norfolk, England Rabbi Joshua Ratner Woodbridge, CT The Rev. Patricia J. Raube, Pastor Union Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church (USA) Endicott, NY The Rev. John Rawlinson, Ph.D. Retired Priest Episcopal Diocese of California Asisting Priest St. Cuthbert's Episcopal Church Oakland, CA The Rev Eileen Ray, Retired Uniting Church in Australia Sandringham, VIC, Australia The Rev. Ken Read-Brown Unitarian Universalist First Parish in Hingham (Old Ship Church) Hingham, MA The Rev Trish Reedstrom Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Mankato, MN The Rev. C. Nancy Reid-McKee Northlake UU Church Kirkland, WA The Rev. Kendall Reimer-Johnston, Retired Anglican Diocese of Huron London, ON, Canada Rabbi David A. Reinhart Temple Israel of the City of New York New York, NY The Rev. Frederick Reklau, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Member, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Oak Park, IL Pastor Chris Repp Grace Lutheran Church ELCA Champaign, IL The Very Rev. Jeanette Repp St. Peter's Episcopal San Pedro, CA The Rev. David Reppert, Pastor Emanuel (Bridesburg) United Church of Christ Philadelphia, PA Rabbi Michael Resnick Jewish - Conservative Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach Palm Beach, FL Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben Pacific Palisades, CA Rabbi Philip "Flip" Rice Congregation Micah/Reform Jewish Brentwood, TN The Rev. Deacon Edward Richards Episcopal Church Grace and St. Thomas by the Sea Panama City Beach, FL The Rev. Rod Richards Unitarian Universalists San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo, CA Deacon Marcia Richardson St. Philip's Episcopal Church Wiscasset, ME Bishop Reg C. Richburg Christ Catholic Church Norfolk, VA The Rev. Cathy Ridd Anglican Church Anglican Diocese of Grafton Grafton, NSW, Australia The Rev. Barry S. Riehle Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Hebron, KY Rabbi Stanley Ringler Jerusalem, Israel Bishop Gary Rivas The Methodist Church of Southern Africa Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa The Rev. Dr. Nelson Rivera Associate Professor of Theology Moravian College and Theological Seminary Bethlehem, PA Pastor Julie Roberts-Fronk First Christian Church Disciples of Christ Pomona, CA The Rev. Bill Robey Interim Regional Minister and President Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Northern Lights Region Puyallup, WA The Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris Interim Minister First Parish in Framingham Framingham, MA The Rev. Jeff Rock, Senior Pastor Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada The Rev. T. Michael Rock Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ Robbinsdale, MN The Rev. Jessica P. Rodela Unitarian Universalist Grand River Unitarian Congregation Kitchener, ON, Canada The Rev. Laurie Rodriguez, Elder Maitland Presbyterian Church Maitland, FL The Rev. Diane Rollert Minister/Pasteure Unitarian Church of Montreal Église Unitarienne de Montréal Montréal, QC, Canada The Rev. Jean Rollin, Retired United Methodist Church St. Paul, MN The Rev. Dr. Ed Rosado United Methodist Church Wissinoming UMC Philadelphia, PA Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose Congregation B'nai Amoona St. Louis, MO Pastor Leanne Rose, Interim Pastor Emmanuel United Church of Christ Dousman, WI Rabbi Paula Rose Congregation Beth Shalom Seattle, WA The Rev. Will Rose Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Chapel Hill, NC The Rev. William B. Rose-Heim Regional Minister and President Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Greater Kansas City Overland Park, KS Rabbi David Rosen, KSG CBE Jerusalem, Israel The Rev. John P. Rosenberg, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Tumwater, WA Rabbi Marc J. Rosenstein Moshav Shorashim, Israel Rabbi Dennis S. Ross New York, NY The Rev. Sharon Ross Ensor Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Hamilton, New Zealand The Rev. Dr. Nori J. Rost, Minister All Souls UU Church Colorado Springs, CO Rabbi Efrat Rotem Hod Hasharon, Israel The Rev. Molly Dee Rounsley The United Methodist Church of West Chester West Chester, PA The Rev. Chip Roush Unitarian Universalist First Unitarian Church of South Bend South Bend, IN The Rev. Dr. Keith Rowe Uniting Church in Australia Melbourne, VIC, Australia The Rev. Patricia Rubenstein Beverly, MA Pastor Michael P. Rucker Presbyterian Church (USA) Pittsburgh, PA Rabbi William D. Rudolph, Retired Bethesda, MD The Rev. Russell G. Ruffino Vicar Church of the Holy Cross Palermo, Italy The Rev. Pamela Rumancik Unitarian Church of Hinsdale Hinsdale, IL Rabbi Laura Rumpf Peninsula Temple Beth El San Mateo, CA Rabbi Arthur Rutberg B'nai Sholom Congregation Bristol, TN H.A.H. Prince-Bishop Rutherford I of Rome-Ruthenia United Roman-Ruthenian Church Flagstaff, AZ The Rev. Carol Ruthven The Episcopal Church Lexington, KY The Rev. Dr. Mark Rutledge Durham, NC The Rev. Lee Marie Sanchez Parish Minister Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laguna Beach Laguna Beach, CA The Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Joy Sanderson, Retired Minister of the Word Uniting Church in Australia Denmark, WA, Australia The Rev. C. Fred Sanford, Honorably Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Statesville, NC The Rev. Alexandra Sangster Minister of the Word Uniting Church in Australia Melbourne, QLD, Australia Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue Hove, England Rabbi Dennis C. Sasso Congregation Beth-El Zedeck Indianapolis, IN Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso Rabbi Emerita Congregation Beth-El Zedeck Director Religion, Spirituality and the Arts IUPUI Arts and Humanities Indianapolis, IN The. Rev. Craig A. Satterlee, Ph.D., Bishop North/West Lower Michigan Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Lansing, MI The Rev. Rebekah A. Savage Associate Minister Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville Rockville, MD The Rev. Dr. Peter Savastano St. Luke's Episcopal Church Montclair, NJ Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller Lead Organizer Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Berkeley, CA The Rev. Greg Schaefer Evangelical Lutheran Church in America University Lutheran Church Palo Alto, CA The Rev. Jill Schaeffer, Ph.D., Retired New York Theological Seminary Presbytery of New York City PC(USA) New York, NY The Rev. Thomas H. Schattauer, PhD Professor of Liturgics and Dean of the Chapel Wartburg Theological Seminary (ELCA) Dubuque, IA The Rev. Dr. William P. Scheel Episcopal Church Wimberley, TX Rabbi Robert Scheinberg United Synagogue of Hoboken Hoboken, NJ The Rev. Marta Schellberg, Retired United Methodist Church Bremerton, WA Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger Alon Shvut Gush Etzion, Israel The Rev. Dr. Peter Schmidt Mayville Lutheran Church Mayville, ND The Rev. Stephen R. Schmidt Lead Pastor Hope Lutheran Church, ELCA Bozeman, MT Rabbi Jeremy Schneider Reform Judaism Scottsdale, AZ The Rev. Glen Schory Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Wooster, OH Pastor B. Stuart Schoup First Congregational UCC Geneseo, IL The Rev. Samuel Voth Schrag Mennonite Church USA Peace Mennonite Church Dallas, TX Rabbi Avi Schulman Temple Beth Torah Fremont, CA Rabbi Callie Schulman Associate Rabbi Temple De Hirsch Sinai Seattle and Bellevue, WA The Rev. Phillip Schulman Unitarian Universalist Church of the Hill Country Kerrville, TX The Rev. Harris H. Schultz, D.Min., Honorably Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Antioch, TN Rabbi Marvin Schwab San Jose, CA Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz Temple Bnai Israel Willimantic, CT Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Senior Fellow Hazon Rockville, MD The Rev. Henry Schwarzmann, Retired Baltimore Washington Conference United Methodist Church Panola UMC Greenwood, SC The Rev. Paul Schweitzer, SJ Jesuit Catholic Priest Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil The Rev. Jennifer Seaich Beavercreek United Church of Christ Beavercreek, OR The Rev. Canon Carol W. Sedlacek Canon for Christian & Leadership Formation Episcopal Diocese of Oregon Lebanon, OR The Rev. Elisabeth Seeger Diocese if Olympia Episcopal Church Burien, WA Rabbi Steve Segar Congregation Kol HaLev University Heights, OH Rabbi Ahud Sela Temple Ramat Zion Northridge, CA The Rev. Dr. Gary R. Shahinian Assumption University Worcester, MA The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Shambaugh The Episcopal Church Portland, ME Rabbi Matt Shapiro Temple Beth Am Los Angeles, CA Rabbi Benjamin Sharff The Reform Temple of Rockland Upper Nyack, NY Pastor Byrl E. Shaver II Nappanee Church of the Brethren Nappanee, IN The Rev. Dr. Ruth E. Shaver United Church of Christ Attleboro, MA The Rev. Dr. Stephen R. Shaver Episcopal Church of the Incarnation Santa Rosa, CA The Rev. Ruth A. Sheets Christian Supply Preacher, UCC Brookhaven, PA Rabbi Michael Shefrin Associate Rabbi Temple Emanu-El Sarasota, FL Pastor Karl Shelly Assembly Mennonite Church Goshen, IN The Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, IN The Rev. Brett Sherwood, Senior Pastor Faith Church (Non-Denominational) Greenfield, MA Rabbi David Shneyer Am Kolel Jewish Renewal Community Rockville, MD The Rev. Gary Shoemaker First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Bellingham, WA The Rev. Dr. Joseph W. Shook Presbyterian Church USA Roessleville Presbyterian Church Albany, NY The Rev. Sally Beth Shore Unitarian Universalists of Transylvania County Brevard, NC The Rev. Dr. Joseph Shore-Goss Pastor/Teacher Federated Church of Marlborough UCC / UMC / UU Marlborough, NH The Rev. Dr. Robert Shore-Goss UCC Environmental Justice Council and Interfaith Power & Light, NH Board Member The Federated Church Marlborough, NH The Rev. W. Michael Short Pleasant Hill, OH The Rev. Dr. Anna Shouse, Ph.D. Unity of Austin Austin, TX The Rev. Dr. Gavin Shumate Associate Priest St. Stephen Episcopal Church Newport, OR and St. Luke-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church Waldport, OR The Rev. David Sickelka Senior Minister Urbandale United Church of Christ Urbandale, IA The Rev. Fred Sickert, Retired Director Legacy Health System ELCA Portland, OR The Rev. Diana J. Sickles Des Moines, IA The Rev. Julie-Ann Silberman-Bunn Unitarian Universalist Huntington, MA Nadia Reigna Silver Hedge Witch Elder Kenmore, WA The Rev. Linda Simmons Nantucket, MA The Rev. Dean W. Simpson, Pastor Immanuel Lutheran Church Pepin, WI The Rev. Rachel Simpson Unity Anchorage, AK The Rev. McKinley L. Sims Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration Philadelphia, PA Rabbi Suzanne Singer Temple Beth El Riverside, CA The Rev. Dr. Lynn D. Sinnott, Retired Episcopal Church Cedarville, OH Pastor Mark Sloss Faith Lutheran Church, ELCA Lexington, KY The Rev. Fred Small Minister for Climate Justice Arlington Street Church (Unitarian Universalist) Boston, MA The Rev. Allard Smith, Honorably Retired PC(USA) Rockledge, FL The Rev. Anthony C. Smith Ambassadors of Christ MCCW North Hollywood, CA The Rev. Dr. Brent A. Smith, Minister Emeritus All Souls Community Church of West Michigan Grand Rapids, MI The Rev. Dr. David Charles Smith United Church of Christ Minister and Local Church Pastor Allentown, PA The Rev. Howard Clark Smith, Honorably Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Lords Valley, PA The Rev. Tesshin James Smith Mokurai Silent Thunder Order (Soyu Matsuoka Lineage) Soto Zen Buddhist Shad Bay, NS, Canada The Rev. Larry Smith Bordentown, NJ The Rev. Lindsey Smith Jr., Retired Texas Annual Conference United Methodist Church Victoria, TX The Rev. Rich Smith, Retired United Church of Christ Tucson, AZ Dr. Richard Smith, Lay Preacher Uniting Church of Australia All Saints Floreat Uniting Church Floreat Uniting Church Floreat, WA, Australia Pastor Susan Smith Antelope Park Church of the Brethren Lincoln, NE The Rev. Susie B. Smith, Retired Emmanuel United Church of Christ Greenville, SC The Rev. Toni Smith United Church of Chester, UCC Chester, CT The Rev. Regis J. Smolko St. Brendan's Episcopal Church Sewickley, PA The Rev. Bowie Snodgrass Episcopal Church Short Hills, NJ The Rev. Dr. Ruth E. Snyder Church of the Nativity United Church of Christ Buffalo, NY Rabbi Matt Soffer Judea Reform Congregation Durham, NC Rabbi Mark L Solomon Neve Shalom – Leicester Progressive Jewish Congregation Leicester, England and Sukkat Shalom – Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community Edinburgh, Scotland The Rev. Naomi Sorrwar-Randall St. David's Episcopal Church Barneveld, NY The Rev. Lori J. Souder, Senior Minister Center Church, UCC South Hadley, MA The Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern Senior Minister First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco San Francisco, CA The Rev. Randy Spaulding Boulder Mennonite Church Boulder, CO The Rev. Tyler Spellious United Church of Byron United Church of Christ Byron, IL The Rev. Dr. Daniel Spencer United Church of Christ Missoula, MT The Rev. Jeffrey Spencer Senior Pastor and Teacher Niles Discovery Church Fremont, CA Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker Mount Zion Temple St. Paul, MN Rabbi Jonathan Spira-Savett Temple Beth Abraham Nashua, NH The Rev. Paul Sprecher Unitarian Universalist First Parish in Bridgewater Bridgewater, MA The Rev. Tracy Springberry West Hills UU Fellowship Portland, OR The Rev. John Spruhan Salem, VA The Rev. Sharon Stalkfleet Lutheran Ministries to Nursing Homes Alameda, CA The Rev. Dr. V. Fran Stanford Episcopal Church Cambridge, VT The Rev. Dr. Betty Stapleford Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula Santa Paula, CA Pastor Jay H. Steele Open Circle Church Burnsville, MN The Rev. Lisa Steele-Maley Interfaith Chaplain Edgecomb, ME The Rev. Ondrej (Andrew) Stehlik, Th.D. Pastor of Rutgers Presbyterian Church New York, NY Rabbi David Steinberg Temple Israel Duluth, MN Rabbi Dr. Oren Z. Steinitz Dean of Faculty ALEPH Ordination Programs Congregation Kol Ami Elmira, NY The Rev. Dr. Darryl W. Stephens Director of United Methodist Studies Lancaster Theological Seminary Lancaster, PA Dr. Jeffrey D. Sterling, Lead Pastor St. Paul's United Methodist Church Allison Park, PA Rabbi Ron Stern Stephen Wise Temple Los Angeles, CA The Rev. Dr. Marti J. Steussy Professor of Biblical Interpretation emerita Christian Theological Seminary Indianapolis, IN The Rev. Dr. Dawn L. Stewart Baltimore Washington Conference of the UMC Montgomery Village, MD The Rev. Edward R. Stewart Roman Catholic Sacred Heart University Fairfield, CT The Rev. Robin Stillwater UU Community Minister Northbrook, IL The Rev. R. Carleton Stock Presbyterian Church (USA) St. Louis, MO Rabbi Jim Stoloff Temple Avodat Shalom River Edge, NJ The Rev. Kenneth R. Storck, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Bread for the World Member Member of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Rockford, IL Pastor Cyndi Stouffer Senior Pastor United Methodist Church of West Chester West Chester, PA The Rev. Donald C. Stricker, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Palmerton, PA The Rev. Darlene Strickland, Senior Minister Unity of The Blue Ridge Mills River, NC The Rev. Krehl Stringer Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Fergus Falls, MN Rabbi Joshua Strom Congregation B'nai Yisrael Armonk, NY The Rev. Lorrel C. Strom-Jensen, MSW, MDiv Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Durham, NC The Rev. Julie Stoneberg Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough Peterborough, ON, Canada The Rev. Dr. Susan M. Strouse Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Burlingame, CA The Rev. Lora Sturm United Methodist Church / United Church of Christ Nerstrand, MN Rabbi Daniel J. Swartz Temple Hesed of Scranton Scranton, PA The Rev. Dawn Swartz United Methodist Church Columbus, OH The Rev. Laurie Sweigard Central Baptist Church, ABC-USA Wayne, PA The Rev. Joanne M. Swenson, Th.D. Senior Minister Church in the Forest Pebble Beach, CA The Rev. Brooke Swertfager Christ Lutheran Church New York, NY The Rev. Les Switzer First Congregational Church Houston, TX Rabbi Irwin A. Tanenbaum D.D. Rabbi Emeritus Congregation Shir Shalom Williamsville, NY The Rev. Mark A. Tanis Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Anacortes, WA The Rev. Stacy Tate Belle Rive, IL The Rev. David Tatgenhorst St. Luke United Methodist Church Bryn Mawr, PA The Rev. Alan C. Taylor, Senior Minister Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation Oak Park IL The Rev. Jeff Tengesdal, Senior Pastor First English Lutheran Church Appleton, WI Rabbi Elliott Tepperman Bnai Keshet Montclair, NJ The Rev. C. Frank Terhune St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Pen Argyl, PA The Rev. Jane R. Terry, Retired United Church of Christ Grafton, WI Rabbi David Teutsch Reconstructing Judaism Wyncote, PA The Rev. Bob Thaden United Christian Church (UCC/DOC) Miles City, MT The Rev. Kevin G. Thew Forrester, Ph.D., Retired Episcopal Church Portland, OR The Rev. Jane Thickstun Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills Pittsburgh, PA Rabbi Barbara Thiede Temple Or Olam Concord, NC The Rev. Susan K. Thisell, Pastor Messiah Lutheran Church Knoxville, TN The Rev. G. Patrick Thompson, Pastor Sturges Memorial Congregational Church Port Huron, MI The Rev. Joseph Downing Thompson, Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Race and Ethnicity Studies and Director of Multicultural Ministries Virginia Theological Seminary Alexandria, VA The Rev. Stephanie Anne Thompson United Church of Christ Sellersville, PA The Rev. Stephen W. Thompson, Ed.D. Conflict Resolutions LLC Christian Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) New Orleans, LA The Rev. Timothy Thomson-Hohl Ardmore United Methodist Church Ardmore, PA The Rev. Barbara Threet Unitarian Universalist Church of Rutland Rutland, VT and Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington Bennington, VT The Rev. Mary Tiebout, Minister Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sussex County Newton, NJ Rabbi Howard Tilman Congregation Beth Israel Scotch Plains, NJ The Rev. Sarah Tinker Unitarian Kensington Unitarians London, England, United Kingdom Rabbi Gary Tishkoff Zichron Ya'akov, Israel The Rev. Martin Toepke-Floyd, Senior Pastor First United Methodist Church Jamestown, ND Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg Old York Road Temple - Beth Am Abington, PA The Rev. Andre Trevathan Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral Philadelphia, PA The Rev. Manda Truchinski, Pastor Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America San Jose, CA The Rev. Jim Tschudy, Chaplain St. Luke Health Services and Adjunct Professor Oswego State University Oswego, NY Rabbi Lauren Tuchman Washington, DC The Rev. Gayle Tucker United Church of Christ Chicago, IL The Rev. Dr. Steven S. Tuell James A. Kelso Professor emeritus of Hebrew and Old Testament Pittsburgh Theological Seminary United Methodist Church Pittsburgh, PA The Rev. Brian W. Turner Episcopal Church of the Blessed Redeemer Palm Bay, FL The Rev. Carlton B. Turner Associate Priest St. Benedict's Episcopal Church Los Osos, CA The Rev. Rebecca Turner Maplewood, MO The Rev. Kelly Turney, Pastor Main Street United Methodist Church Nashua, NH The Rev. Victoria S. Ubben United Church of Christ Santa Fe, NM The Rev. Robert Ullman Wisconsin Conference United Church of Christ Creation Care Team DeForest, WI The Rev. Daniel W. Ulrich Wieand Professor of New Testament Studies Bethany Theological Seminary Richmond, IN The Rev. Morgan Valencia King, Pastor Ewing Covenant Presbyterian Church Ewing, NJ The Rev. Andrew VanBuren St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church Douglassville, PA The Rev. Sharon van der Laan Lancaster Congregational UCC Lancaster, NH The Rev. Shawn D. Van Dyke, Pastor First United Church of Christ Schuylkill Haven, PA The Rev. Dr. John R. Van Eenwyk St. Benedict's Episcopal Church Lacey, WA The Rev. Dr. Noel D. Vanek Community Church of the Pelhams United Church of Christ Pelham, NY The Rev. Brad Van Fossen United Methodist Church Monona United Methodist Church Monona, WI Pastor Mark Van House, Senior Pastor Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) Austin, MN The Rev. Barbara Vaughan Commissioned Local Pastor/Ruling Elder Oak Lawn Community Church - Presbyterian [PC(USA)] Oak Lawn, IL The Rev. Deb Vaughn Alliance of Baptists Gaithersburg, MD The Rev. Franklin E. Vilas Episcopal Priest Founder of GreenFaith Hackettstow, NJ The Rev. Alex Vishio United Church of Christ Dallas, TX Rabbi Burt Visotzky Jewish Theological Seminary New York, NY The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel Pastor, Theologian, Movement Builder Minneapolis, MN The Rev. Schuyler Vogel New York, NY The Rev. David Volk Ballarat, VIC, Australia Fr. William D. Razz Waff, DMin, BCC Major General, US Army (Retired) Executive Director Military Chaplains Association Gurnee, IL The Rev. Kara Wagner Sherer St. John's Episcopal Church Chicago, IL The Rev. Cn. Kenneth E. Wagner-Pizza Rector & Provost Trinity Pro-Cathedral Williamsport, PA The Rev. Zandra Wagoner University Chaplain Church of the Brethren La Verne, CA The Rev. Dr. Phil Waite College Mennonite Church Goshen, IN The Rev. Teresa M. Wakeen Priest Missioner The Church at Crossroads - Episcopal Detroit, MI Stephen Walden, Lay Leader Green Mountain United Methodist Church Lakewood, CO The Rev. Kathalin Walker St. David's Episcopal Church Page, AZ The Rev. Dr. Marlene Walker Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church Racine, WI The Rev. Rosanna M. Walker, Retired United Church of Christ Moorhead, MN The Rev. Paul Wallace Pastor for Adult Education First Baptist Church Decatur Decatur, GA The Rev. Mike Wallens Co-Chair, Rio Grande Borderland Ministries Vicar Saint Paul's Episcopal Church Marfa, TX and Priest-in-Charge St. James Episcopal Church Alpine, TX The Rev. Chris Walters, President United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference Chicago, IL The Rev. Karen G. Walters, Retired Episcopal Church Venice, FL The Rev. Mark Ward, Lead Minister Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville Asheville, NC The Rev. Erin Jean Warde Episcopal Church Nashville, TN The Rev. Anita R. Warner Advent Lutheran Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Morgan Hill, CA The Rev. Durrell Watkins Sunshine Cathedral Fort Lauderdale, FL The Rev. Dr. Jim Watkins, Honorably Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Pawleys Island, SC The Rev. David R. Watson, Chaplain Central Pacific Conference United Church of Christ Salem, OR The Rev. Kris Watson, Pastor West Center Congregational Church United Church of Christ Bronxville, NY The Rev. Dr.Adam Brooks Webber, Pastor Open Prairie United Church of Christ Princeton, IL Rabbi Donald A. Weber Temple Rodeph Torah Marlboro, NJ The Rev. Susie Webster-Toleno, Pastor Congregational Church of Westminster West United Church of Christ Westminster West, VT Rabbi Nancy Wechsler Congregation Beth Shalom Carmichael, CA The Rev. Janet K. Weiblen, Retired Prairie Village, KS Rabbi Ezra Weinberg YM&YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood New York, NY Rabbi Arthur Weiner Jewish Community Center of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah Paramus, NJ Rabbi Steve Weisman Temple Solel Bowie, MD Rabbi Micah Weiss Philadelphia, PA Rabbi Raysh Weiss, PhD Congregation Beth El of Bucks County Yardley, PA The Rev. J. Stuart Wells United Church of Christ Beavercreek, OH The Rev. Ronald E. Wenzinger, Pastor Whitney Point United Methodist Church Whitney Point, NY Rabbi Lauren Werber Cleveland, OH The Rev. Steve Westbrook, Senior Minister St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ St. Louis, MO The Rev. Diana Westerkam South Carolina Conference United Methodist Church Columbia, SC The Rev. Tamsen E. Whistler, Rector Trinity Episcopal Church St. Charles, MO The Rev. Dr. Deborah White Grace Episcopal Church Martinez, CA The Rev. Joann White Presbyterian Church (USA) First Presbyterian Church Saranac Lake, NY The Rev. Robert White, Deacon Episcopal Church of the United States Diocese of Long Island, New York Massapequa, NY The Rev. Priscilla Felisky Whitehead United Church of Christ Minister Bal Harbour, FL The Rev. Stephen D. Whitney-Wise, Retired Episcopal Church St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church St. Paul, MN The Rev. Christine R. Whittaker Episcopal Priest Hopkinton, MA The Rev. Dr. W. Roy Whitten Carmichael, CA Rabbi K’vod Wieder Temple Beth El of South Orange County Aliso Viejo, CA The Rev. Arthur Wilde, Retired Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Findlay, OH Jason R. Wiles, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology Syracuse University Humanist Celebrant and Chaplain The Humanist Society Syracuse, NY The Rev. Michael Will Columbia, MO The Rev. Dr. David Williams, Pastor Poolesville Presbyterian Church Annandale, VA The Rev. Patty Willis Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation Prescott, AZ The Rev. Alfred W. Wilson Honorably Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Huntingdon Presbytery State College, PA The Rev. James L. Wilson Whitfield Parish Church of Scotland Dundee, Scotland The Rev. Dr. P.T. Wilson Greensburg, IN Deacon Kim Winchell Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Freeland, MI Rabbi Joysa Winter Jewish Humanist Community of Philadelphia Broomall, PA Rabbi Stephen Wise Shaarei-Beth El Congregation Oakville, ON, Canada The Rev. Kim Woeste Chaplain/Director of Spiritual Life and Church Relations Rocky Mountain College Billings, MT The Rev. Airin Wolf Pastoral Care Unity Center for Spiritual Growth Windham, ME The Rev. Jon Wolf Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Holy Cross Lutheran Church Overland Park, KS Rabbi Joseph Wolf, Rabbi Emeritus Havurah Shalom Portland, OR Rabbi Sylvin Wolf, Retired Jacksonville, FL Rabbi Greg Wolfe Congregation Bet Havrerim (Reform) Davis, CA Rabbi David Wolpe Sinai Temple Los Angeles, CA The Rev. Edwin Womack, Retired United Methodist Church San Luis Obispo, CA The Rev. Kimberly Lamb Woodbury Episcopal Church Bellows Falls, VT The Rev. Shari Woodbury Westside Unitarian Universalist Church Fort Worth, TX The Rev. Candace Woods United Church of Christ Colorado Springs, CO The Rev. Dee Ann Woods The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) First United Methodist Church Waupaca, WI Pastor John Worcester, Retired Presbyterian Church (USA) Olympia, WA The Rev. Dana Worsnop, Minister Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura Ventura, CA The Rev. Candace A. Worth New Hope Presbyterian Church (USA) Chattanooga, TN The Rev. Martin Woulfe Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation Springfield, IL Pastor Carl Wright Lay Pastor Uptergrove Charge Presbyterian Church of Canada Oro-Medonte-Rama, ON, CA The Rev. Dr. Nancy G Wright, Pastor Ascension Lutheran Church South Burlington, VT The Rev. Dr. William A. Wright Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Pelham, MA The Rev. Dr. David C. Wu, Retired United Methodist Church Cary, NC The Rev. Dr. Brian C. Wyatt, Pastor First Presbyterian Church Elizabethton, TN The Rev. Nancy H. Wynen, Retired Grace Episcopal Church Lopez Island, WA The Rev. Dr. James C. Wyrtzen, Retired Allendale, NJ The Rev. Andrew Yackel Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Urland Lutheran Church Cannon Falls, MN Rabbi Evon J. Yakar Temple Bat Yam South Lake Tahoe, CA and North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation Tahoe Vista, CA The Rev. James C. Yao Moorefield Presbyterian Church Moorefield, WV The Rev. Lois Yatzeck United Church of Christ Epiphany UCC St. Louis, MO The Rev. John F Yeaman, LMSW United Methodist Church Rio Texas Conference Austin, TX Pastor Anna Yoder Schlabach Assembly Mennonite Church Goshen, IN The Rev. Chee Keong Yong Anglican Chartwell Co-Operating Parish Hamilton, New Zealand The Rev. David A. Young W. Lebanon, NH Rabbi David N. Young Congregation B'nai Tzedek Fountain Valley, CA The Rev. Judy Young, Retired United Methodist Church Gettysburg, PA The Rev. Laura Young United Methodist Church Columbus, OH Rabbi Ben Zeidman Temple Mount Sinai El Paso, TX The Rev. Dr. Susan Gilbert Zencka Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church Stevens Point, WI Rabbi Lina Zerbarini Kehillath Shalom Synagogue Cold Spring Harbor, NY The Rev. Jacqueline Ziegler, Retired Unitarian Universalist Laramie, WY The Rev. Dr. Paul Ziese Evangelical Lutheran Church in America San Antonio, TX The Rev. Anastasia Zinke Indianapolis, IN Rabbi Henry A. Zoob, Rabbi Emeritus Temple Beth David Westwood, MA |
Please note that institutions are named for identification purposes only
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